Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3183: What world is here

Chapter 3183 What is the world here

Chapter 3181 What World Is Here

On this day, the entire Shangting Region was full of joy.

An astonishing number of Upper Tingyu practitioners came to the foot of Feilaifeng Mountain to watch the grand occasion. Ding Hao and the four of them will use the rune machine in Feilaifeng to fly to an unknown world.

Everyone only knows that world, which is the world where the Geshixian clan lives now, but they don't know anything else!

"If one day, I am strong enough, I will follow the pace of the four of them to go to that mysterious world!"

Many young people stood far away, looking at Feilaifeng with admiring eyes, with their fists clenched and their hearts full of dreams.

However, there are also many old men standing far away. Although they don't say anything, their eyes are already wet. Ding Hao and others have realized the dreams of many people when they were young!

"Fuxi, Ye Kong, Ding Hao, Dongcheng Ling, on behalf of all the cultivators in the entire upper, middle and lower layers of Tingyu, I wish you all the best, and you can reach the top in the new world!" The old patriarch looked solemn, carrying All the managers of Shangting Domain, come to see off.

Outside Feilaifeng’s cave, Ding Hao and the others stood tall, lined up, and the long wind rolled their sleeves and Dongcheng Ling’s white skirt, fluttering, as if to fly away at any time. The vibe is extraordinary.

"Fathers, we are leaving now!"

"We have left behind the practice books of basic runes, as well as the techniques for transforming mysterious powers, and this rune machine!"

"I hope you will work hard, and you will become stronger one day, and go to the world of the immortal clan to find us! If we have developed over there, remember to take refuge in that time!"

"Everyone, don't pass it, there will be no future!"

After speaking, the four turned their heads and walked into the Feilaifeng cave in front of them.

Entering the cave, a strange and powerful force immediately shrouded their bodies. These forces are the transformation methods that Fuxi and Ye Kong have studied over 1,000 years, transformed and converged.

This strange and powerful force is enough to spur the huge rune machine in front of him.

Ye Kong felt the power for a while, then nodded, "The power is enough for two teleports!"

Ding Hao smiled, "Thanks to you all!"

"This is the hard work of the four of us!" Fuxi asked with a smile, "divided into two batches, who of us set out first?"

Ye Kong said, "This is what Fuxi and I have researched. We should set out to try it out first. If you encounter danger, you should also be careful."

"We believe that you have been debugged to a foolproof degree!" Dongcheng Ling smiled heartily, "Then I and Ding Hao, let's go first!!"

Although Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling absolutely believed in Fuxi and Ye Kong, the person who teleported at a time would be in danger. Fuxi and Ye Kong insisted on teleporting first, but Ding Hao and others couldn't hold back the two of them, so they let these two set off first.

When strong power was injected into the rune machine, all the runes on the machine suddenly became bright, so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it.

When the power reached the critical moment, in the entire space, all the power crazily squeezed toward the center!

Just like when the palm master left, this kind of power even pinched the entire Feilai Peak completely, like a piece of crushed waste paper.

However, Fuxi and Ye Kong have been designed so that this kind of thing will not happen. The force squeezing will only transfer Fuxi and Ye Kong directly away, and will not damage the space here.


After the power dispersed, Fuxi and Ye Kong had disappeared.

Ding Hao watched the feedback on the rune machine, his face was happy, "completely successful!"

Dongcheng Ling walked over with a smile on his face, took Ding Hao's arm and said, "Then let's set off too!"

"it is good."

The two walked into the rune machine and activated the rune machine again. The mysterious power transformed from Feilai Peak urged the machine again. The rune on the machine was lit up at once, when this power reached its limit. , There was also a boom!

The figures of Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling disappeared instantly.

After these two transmissions, the transformed powerful power has now been exhausted, and the old patriarch took his men into the Feilaifeng cave, respectfully bid farewell, and bless Ding Hao and the four of them!

Afterwards, Feilai Peak was completely sealed, and the old patriarch, as the current palm master, issued an order. After understanding the complete 108 basic runes, anyone is allowed to use this machine to send to the world where the Geshixian clan is located!

From then on, in the upper, middle and lower three layers of Tingyu, the myths and legends of Ding Hao and the others have been circulating.


When the power squeezed inward crazily, Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling felt at that moment that their bodies were completely broken into pieces by this powerful force, and all became the state of molecules and atoms, and their bodies became billions of parts. !

But strangely, they felt that their mental power was still there, which was a very strange feeling.

The physical body was completely transformed into tiny particles, and only the mental power was still there, but I felt that the mental power was moving rapidly in a strange land.

Time seems to be thousands of years, and it seems to be in a blink of an eye.

When Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling came back to their senses, their bodies were restored from fragments to normal bodies in an instant, and the two returned to their original state. Even Dongcheng Ling's bright wrist was still on Ding Hao's arm!

"Here!" When the two arrived, they looked down at themselves for the first time, everything was normal.

Then they raised their heads and looked at the situation before them. They found that they were in a small village.

This village is very simple, it is the most primitive tents and wooden houses. The ground is loess. However, the strength and air in this world are obviously far more powerful than those in Shangting Region. Coming here, breathing is a little uncomfortable.

"This is the world where the Gaishixian clan lives?" Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling walked out of the cabin.

When they came out, I was stunned again.

I saw dozens of very strangely dressed people kneeling on the ground outside the cabin. All of them were wearing strange iron armor made of metal. Under the leadership of a white-haired old man, they offered sacrifices to the cabin. worship.

When seeing Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling coming out of the cabin, they were all dumbfounded.

"This is..." Ding Hao and these people looked at each other, and they were stunned for a while.

The white-haired old man kneeling on the ground was taken aback for a moment, then quickly stood up and asked Ding Hao in the local language.

The local language is a bit peculiar, but Ding Hao and the others can feel that this is a language variant derived from the Gaishixian tribe. After simple adaptation, Ding Hao and Dongchengling have been able to communicate with these people.

"This predecessor, we are the ones who have just ascended. We don't know much about the situation here. What kind of world is this place?"

(End of this chapter)

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