Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3090: Forest City

Chapter 3090 Forest City

Chapter 3088 Forest City

Ding Hao obtained all super-constant investigation data after Heilong was completely convinced.

What shocked Ding Hao was that Chaoheng's investigation about Fuxi got a secret mission from the host system!

In other words, Chaoheng investigates Fuxi, a person outside the domain, and the host system has learned that the host system has granted Chaoheng the power of secret investigation!

"Bastard!" Ding Hao's expression changed suddenly.

If Chaoheng is only investigating secretly, then the impact will not be great; but now Fuxi has been listed as a suspicious person by the host system, then even if Fuxi integrates the brow chakra like Ye Kong in the future, it will be subject to strict scrutiny by the host system!

Ding Hao is not sure at all, whether Fuxi can pass the review of the host system by then!

"Super Heng, this bastard, disrupted my plan and made the situation more complicated!"

Ding Hao's original idea was to find Fuxi as soon as possible, and then let him also integrate the brow chakra, and then enter the host system safe zone. The three brothers act together to improve their strength and make themselves stronger!

But it doesn't work anymore, even if Fuxi integrates the brow chakra, he doesn't even want to return to the host system safe zone!

"It seems that there is only a temporary change of the plan!" Ding Hao thought to himself, "I still have to find Fuxi as soon as possible, and then provide him with information and funds, so that he can continue to hide and practice in the Origin Forest! In the Origin Forest, the powerful fairy clan is rebellious , There are many! These immortals are rebellious, and the host system can’t do anything about them! As long as my elder brother Fuxi has enough strength to stand firm in the forest of origin, the host system can’t do anything!”

He continued to watch the materials left by Chao Heng, and soon found out what he was interested in.

"It turns out that Big Brother has been hiding there!"

Chaoheng's investigation of Fuxi has been quite deep, and it is almost one step away from finding Fuxi!

"Fortunately, I temporarily found an urgent task for Chao Heng, otherwise if I give him a period of time, he will probably have found my eldest brother Fuxi!"

Ding Hao took a breath of air secretly. If he hadn't asked Chao Heng to secretly investigate the leader of the Tianyu Tribe Jaluo, now Chao Heng might have found Fuxi!

"Fortunately, let me find out in time, I will go to wash in the virgin forest now and find my big brother Fuxi!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao immediately separated from Black Dragon, letting Black Dragon take care of himself, and then he stepped on the golden flying palace and went straight to Sifang Academy.

After arriving at Sifang Academy, Ye Kong, who had received the news, was waiting at the top class dock of Sifang Academy.

"What's the matter for calling me out in such a hurry?" Ye Kong asked suspiciously.

Ding Hao laughed, "When you wait, you will know, go to my flying palace!"

The two stood on Ding Hao's golden flying palace, slashing through the waves, and ran out of the host system's safe area.

Chaoheng investigated that the area where Fuxi was located was a very complex area, where there were several rebellious senators among the rebellious immortals, and this small area happened to be the center of the church in the sphere of influence of several rebellious veterans.

The rebellious immortals of different genres gather here to live. The immortal survivors in the security zone of the host system can also freely enter and exit here. After everyone meets, they will not fight as they meet, but must abide by certain rules here!

This is the forest city in the origin forest.

The City of Forest is quite open and tolerant. The rebellious and survivors of the Xian clan live in peace here. Everyone buys and sells items and cultivates independently, without affecting each other! And the person in power here is a strong man in the rebellious fairy clan trusted by several rebellious veterans!

Even if Ding Hao stepped on the golden flying palace and came here as the strongest person, it did not attract too many people's attention.

Ding Hao flew for a long time before he got nearby, walked down from the flying palace, and Ye Kong walked into the forest city.

The Forest City is slightly different from other cities that Ding Hao has seen. In this city, there are tall and low trees everywhere, all of which are common in the forest of origin; however, a large number of them are pulled out. Some of the tree holes are divided into upper and lower floors, and various cultivators live inside.

"This is a city living in trees." Ye Kong came here, watched everywhere, and asked, "Third brother, what did you bring me here for?"

"Give you a surprise." Ding Hao laughed, and turned Ye Kong around among the crowd. What did he find soon?

Chaoheng, as the strongest person, left a few secret whistles in the forest city, and it was these secret whistles to find and pursue Fuxi.

After Heilong handed over all the information to Ding Hao, Ding Hao knew exactly how to contact these secret whistles, and he quickly found these secret whistles.

"I have seen the strongest adult!" After seeing Ding Hao, these secret whistles immediately stepped forward to salute without any doubt.

Ding Hao said, "Super Heng, the strongest guy is investigating an urgent task recently, let me come over to deal with this matter! Now I want to ask you, where is the person I asked you to find?"

A secret post hurriedly stepped up and saluted, "Ding Hao, the strongest, we have been looking for these days! Now there are a lot of eyebrows, but we can only narrow the scope to a small area! But in that area There are so many people living here, and everyone is wearing a black burqa. We have not really found this person yet!"

"It turned out to be so." Ding Hao smiled slightly and asked, "Are you sure that the person you are looking for is in this small area?"

"We are absolutely sure, we can guarantee our lives!"

Listening to the words of a few secret whistleblowers, Ding Hao nodded and said, "Then you take us over, and after you take it over, even if you have completed this task! You don't need to continue searching in the future, as long as I end here!"


At the moment, the informed secret whistle generals Ding Hao and Ye Kong stayed in a complex area in the forest city.

The situation here is really very complicated. Hundreds of large and small caves have been taken out from a few huge trees. The number of people living on one side is even more complicated; and each of these people is wearing a black burqa. Not only has his face disappeared, but he can't even see his figure clearly. It is really very difficult to find someone among these people!

But Ding Hao didn't care about these, he dismissed all the secret whistles.

Then he came to the very center of this continuous tree hole, then raised his head and shouted, "Brother Fuxi, if you hear my voice, come out!"

Until this moment, Ye Kong didn't know what Ding Hao brought himself to do.

He also got excited suddenly, stood on the other side of this area, and shouted, "Brother Fuxi, I am Ye Kong, my third brother and I are coming to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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