Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3208: Shy

Chapter 3208


After returning to Wanghai Town, Ding Hao followed the mayor after a short break.

With their strength, they are now not qualified to fly in the sky, so both of them are riding a fast horse unique to the sky.

This is a very peculiar horse. The body is covered with sharp barbs and the teeth are like beasts. It looks very ferocious. It is the most ferocious horse Ding Hao has seen in countless worlds.

The world of Tianwaitian is different from the world Ding Hao has seen before. This world is more primitive, and all lives are more ferocious.

The fish here are all carnivores, which are huge and terrifying; the horses here are also quite fierce!

But when it is tamed, it is also very loyal. Some horses only follow one owner in their life. It is impossible for anyone else to ride it. It would rather die than twist! I won’t let others ride if I die!

Of course, the horse Ding Hao sat on would not be so loyal, nor too precious.

But fortunately, the speed was not bad, and the two of them moved forward along the avenue towards the inner end of the road, one after the other.

After running forward for a long time, Ding Hao had already seen another huge light curtain on the vast plain ahead. This was a pale golden light curtain; this light curtain divided the inner and outer horizons. Without permission, cultivators on both sides cannot walk around at will!

People from Outer End of the World are not eligible to enter Inner End, while those from Inner End of the World can get approval once a year and come out once.

However, the various properties and productions in Inner End are quite rich, and the level of cultivation is quite high. Therefore, few people who enter Inner End will go out without problems!

But there are some merchants in Inner End of the World, they will carry out traffic back and forth, after buying some guards at the level; these people can take out the classic treasures of Inner End, exchange for some unique treasures of outer end, and sell them back and forth. Trade and earn profit!

Therefore, the best place for everyone to trade is where the inside and outside of the world are combined.

Ding Hao followed the mayor here. They moved forward along the huge curtain of light, and after a short walk, they finally saw a small door under the light curtain that opened up to the sky. Before the door, Stand with two golden armor guards.

Some merchants who came out of Inner End of the World, after privately giving benefits to these golden armor guards, they can go out of Inner End of the World and sell goods to people outside the End of the World.

And the people who came here to buy goods were all some powerhouses from Outer World, Rune Mage!

When Ding Hao walked over, many rune mages in front of him were bargaining with the Inner End of the World merchants one after another, trading a lot of Fuyu back and forth.

Ding Hao also had a lot of talisman jade in his hands, all of which were seized from the relics of the old mage, and the total number reached 100,000 talisman jade.

This is not a small number. The old Master has worked so hard in Wanghai Town for so many years, and accumulated such a large amount of wealth, which is all left to Ding Hao.

Compared with the rune mages in front of him, the Fuyu in Ding Hao's hands was considered a relatively rich person.

"This weapon is made by the great city experts in Inner End, and only accepts 30,000 talisman from you!" These merchants are selling goods here. Obviously, they have already inquired about. Inner End’s selection is about to begin. Practitioners can’t wait to buy treasures.

A rune mage from Wai Tianya cursed, "You are too dark! I remember half a year ago, you only sold 10,000 rune jade for exactly the same weapon! Now it has tripled in a blink of an eye. We want to make money in Wai Tianya It’s already very difficult to point Fuyu, and it's all exploited by you profiteers!"

The businessman ignored him and snorted coldly, "If you like to buy or not, it is the price now. Who wants 30,000 talisman?"

Although they knew that they were being scammed, these cultivators from Wai Tianya felt the pain to buy when they thought of the selection they were about to participate in.

"If you want to get a ranking in the selection, you can finally get the qualifications to enter the inner end of the world, a handy weapon, that is an absolute must! 30,000 talisman jade, the flower is worth it!" Many outer end of the rune mage, Thinking of this in my heart, they all donated generously.

However, Ding Hao looked at these people, but shook his head slightly. These people bought some popular weapons at a high price. After participating in the selection, they want to pass the test with this weapon. It is simply a dream!

Ding Hao's idea is to spend his 100,000 Fuyu, buy some materials, and then build it himself!

He believes that the treasures he built, after spending the same money, are definitely much better than the treasures bought by these people!

But his thoughts quickly became not so beautiful.

"The raw steel produced in Neitianya only costs you 10,000 Talismans!"

Ding Hao frowned. The raw steel in front of him was exactly what he wanted to buy, and it was also the raw material he used to build his own weapons; but now he discovered that the price of this item has now tripled!

In fact, there are many Waitianya cultivators who think like Ding Hao, but when these people came to buy raw materials, they found that they were also at a loss!

The mayor of Wanghai Town scolded in an angry voice, "It's too dark. Just a month ago, I saw someone sell 3000 Talisman Jade! And your amount is so small!"

The salesman smiled bitterly, "Dear friends from Wai Tianya, prices are not determined by us! In fact, when the news of the trial comes out, prices in Nei Tianya are also skyrocketing! We always have to make a few? Now prices That’s it, it’s too low to sell!"

"This..." Ding Hao frowned, even though he had 100,000 Talismans in his hand.

But according to the current situation, even if all the property in the hand is spent, it is not enough for all the items that I want to buy, and I cannot create a weapon that I have already conceived!

"What should I do? Buy or not?" The mayor of Wanghai Town gritted his teeth and said, "The price is so expensive and the supply exceeds supply! You see these people are buying like crazy!"

Ding Hao frowned as he watched others buying. He didn't want to buy, but according to this situation, if you don't buy it today, it will only be more expensive tomorrow!

While he was hesitating, there was a loud noise not far away, and someone shouted, "Untangled, really untangled!"

"What are you doing over there?" Ding Hao raised his head and saw many people not far away.

The mayor of Wanghai Town smiled bitterly, "These are some cultivators from Inner End, who have come out to make no-profit business! They use some specious runes to let Outer End’s practice solve the mystery! If the puzzle fails, they must pay. A sum of Fuyu!"

Ding Hao's eyes moved, "What if the puzzle is solved successfully?"

"According to the difficulty of the puzzle, there will be rewards for different treasures!" After the mayor of Wanghai Town said, he persuaded, "You must not go, these puzzles are deceptive! And if you really earn them Fu Yu, these people will turn their faces and make mistakes!"

(End of this chapter)

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