Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3193: Subtotal slightly

Chapter 3193, a brief summary

Chapter 3191

Ding Hao was in a small town, shopping, and he was immediately relieved.

It has been more than a month since he came to the world of Tianwaitian. Ding Hao is full of expectations for the future when he can walk into Wanghai Town and see the style of this world.

"Sell the map!"

When Ding Hao walked out of the clothing store, someone happened to sell maps outside the store.

"How is this map sold?"

"One for each Fuyu."

Ding Hao frowned and said, "This map is so expensive!"

"It is the latest version of the Tianwaitian map. It not only has the terrain and routes of the Waitianya, but also the major cities and features of the inner Tianya! I am born in a small town, I am afraid that I will never be able to enter the inner sky! A piece of Fuyu is definitely worth seeing some of Neitianya's style and character!"

After selling small repairs, Ding Hao, who was not short of money, took out a piece of Fuyu and bought one.

The jade in this world is not the aquamarine green seen in the past, but is made of Fuyu. There are many fine runes on the surface. After you get it in your hand, you can see it with a huge terrain. Figure.

"It turns out that this is the entire outer world!"

Although Ding Hao knew that this world was huge, but when he really saw the whole picture of this world, it was still quite shocked.

This world is a huge concentric circle, in the concentric circle, there are different horizons layer by layer.

Ding Hao and the others are now on the outermost circle of the concentric circle, which is the so-called Waitianya. This is the place with the largest area and the most low-level cultivators!

Slowly move closer to the center and make a circle inward, which is the inner world.

From the outer world to the inner world, you need to conduct necessary assessments. Only if you pass the assessment and have sufficient qualifications, can you enter the inner world and become a superior immortal power; in the inner world, people's cultivation level and morality The quality is higher than that of Waitianya. Although the competition for life there is still fierce, it is not as direct as Waitianya!

In the inner world, there are even more core concentric circles.

But on this map, it is no longer possible to show it, and people in Outer World cannot imagine what lies in the third layer of concentric circles?

All they could see were the styles and features of some towns in the inner sky, as well as the legends left by some strong immortals.

Ding Hao looked at some scenery in the inner end of the world, and some legends left by the strong, and suddenly his eyes were full of approval.

"In this Outer End of the World, everyone has a low moral quality. Killing and overtaking is a commonplace. It is the consensus of all people to **** the belongings of the weak! In this world, living like a pig and dog; but in Inner End, things will be different. It’s a good place to change, and the level of cultivation there is higher, and there are more opportunities for improvement!"

Seeing this, Ding Hao was also looking forward to it, hoping that he could also go higher!

"The concentric circles are shrinking and shrinking. I don't know which floor I reach before I can see the eldest brother and the second brother."

While looking at the map, Ding Hao searched for the location of the small fishing village in Waitianya, "It is so remote, at the outermost edge of the map, it seems that I still have a long way to go!"

He watched the map and walked forward, and soon returned to the bazaar. Here, the goods brought by the caravan in their small village were almost sold.

Now the only remaining huge fish and beast skeleton, there is also an agreement reached between a merchant and villagers in the small village, and the final price is 33 yuan, which is not a small number for the villagers in the small village.

After the sale is taken back, basically every household can get one or two pieces of Fuyu!

For the villagers in the small fishing village, a piece of Fuyu is enough for the whole family to live for half a year.

But when everyone reached an agreement, there was a riot not far away. Someone whispered, "The Rune Mage is here."

Ding Hao looked up and saw a young man in brocade clothes coming from outside the market. This man was arrogant, surrounded by a large number of rune warriors, his eyes were quite high, as if the person in front of him, no one was in his eyes!

"Little Master Jinyong, why are you here in person?"

"Little Master Jinyong, come and see me!"

"Little Master Jinyong..."

Ding Hao saw this talent and understood why the people in the village were so excited to discover that he was a rune mage. It turns out that the rune mage is really superior in this world!

When this young rune mage named Jinyong walked into the bazaar, everyone present laughed and pleased him, and he wanted to kneel down for this person!

The small town sergeant who shouted five and six to the merchants, when they saw the Rune Mage, they all nodded and bowed, and no one dared to speak loudly to them.

"Yeah." The young rune mage named Jin Yong responded faintly, walking directly to Ding Hao and the others, and said, "My teacher heard that someone here sells complete serrated fish bones. Let me buy it! You make a price!"

"Master Rune Mage." The villager in the fishing village immediately said with a smile, "We have reached an agreement with this businessman, 33 pieces of jade."

Jinyong suddenly looked a little unhappy, and said, "Where are you a businessman? Dare to **** treasures from my teacher?"

The businessman who wanted to buy suddenly paled with fright and waved his hand and said, "Don't buy it! I won't buy it!"

After talking about this person, he turned his head and left, not daring to stay in the small town.

Jinyong watched triumphantly and asked, "Is anyone else wanting to buy this bone?"

Suddenly, the whole bazaar shook their heads and hands, everyone said not to buy, and no one dared to say they wanted to buy.

Jinyong was even more proud, with a slight smile on his face, raising his hand to take out 20 Fuyu and said, "No one buys it anyway, you can sell it to me for a cheaper price! Otherwise, you put this thing here No one will buy it all year long!"

"This..." The fishermen in the village wanted to cry without tears, seeing the 33 pieces of rune jade in their hands, they shrank into 20 pieces of rune jade.

This means that many of the villagers in the fishing village have only four months of living expenses left for half a year, which means that the young people in the fishing village will risk their lives to go out and fish once more this year!

Ding Hao was a little annoyed when he saw such strong buying and selling for the first time, and he sneered forward, "Master Rune Mage, don't you say that no one buys it, no one buys it? I'll pay 35 yuan, and I must buy it!"

It was the first time he came to the bazaar. Not many people knew him, and not many people knew that he and the small fishing village were together.

Therefore, when he walked out to buy, there was a lot of noise among the people present. They didn't know where Ding Hao came from, and they were bold enough.

But this also made Jinyong a little anxious. His teacher really wanted this complete fishbone. If he couldn't buy it, he would be scolded when he returned. He gritted his teeth and said, "Asshole, do you think I have no money? I'll give out 40 Fuyu!"

Recently, I participated in the community star event. Xiaoman will often come to the book review area to check it out. Please feel free to leave a message. This year is the tenth year of my codewords. Thinking about this journey, if it weren't for everyone's support and encouragement, I wouldn't be here. In ten years, it was really a flick of a finger. Many people read my books, right? Ha ha.

(End of this chapter)

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