Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3191: Fu Yu

Chapter 3191 Fu Yu

Chapter 3189 Fu Yu

"court death!"

The thieves all waved the rune weapons in their hands, swarming them, and rushing towards Ding Hao like a pack of wolves.

On the caravan's side, all the villagers present turned their heads and ran away, leaving Ding Hao alone to deal with a dozen thieves with rune weapons in their hands.

These thieves are all rune warriors, but they are well equipped, whether they use weapons or wear armor, they are far beyond the villagers' side!

Therefore, in the past battles, the villagers will undoubtedly lose, even the past Tian Sheng could not defeat these thieves at all!

But today, Ding Hao looks even weaker, and these thieves didn't put Ding Hao in their eyes at all, ready to use their rune weapons to dismantle this indifferent boy!

But when they rushed to Ding Hao's side, their expressions suddenly changed.

It turns out that they discovered that Ding Hao did not take out a weapon, but was portraying runes!

The rune that Ding Hao portrayed this time is not the rune of the sub-world, but the rune of the outer sky.

The battle rune of the sky!

After Ding Hao came to the world of Tianwaitian, he had not used the runes here to fight. Therefore, after he portrayed the first battle rune of Tianwaitian, he failed to portray the rune with a trace of firework. The shattered.

"Hahaha!" The thief's face changed first, and then he laughed wildly, "I thought you were a real rune mage, it turned out to be just a pretend! The heavenly rune you carved out is completely unusable. Immediately shattered after release! What is your thing, claiming to be the strongest in the small fishing village? Brothers give me up and hack this kid to death!"

The thieves who had stopped just now swooped up again, the rune weapon in their hand carrying a large amount of rune light and shadow, slashing towards Ding Hao.

"What's the matter?" Ding Hao's expression also changed at the moment.

He felt that the battle rune he had just described was absolutely correct. Why did his battle rune shatter before the battle started?

"I have never portrayed failure, there should be something I don't understand!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao decided not to use Tianwaitian's battle rune, but waved his sleeves, releasing the sub-world rune.

When seeing Ding Hao release the runes again, the thieves' faces appeared contemptuous. They all thought that Ding Hao was just a wax-like head with a silver gun, and the runes he wrote were all fake, and they didn't take it seriously!

But they didn't know that the runes of the sub-world still had powerful power!

After Ding Hao released a large number of sub-world runes, these thieves were immediately trapped by the invisible power, unable to break free. They saw Ding Hao, they also had rune weapons in their hands, but they could not kill Ding Hao.

"What's going on? There is something weird here!" The thieves changed their expressions and panicked.

Ding Hao's face became cold, "You thieves, all damn, die for me!"

Just listen to a loud bang, the runes trapping these thieves, all exploded in the next second.

What surprised Ding Hao was that the rune meat armor or rune silver armor on these thieves really had amazing defensive power, none of them died, but they were seriously injured!

"Good, good! It seems that the runes of this world really exceed the runes of the subworld!" Ding Hao nodded secretly.

He can use the runes of the subworld to kill the enemy because the enemy in front of him is too weak; if in the future he encounters the strong from the outer world, the runes used by these people will be more advanced, and Ding Hao wants to use the world’s Rune defeats the opponent, it is impossible!

With a movement of his figure, he picked up the rune weapon that had fallen from the hand of a thief who had broken his arm!

Before, Ding Hao also had a rune weapon in his hand, which was the fish-cutting knife seized from Tian Sheng, but that knife was good for killing fish and beasts, and it was a little weaker for killing people, so Ding Hao didn't use it.

The rune weapons in front of these thieves are all excellent.

When Ding Hao picked up the rune weapon in the shape of a mountain knife and slashed it down, the rune contained in the knife immediately slashed the thief in front of him into two halves, even his defensive battle armor. Also defeated at the same time!

"That's it!"

The moment Ding Hao picked up the knife, his heart became transparent.

Before, he used Tianwaitian's battle runes to directly fight his opponents. This is a very stupid and wrong idea; in the Tianwaitian world, all battle runes need to be carried out with the help of weapons. Without weapons, battle runes Wen is in the void, and it will die in an instant!

"I understand!"

After Ding Hao suddenly realized, he immediately took the rune weapon in his hand, and at the same time he used the battle rune he had realized to kill him.

When the mountain knife in his hand cut into the form of a battle rune, in the midair in front of him, a bright blue strange rune suddenly appeared. This strange rune was released by Ding Hao with a rune weapon. Battle rune!

When he uses it again, this battle rune will not self-dead like before, but will float in the air, emitting a dazzling light. From this rune, the shadow of the sword and light sword shrouds downwards, and all thieves are shrouded in this rune to form In the light of the sword, all faces are dead!

"My God, how is it possible!" The thieves were dumbfounded and blurted out, "He turned out to be a rune mage? How could it be!"

In the eyes of the thieves, the rune mage is also a superior existence, a rune mage shot at them, they have no chance and guts to fight back!

The leading thieves knelt down and begged for mercy, "Rune Master, please forgive us!"

"It's too late to beg for mercy!" Ding Hao raised his hand a little forward, and spit out a word, "Death!"

Hearing a bang, the battle rune in front of him exploded, and the shadow of the sword and light sword covering the thieves reached the extreme. The defensive armors on these thieves were all defeated and died instantly.

"Is this victory?" The villagers hiding on the hill behind saw Ding Hao's victory so they used only one rune to kill all the thieves. They were shocked at first, and then all ecstatic, shouting loudly, "The Rune Mage! We have a Rune Mage in our village. What thief are we afraid of?"

After Ding Hao killed these thieves, he immediately collected the rune weapons he had obtained.

However, he soon discovered that rune weapons could not fit in the storage space, and it was not convenient to carry more.

So he just picked up two or three of the best rune weapons, hung them around his waist, and let the villagers divide the others on the spot. The villagers didn’t expect this kind of good deeds. They were robbed by thieves in the past. Today, I killed the thieves and won the treasure, everyone was excited.

Ding Hao searched on these thieves again, and quickly found a lot of thin jade pieces with dense runes inside, "Is this the currency of this world?"

(End of this chapter)

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