Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3148: Go to Juling County

Chapter 3148 and then to Beast Ling County

Chapter 3146-Reaching Beast Ling County

"Back to Zhongting Domain!"

Ding Hao's trip to the Asian world, the experience before and after, more than 400 years.

The time of the sub-world and the time of Zhongting Region are completely synchronized, which means that the time of Zhongting Region is more than 400 years.

"When we came out from Suling County, we didn't want to leave for a long time. Who knows that this is more than 400 years in a blink of an eye, and how about the deceased in Zhongtingyu?" Thinking of this, Ding Hao couldn't help but feel moved.

The past more than 400 years ago, scene after scene, reappeared before his eyes.

After walking up from Xia Tingyu, Ding Hao came to Suling County, where he met the old king's family in Suling County. Later, he borrowed the power of Suling County to fight against Master Zhang Zun in Zhong Ting Yu; After Ding Hao was defeated, this shameless fellow took refuge in the sealed behemoth, Gu Ting, and became an ancient demon with the help of Gu Ting!

Master Palm, later the ancient demon, came back with his men.

At the critical juncture, Fuxi left the barrier and joined forces with Ding Hao to kill the ancient demon in half!

The remaining half of the ancient demon's body ran away in a hurry, and then fled to Gu Ting's lair, and decided to do something big!

And Ding Hao became the new generation of palm masters in Zhongtingyu, and then Ye Kong arrived, and the three of them went from Sulling County to the sub-world for more than 400 years!

"In a blink of an eye!" Fuxi was also very emotional, said, "Fortunately, the life span of the practitioners in the Middle Tingyu Region is also very long, and the old people should still be there! Let's return to the Shouling County now!"

The three of them returned to the Central Ting Region, and their strength was many times stronger than before. They immediately used the sub-world runes to fly in the sky at high speed.

During the flight, an old voice came from Ding Hao's mind, "Young Patriarch, are you back again?! I am also awake!"

"Starfish!" Ding Hao's face was suddenly surprised.

Ding Hao also has an identity, he is the young patriarch of the colorless family of Tingyu, and the star fish that exists in his mind is a colorless senior wise man! Xingyu gave him a lot of help when Ding Hao was in the middle of Tingyu!

"Why didn't you show up once when I was in the subworld?" Ding Hao couldn't help but asked curiously.

"My will is suppressed by the chakra, I can't send you a message at all!"

"That's it."

Ding Hao suddenly realized that after he merged the brow chakra, the power of the brow chakra suppressed the spiritual power of the star fish, making it impossible to lie at all! Therefore, he has not been in contact with Ding Hao, knowing that Ding Hao took off the brow chakra and walked out of the sub-world, Xingyu spoke.

Xingyu said again, "Master, your strength has been greatly improved after passing through the sub-world! You finally have the ability to restore our colorless rule..."

Speaking of this, Ding Hao shook his head and said, "You have said this sentence many times before I went to Asia World! But what I want to say is that after my trip in Asia World, I am even more sure. Restore the colorless rule!"

"What?" Xingyu's disappointed voice came out.

Ding Hao continued, "The entire Tingyu domain was meant to flourish and develop at the same time, rather than a race to rule the world! Although I am a descendant of the colorless system, I will not help the colorless system rule the world! And I I believe that the descendants of the colorless family now have no such plans!"

He once rescued a group of colorless descendants in an independent space. These people even helped Ding Hao to study a lot of ancient galaxy runes; Ding Hao got along with these people and found that these people no longer exist. The original ambition to rule the world!

The colorless system was originally opposed by the various color systems in the world, because it swallowed other colors, so the major color systems, this completely overturned the colorless system, even annihilated!

Ding Hao said again, "If I'm helping the colorless system follow the old path, then I will leave sooner or later! After I leave, have you ever thought about it? The colorless system will be counterattacked by other colors. There will still be a catastrophe!"

"Impossible!" Xingyu said loudly, "After you leave Tingyu, you can pass the position of the colorless patriarch to me! I promise to completely suppress all major color systems. Give them some survival quotas and kill all the lives exceeding the quota. Who would dare to resist?"

"No, no, no!" Ding Hao didn't want to talk to this old thing anymore, and suddenly he stopped communicating with Xingyu.

Fuxi said, "The third brother, when we were in Juling County, the major colors were friendly! The people in Juling County treated us very well, and the major cities in the entire Zhongting Region also supported us! Sooner or later, we They are all leaving, there is no need to cause a massacre here!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "You are right! And I really don't want the colorless to rule the world and then be annihilated!"

Ye Kong said, "I am not familiar with the situation here. But after so many years, I feel that it is the best choice to reduce the death of some innocent people!"

"I think so."

As the three of them talked, they rolled up their bodies with runes and moved fast in the sky.

In the Middle Ting Domain, it is impossible to fly at all, and the flying altitude is also very low. Ding Hao had an evil dragon before, which could ride on it to fly.

But now Ding Hao doesn't need those at all. He can walk on the runes, across the sky, fast.

When the three of them flew for a whole day, they walked out of the Ting Beast Forest and only saw a magnificent city under the rolling mountains in the distance! The entire city is piled up with precious huge stones, the stones are blue and black, the upper part is scarred, blood stained...

"what's the situation?"

When Ding Hao saw the blood stains on the huge city wall from a distance, his expression changed, "These blood stains look very new, and it certainly cannot be the blood stains left by me and the army in charge! Could someone attack the city again... …"

Seeing such a scene from a distance, Ding Hao and the others quickly accelerated and rushed towards Suling County.

"There is someone flying in the sky, ready to attack!"

When Ding Hao and the others were quickly approaching from the sky, a panicked shout came from Juling County. Various attack weapons lined up. All the male and female monks of Juling County came out of their homes, ready to rush to the tall The city wall resists foreign enemies.

However, when the city walls were full of defenders, everyone realized that it was not the enemy's army floating in the sky, but three young cultivators, the leader of which was very energetic. Many people saw this and felt this People are familiar.

"Who are you waiting for? Why are you harassing my city at this moment? You leave quickly, otherwise I'm not polite to you!"

Several young generals were standing on the high city wall, shouting loudly, trying to prevent Ding Hao and the others from approaching, and behind these young generals, there were a surprising number of practitioners standing.

"So nervous...what happened?" Ding Hao frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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