Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3198: Maehara Village

Chapter 3198 Maehara Village

Chapter 3196 Qianyuan Village

"I learned it completely too!"

Just the day before Ding Hao went to participate in the competition on behalf of the small fishing village, Dongcheng Ling had already mastered all the preliminary levels of Tianwaitian runes.

In this way, Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling have all gained strength, and their stay in the small fishing village has little meaning!

"We stay in the small fishing village, the purpose is to stand on the heels, and then learn the runes of the sky!"

"Now, all the runes we can buy have been learned!"

"We need to go to a higher level to develop!"

Dongcheng Ling still quite agrees with Ding Hao's decision, but she asked in confusion, "Husband, since you have decided to leave, when will we leave?"

"I have already agreed with the old Zhi in the village." Ding Hao said, "After I helped the small fishing village to win the fishing area and fishing rights this time, we left the small fishing village."

"Then where are we going after we leave?" Dongcheng Ling asked again.

"I haven't considered this yet!" In fact, Ding Hao has been thinking about where to go after leaving the small fishing village?

The best is of course to live in Wanghai Town, but as the saying goes, there is an old rune mage in Wanghai Town, and Ding Hao lives there. There must be conflicts with him! So Ding Hao chose three more towns after watching the map.

It's just that he still doesn't know if there are rune mages in these three towns. He needs to spend a little time to find out.

"When I take down the fishing area and fishing rights this time, I will spend some time visiting those three small towns."

When Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling were talking, there was a sudden clamor from outside, making a noise.

The two of them didn't know what had happened, and when they walked out of the residence, the noise outside suddenly stopped and fell silent.

I saw that the villagers in the entire small fishing village had already come to their door. When they came out, everyone knelt down, holding a lot of belongings in both hands, and their attitude was very respectful.

"What does this mean?" Ding Hao asked suspiciously.

Old Zhi smiled, "The villagers heard that Master Ding Hao wanted to help the village fight for fishing areas and fishing rights, so they all came spontaneously, wanting to give some of their own meager strength to help Master Ding Hao to perform well! "

Hearing this, Ding Hao smiled and said, "Villagers, there is no need to do this! I understand your wishes! In fact, this time, I have made a decision to help you get the largest fishing area and let everyone in the new You can have a good harvest this year!"

"Wow!" When Ding Hao said this, the villagers present all boiled.

You know, when Tian Sheng was here, the villagers invested in him to build rune meat armor, but they hoped that he could get the top ten fishing areas in the village. Later, after knowing that Ding Hao was a rune mage, everyone’s expectations rose to that. Top five!

As for the No. 1 fishing area, the small fishing village has never had it in history, and even dare not even think about it!

Now Ding Hao openly wanted to say that he had obtained the No. 1 fishing area, which made all the villagers excited.

Amidst everyone arguing, Ding Hao said again, "I will go to participate in this competition soon. According to the rules, young people in the village can also go with them, so let's go!"

Ding Hao is about to leave, and also wants to help the village find a better successor.

Hiring from outside is not a good idea. Many of those hired are not reliable. It is better to cultivate one from the young people in the village!

Therefore Ding Hao wanted to take the young people to participate in the competition, and by the way, observe whether there are any suitable candidates among the young people in his village!

At the moment, the villagers in the small fishing village were beaming with gongs and drums to send Ding Hao and his party out of the village.

The competition held by 15 fishing villages is located in the largest fishing village among the fishing villages. It is a village called Qianyuan. This village is closest to Wanghai Town and looks quite large. There are hundreds of households living in the village, which is more than a small fishing village. Mostly.

However, according to Zhi Lao, Qianyuan Village was originally a small fishing village in the bottom of the rankings. Later, it won the No. 1 fishing area several times, and immediately developed with funds. Now it has become the largest village under Wanghai Town.

"Then our small fishing village, as long as it develops well in the future, it will definitely grow and become a big village like Qianyuan Village, or even surpass it!"

Ding Hao walked into Qianyuan Village with the young people from the village, and saw a hordes of people walking in front of him.

The villagers on the other side looked like they were in ragged clothes, but the expressions on their faces were a bit domineering.

The leader, a middle-aged man with tattooed rune armor, like a butcher, walked out and grinned, "Where is Tian Sheng? Where? I tell you that this time we will definitely give the No. 12 fishing area Grab it!"

Ding Hao frowned, "Who is this?"

Old Zhi sneered, "This is the last time I lost to Houshan Village under Tian Sheng, the winner of the No. 13 fishing zone last year."

"The winner of the No. 13 fishing zone?" Ding Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head. "They have all reached this point. They are all the bottom-ranked brothers and sisters. What else can you fight for?"

Zhi Lao said, "Our people who have built the world immortal have such a personality, we all like to compete! Some goals that are too far away cannot be competed, so some people like to compete with people similar to nearby!"

"Really ridiculous." Ding Hao said, "Tell them, we have given them the No. 12 fishing area! Our goal is not that low, let's go."

With that said, Ding Hao took Zhi Lao and others and ignored Houshan Village and walked directly into Qianyuan Village.

The young people in the small fishing village ridiculed, “From Houshan Village, Tian Sheng is dead! The strongest man in our village now, Master Ding Hao, said that our goal this time is the No. 1 fishing area. As for the No. 12 fishing area, I'll give you the district!"

"Haha! They still want to get the No. 1 fishing area. They just blow the skin and blow the sky!" A man like a butcher didn't believe it. He laughed and said, "I don't believe it even calling himself a mage. How could there be a rune mage in the fishing village! I will see how you shame you today!"

After finishing speaking, the butcher-like man waved his hand and walked into Qianyuan Village with his children.

In fact, not all villages are as closed as Houshan Village. When Ding Hao walked into the front square of Qianyuan Village, he immediately welcomed many sturdy characters.

"Master Ding Hao, Master Dongcheng, I've heard of it for a long time!

The strongest from Qianyuan Village and the strongest from several other big villages have all greeted them. Although Ding Hao has never seen these people, these people have clearly inquired about Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling, and even know Ding Hao and the others. Has the title of Master.

"Hello everyone!" Ding Hao greeted the smiley man with his hand out and politely.

(End of this chapter)

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