Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3081: Billion task

Chapter 3081 Billion Mission

Chapter 3079 One Billion Mission

Ding Hao walked out of the palace of Yuan Qi, the strongest leader, and knew in his heart that he and Yuan Qi were about to turn their faces.

He is responsible for investigating and dealing with the Black Skull Tribe this time, with the goal of overturning what Luye Tribe and Tianyu Tribe have done over the years!

Especially the Tianyu tribe is Ding Hao's direct target this time. Ding Hao is absolutely impossible to let go of the Tianyu tribe. His initial goal is to overthrow the Tianyu tribe and rescue Dongcheng Ling from the veteran tower!

After he got the order, of course, one person could not complete the huge annihilation mission.

"Old friend, how are you doing recently?" Ding Hao pressed his eyebrows and sent a message to his old friend Mao Ren, the captain of the Mao Ren team.

"Ding Hao, I thought you had forgotten our old friends!" Mao Ren sent the news the first time.

When the news of Mao Ren came, Ding Hao’s former friends were also teammates, and they sent him messages, “Ding Hao, after knowing that you have become the strongest, our entire team is very honored! We will treat you wherever we go. Speak out, although we have other new players now, you will never forget your days in the team!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "I always remember you, but there are too many things after becoming the strongest! I have long wanted to meet with you, but there is really no time, one thing after another!"

"It's okay, we understand." The Maoman captain asked again, "I think you sent me a message today. It can't be all right?"

Ding Hao said, "Of course something is going on! I received a very large task assigned by the host system. Of course, I cannot complete it alone. The total reward points for this task are as high as one billion! So I want to take you to complete this task, everyone Make a little more!"

The task assigned by the host system to Ding Hao included the content of destroying the entire Black Skull Tribe.

There are many people in the Black Skull Tribe, and some of them who are obviously evildoers will all be put to death; and the other men and women and descendants of this tribe will be sent to various mines to do permanent drudgery!

These killing and capturing tasks are very complicated, and it is impossible for Ding Hao to do it alone!

So he thought of his friend, the Maoren team.

Hearing this news, Mao Ren was overjoyed, of course, "Just this time, we have nothing to do! My God, a huge task of up to one billion, I can't even think about it!"

Ding Hao smiled, "When I take this task, I can delegate the authority to you. Then the host system will naturally allocate enough task points to you! So you can do it with confidence, and the five of you are not enough to eliminate it. An ethnic group!"

According to detailed calculations in the host system, the total number of the Black Skeleton Tribe is as high as tens of thousands, and a few people simply cannot do it.

Captain Mao said, "I will contact a few monster taverns nearby to find as many helpers as possible! It is horrible to deal with tens of thousands of enemies, this is really a big event!"

Ding Hao said again, "Be careful to keep it confidential before setting off."

Not many people know about the mission plan to destroy the Black Skeleton Tribe. Although the leader of the Black Skull Tribe has been captured alive on the spot by the strong men of the Senate, the interior of the Black Skull Tribe has not been disturbed. These people are waiting for this big family Come speak! They did not expect that the host system was really determined this time!

Captain Mao has a good reputation among the immortal hunters. Ding Hao found him the right way. In just two days, Captain Mao has found as many as a thousand strong players!

These people didn't know what task to perform, and when they were gathered together, everyone was dumbfounded.

If a team of five people is also a flying palace, then there are more than two hundred flying palaces in front of you, arranged neatly above the monster tavern under the Sifang Academy, looking mighty and mighty.

"My God, there are more than a thousand people here!"

Many team captains were shocked by the magnitude of this mission. They came to Mao Ren and asked, “What kind of mission is this? Why do you organize so many people? How many points does this mission have? Is it enough for us so many people?

Everyone is puzzled. I really don't understand what kind of task is to organize so many people?

But just when everyone was wondering, a golden streamer flew in the distant sky. A young man with a huge black spear behind his back stood on the golden streamer with cold eyes and looked very imposing!

"This is Ding Hao, the strongest! Is this mission led by the strongest?" Many of the people present knew Ding Hao, and seeing Ding Hao appear, their trust increased a lot.

The Mao Ren smiled and said, "You are right. This is the task he helped us take. I tell you that the total reward points for this task are as high as 1 billion!"

"What!" The captains of the various teams present were all dumbfounded. Although they had been in the Origin Forest for a long time and had completed tasks to earn points for a living, they had all taken on many proud tasks.

But they had never heard of the task with a total of 1 billion points.

"How is it possible! The host system is really crazy, the task of 1 billion points, what kind of task is this?"

"Wait for Ding Hao to tell you by yourself."

Captain Mao immediately flew up and came to the front of all flying palaces, waiting for Ding Hao's arrival.

Ding Hao stepped on his strongest flying palace, arrived in a blink of an eye, stopped next to Captain Mao, and smiled, "You are very efficient, thank you this time!"

The hairy man laughed and said, "You thank me? I should say that I thank you! The task of up to 1 billion points, we are about to make a fortune. You are giving us a chance to make a fortune. Everyone here thanks you. !"

Ding Hao laughed, his flying palace came to the front of all the black flying palaces, and he said loudly, "Dear people of the sub-world, our mission is a secret mission, so until now, I have not come here to tell You announce! I don’t need to explain to you. Now that each of you presses your eyebrows, you will receive my permission to grant you this task through the host system. Then you will understand what this task is?!"

The immortal hunters present didn't know any task before they came, and now they pressed their eyebrows with their hands, and suddenly discovered that the host system had sent a task message to each of them.

"Immediately wipe out all the members of the Black Skull Tribe in the subworld, and all the guilty people in the clan will be put to death; the old, weak, women and children in the clan, the guilty will also be put to death! The innocent will be sent to the major hard labor sites! Whether there is any crime, all capital crimes!"

"What? This is to start with the Black Skull Tribe!" The immortal hunters present were surprised at first, and then everyone was overjoyed. "Great! No less harmed by them, even if you don't give points, we will do this task. Done!"

(End of this chapter)

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