Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3069: Stealing

Chapter 3069 guarding and stealing

Chapter 3067

Until now, Ding Hao still knew nothing about the huge and complex runes over Pan's warehouse.

However, with Ding Hao's understanding of certain details, the rune above the residence of the giant beast has been slowly deciphered by Ding Hao.

"This rune is not a battle rune, but a very complicated historical rune, which records the history of the slow formation of the subworld!"

Ding Hao’s heart gradually became transparent. Even if he saw the huge and complex rune above Pan’s warehouse, he would have a little bit in his heart, "If you give me time, I will be able to study this huge rune one day. ! But now, I don’t have time to do this, I must return quickly!"

Ding Hao had been out of the Skyfire Tribe for several years. During this time, he did not have any contact with his second brother Ye Kong.

He must return, otherwise the second brother Ye Kong was too worried about him and might do something unexpected, and that would be troublesome.

"Now, I have learned a lot of content, I need to go back to digest! And I just saw an opportunity..."

The opportunity Ding Hao saw was that one day, he would transfer the Skyfire Crystal.

After all, he came from Pan's palace, and he gained more trust. He was responsible for the transfer of Skyfire Crystal this time, and the number of Skyfire Crystals in transit reached 3000!

"This is definitely a huge number. Pan's warehouse has less than 3,000 yuan in half a year. If I take the 3,000 yuan away, it will definitely be crazy!"

At the moment, the ice and snow behemoth disguised by Ding Hao took the other behemoths, shipped the Skyfire Crystal, and was ready to set off.

Not long after the departure, Ding Hao's so-called behemoth of ice and snow walked in the forefront. He did not rush to do anything, but quietly changed the route.

The transport behemoths behind are all cute and understand, they just follow him forward.

After a short while, Ding Hao brought these transport behemoths to an unnamed valley, and then he let out a huge roar, indicating that the behemoths present would put down all the Skyfire Crystals they transported!

Watching these transport behemoths, they faintly felt wrong. Some of the Skyfire Crystals were put down for transport, but some made a loud noise in their mouths, asking Ding Hao what was the situation?

"What's the situation? This is the killing of you!" Ding Hao suddenly lifted the enchanting cloak he had worn for several years, revealing his true colors.

He suddenly took off the rune spear behind his back, pulled out a huge spear shadow, and killed one beast after another!

These giant beasts were only used for transportation, and their combat power was very weak. Under Ding Hao's attack, they basically had no ability to resist. In a flash, Ding Hao killed them all.

"This thing can be done more secretly, the best!" Ding Hao finished this, put away all the bodies of the giant beast, and counted 3,000 Skyfire Crystals.

"Haha! It's all mine!"

Ding Hao worked in this crystal mine for several years, but he didn't get a single Skyfire Crystal. Today, he got 3,000 yuan at once, which is a big deal!

"Second brother uses the crystal to fuse the brow chakra, there is it!"

At the moment, Ding Hao put all the crystals in his pocket, threw it out of his flying palace, and hurried away to the rear.

This place is located on the edge of the sub-world, very remote. Ding Hao flew for a long time before seeing the Origin Forest; then he determined the location and returned to the Skyfire Tribe. He did not go back to Pan’s palace. He returned to the Skyfire Tribe and would pass through Bai Yuan and Bai Yuan contact!

After flying for a few days, the forest of origin in front of him became familiar.

When Ding Hao saw the small wooden house in front of him, he was instantly ecstatic, but when he wanted to fly over, what did he suddenly sense?

"The strongest person Chaoheng sent an order of assistance. He asked the strongest person near this origin forest to help him find a rebellious fairy called Kong!"

"What? Chao Heng is here, and Ye Kong is still wanted!" Ding Hao was furious.

He didn't go to the cabin in front of him. Chao Heng was probably waiting in the cabin at this moment. Ding Hao immediately changed direction and looked around carefully.

At this moment, Ye Kong is wanted by the strongest, and it is impossible to come forward, but fortunately there are many places to hide in the Origin Forest. As long as he hides, the strongest can't help it! What Ding Hao was looking for was the trace of the little ape. He believed that Ye Kong must be with the little ape!

Ding Hao did not go to the Skyfire Tribe. I believe the Skyfire Tribe people are also very careful at this time!

"Only when you find the little white ape, can you find the second brother Ye Kong!"

Although Chaoheng sent a message, he didn't know that Ding Hao was nearby, so Ding Hao only needed to be careful not to be discovered by Chaoheng.

A few more days later, Ding Hao finally moved his eyes, "Little White Ape is naturally reacting to sky fire, I might as well release a sky fire to attract Little White Ape!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yan took out a skyfire crystal and immediately used his own power to spur it. He just waited for a while, and a skyfire slowly formed near the crystal...

"One more flower!"

Release the power in the sky fire crystal to form sky fire, and one sky fire crystal can form about ten sky fires.

Ding Hao made ten sky fires, and this induction was already very strong. After waiting for a while, he saw a little white ape rushing from the branch at an unparalleled speed.

The little white ape saw so many skyfires, and immediately rushed on frantically.

But when he came in front of him, he found that these sky fires were all taken away by the NPC's sleeve.

The little white ape paled with fright, but when he looked up, he found that it was Ding Hao; the guy suddenly chirped and rushed forward.

"Haha! Skyfire is all for you, take me to see my second brother Ye Kong!"

In a hidden cave not far from the Origin Forest, Ye Kong was hiding in the cave and annoyed in the depths of the cave. He was not worried about being caught, but his third brother had been away for a long time; he originally wanted to go and listen to the news. , But recently the super-constant arrival made Ye Kong unable to get away!

At this moment, the little ape came in from outside the cave, holding a sky fire in each hand.

"Where did you get it?"

When Ye Kong was puzzled, a figure outside moved, and a young man walked in. Ye Kong looked up, his face suddenly surprised, "Third brother, are you back?!"

Ding Hao smiled, and sat down and said, "In a few years, I not only went to Pan's palace, but also went to his crystal mine!"

"No wonder it's been so long!" Ye Kong nodded, "I also think it will be very difficult for you this time. After all, the strength of the rebellious veteran is very strong. I am really worried about you!"

Ding Hao smiled slightly, "Don't worry, what do you think this is?"

While speaking, he raised his hand and waved, a dark red crystal with powerful power appeared in front of Ye Kong.

"This is the Sky Fire Crystal!" Ye Kong's eyes were ecstatic.

(End of this chapter)

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