Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3103: Shifting

Chapter 3103 How to Change Steps


The speed of the elders was like wind and electricity, and the figure was so fast that they could not be seen by the naked eyes of the elders.

Ding Hao wants to defeat his opponent, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. He doesn't even want to touch the corner of the elder's clothes, so how can he win?

"Quick! It's really fast!"

Ding Hao's eyes closed, his pupils contracted like needles, and he solemnly said, "The Elder Escape is indeed extraordinary. Not only is the speed fast, but I can feel that in her crazy speed, there is an extraordinary avoidance. Ability! There are two main schools of defensive methods in the sub-world, one is strong defense, and the other is evasion! Elder Eunuch has already reached the pinnacle of the second defense ability!"

"Ding Hao, don't think about passing this level!" Many veterans who were watching shook their heads and said, "Don't expect the day when Elder Dun will be tired. She is not using her body's power to To escape, but to use the most basic rune in the world! So in this sense, she will never be tired! You can't wait!"

Generally, in previous battles, if you encounter an opponent like Elder Dun, as long as he gets tired and his physical strength drops, he can beat the opponent.

But Elder Dun is different. The most basic laws and runes she uses in this world are almost in a state of perpetual motion. Ding Hao can't wait for the day when her physical strength drops!

"Haha! Interesting!" Many of the elders all laughed, feeling that Ding Hao could not move forward at this point.

However, Ding Hao just smiled faintly and took a step forward in the face of the fast-paced and powerful escape veteran.

When he took a step forward, all the elders felt that they were under an urgent pressure.

"What's going on? What does it feel like?" The veterans' expressions all changed in shock.

Among the crowd, the veteran who can be regarded as the top level frowned, "He is changing his steps!"

"How is it possible! My God, I can't reach it at all! But the fundamental rune law of a space must be changed!" Everyone was shocked.

The so-called shifting method can be achieved by some of the highest powers of the legendary Gaishi immortal clan. As their footsteps move, the fundamental runes and laws in a space will change!

This method can be called the sky, most people don't even think about it.

A strong veteran said, "I can do it, but I can only do it within ten steps, change the method!"

"Within ten steps, you are already quite remarkable, and the scope of the cause is already terrible!"

"It's just that Elder Dun's speed is amazing. If Ding Hao has ten steps, don't want to affect the direction of Elder Dun's movement!"

"Look at Ding Hao's shifting method now, how many steps can he take?!"

Under everyone’s gaze, Ding Hao step by step, each step left a deep footprint in front of the Senate. With this footprint as the center, the fundamental laws of the surrounding large areas have changed, from fast to slow. Slow becomes fast, big becomes small, small becomes big, avoiding becomes unable to avoid, unable to avoid, but becomes avoiding!

During this complicated change, the old man's face changed in shock, and he did not expect Ding Hao to have this ability.

But fortunately, the space of this mountain is huge. As long as she expands the area where she escapes, she can not be affected by Ding Hao.

However, Ding Hao was like a mountain, stepping forward, and he took 30 steps!

When he walked out of these 30 steps, the entire mountain was under his control. Just now, the speed was so fast that the veteran instantly revealed his figure. Everyone could see clearly, even though she did her best!

But the fundamental rules and runes have been changed, the more she exerts, the slower the speed!

She also discovered this, but it was impossible for her to continue to expand the scope.

Because she had already come to the edge of this mountain, she walked one more point, and she had already left the mountain where the Senate was located; in that case, she would have automatically failed if she left the assessment scope!

Thirty steps later, Ding Hao stood quietly, looking at the embarrassed elder, and asked every word, "Should I continue walking?"

"Huh!" Elder Yun took a long sigh, finally stopped, took out the assessment rune and smashed it, and said, "The old man has taken it, it is really taken! 30 steps. Changing steps will force the elders to surrender without taking action! With this strength, how many people in the entire Senate can do it?"

"Not bad!" Many veterans present were already impressed.

Especially the veteran who can only be within ten paces, looked at Ding Hao with a look of worship, and said, "After Ding Hao becomes a real veteran, I will ask him for advice and study! My God, Change the method by 30 steps! I am very proud to be able to do ten steps. He is more than three times as difficult as mine, and the difficulty is increased by countless times, which is amazing!"

However, in the admiration of everyone, an elegant old man with white hair and white beard came out.

"Ding Hao, you are indeed strong. I congratulate you for passing the previous two levels! But now, you have to pass my level before you can become a true veteran and enter the Senate as a true veteran!"

The veteran who came out was the inkstone veteran who got the third rune.

Ding Hao didn't know how powerful he was, and said, "Senior, if that's the case, let's do it."

The veteran Yandao smiled slightly, "If I am not as good as the previous two examiners in terms of combat power, then I will definitely lose! But what I want to evaluate is not the combat aspect, but the evaluation of your rune level! According to the rules of the Senate, examiners can ask various examination questions, and the right to choose is mine!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao nodded.

The veterans standing there laughed bitterly again, "Ding Hao’s combat level is absolutely qualified to become a veteran, but he met the inkstone veteran! The rune level of the inkstone veteran is quite high, this test It’s too difficult! Ding Hao not only needs to have an excellent combat level, but also has an extraordinary understanding of runes! Even if we meet the Yandao veteran now, talking about runes, we are far from ashamed!"

While everyone was talking about it, Ding Hao still clasped his fist and said, "Inkstone veteran, I am willing to accept the assessment! To be honest, I also have a lot of research on runes. This assessment made me very happy, and I also I hope to learn from you!"

"You are really arrogant!" Although the senior Yandao had a smile on his face and didn't mean to blame, his words obviously taunted Ding Hao's arrogance.

How many years has the inkstone veteran studied runes?

You, Ding Hao, a small latecomer, dare to say "quite research" and want to "experience", you really don't know how great! You are still too young!

Today’s two updates are sent out ahead of schedule. Happy everyone!

I went to see "New Agent Student" for a book shortage, I also wrote it, and I won't let everyone down!

(End of this chapter)

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