Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3075: Fusion Skyfire Crystal

Chapter 3075 Fusion Skyfire Crystal

Chapter 3073 Fusion Skyfire Crystal

Boom boom boom.

The sound of huge battles reverberated in the forest of origin. Ding Hao became more powerful after understanding the contents of some heaven and earth runes.

"There are 108 founding runes in the sub-world, and each one is very complicated. The super huge rune formed above Pan’s warehouse should be one of these 108! It’s just too complicated, I don’t have any. Enough time to study, I am now less than one-tenth of the content of this rune, it is enough to make my strength stronger!"

Although Ding Hao's Xikong spear still contained more than one hundred veteran runes; but now it is displayed in Ding Hao's hands, and the power is quite different.

"Because I have a deeper understanding of runes, and I can achieve the ultimate power of runes. At the same time, my runes are in line with the way of the world, and can also mobilize the power of the world! "


Ding Hao jumped up, and the rune spear in his hand drew a huge arc from top to bottom, suddenly stabbing!


The Minotaur Giant Beast was not reconciled to its failure last time. It thought it was just a false alarm last time, so this time it had to fight Ding Hao desperately.


Under Ding Hao's shot, the rune beast was pulled out with a long blood line on its back.

"Haha! Sure enough, the damage I caused to it is much greater than before!" Ding Hao realized that his strength had really improved. He was full of confidence and tried harder to attack.

The Minotaur has had the experience of the last time, knowing that this little damage will not pose any threat to itself, so it resisted the tingling on its back and roared again. This time, instead of retreating, it had pain in its body instead. Inspired its animality!


The Minotaur Behemoth did not care about pain, life and death, and used a method of desperate fighting!

In this way, Ding Hao, who had just had the upper hand, was suppressed again, and could only retreat quickly.

"No, this behemoth has been beaten crazy! I must use the tactic of avoidance!" Ding Hao immediately changed his tactics, using a dexterous method, while using his rune armor to avoid the opponent's attack, while continuing to use his spear Create wounds on the behemoth.

After a while, the bull's head monster's body was already scarred and bloody.

However, after evading hundreds of attacks, Ding Hao was finally hit by a behemoth with a bull's head. The sharp long horns hit Ding Hao's chest. Ding Hao was directly hit into the air and flew out with blood in his mouth. spray!


The bull beast roared with excitement, but when it looked down, it was quite shocked.

At its feet, there was almost blood flowing into a river, all blood flowing from its body wounds!

"Roar!" The Minotaur, who had just won a little victory, felt fear again, and its violent temperament just got vented. After discovering that it was injured, it ran away again.

In this way, Ding Hao was once again given a chance to survive.

Ding Hao was hit by this, and was also knocked out of his life, lying on the ground for a long time, unable to move for a long time.

After resting for a while, he watched from side to side, looking for a huge tree hole and digging into it, taking the following rune fruits to nourish his body, then he raised his hand and took out a rune.

This rune was obtained by Ye Kong from the leader of the Skyfire Tribe and passed to him. The Skyfire Tribe uses the Skyfire Crystal correctly!

The way Skyfire Crystal is used is very special and requires special refining techniques, otherwise it will be like a behemoth with a bull's head, if the Skyfire Crystal is directly integrated into the body, the final result will be a monster!

Ding Hao didn't want to be a monster by himself, so he didn't integrate Skyfire Crystal; but now that he has the correct refining method, he can use Skyfire Crystal!

"Now my perception of runes cannot be improved for the time being. The best way to defeat that big beast is to integrate Skyfire Crystal!"

Right now, Ding Hao began to learn this rune.

The runes left by the ancestors of the Skyfire tribe are somewhat complicated, but Ding Hao is a person who has studied the runes of heaven and earth, and he can understand runes of this level at a glance.

"That's it, the original refining method is so simple!"

Ding Hao only needed to study for a few minutes before he had mastered the refining method. He raised his big sleeve and waved on the ground, and suddenly one after another Skyfire Crystal fell in front of him. He picked up one and spit out a mouthful. White mist!

This white mist is exactly what he created based on the content left by the ancestors of the Skyfire tribe and the simple exercises he practiced.

When this skyfire crystal is in the white mist, it will slowly melt and become a red liquid.

"Sure enough!" Ding Hao was ecstatic.

The dark red liquid couldn't melt into himself immediately, Ding Hao raised his hand again and began to paint the rune, this rune is quite secret!

The ancestors of the Tianhuo tribe regarded this rune as the greatest secret of the Tianhuo tribe. It was passed down from generation to generation, and only the leader of the tribe could master it. It has been passed down to this day and finally fell into the hands of Ding Hao!

"I'm afraid that even Pan doesn't understand this rune, otherwise this guy wouldn't make himself look like a monster!"

When the rune was finished writing, Ding Hao waved his sleeves, and the rune immediately floated, floating in front of Ding Hao, lying flat in the space.

At this moment, his mind slowly moved the melted skyfire crystal to the sky above the rune, and the fiery red liquid slowly fell on the light blue rune. It can be clearly seen that there are strands of white floc, from Permeated under the rune.

"This is the real power I want to integrate!"

"This is the essence of Skyfire Crystal!"

"These strands of flocculent mist, if you look at it with your eyes thousands of times, you can see that the densely packed runes are all runes! It is the most fundamental good thing in this world, a tonic! Its preciousness is greater than that of runes and fruits. Hundreds of times."

Soon after, all the essence contained in this skyfire crystal was filtered, and the large amount of red liquid had now become much dim. Although it still contained some effects, the effect was already too bad.

And the large flocculent mist appearing under the rune is the real most precious essence.

A strange light flashed in Ding Hao's eyes, and then he opened his mouth and inhaled these flocculent mists into his mouth. Suddenly, his eyes flashed dazzlingly again, "This kind of power has never been seen before. !"

This is a powerful force that truly comes from the natural formation of the sub-world, heaven and earth. When Ding Hao breathed in his mouth, it instantly spread and instilled Ding Hao's whole body, Ding Hao's whole body instantly lit up.

"This is the flesh talisman culture, I have a feeling of being integrated with the heaven and the earth! Great, come again!"

(End of this chapter)

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