Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3224: Hurt self and others

Chapter 3224 Harming others and harming yourself

Chapter 3222

Xiang Yonghou, with the help of a powerful king-class, issued an order to ask the Heavenly Elector to target Ding Hao, so that even the Heavenly Elector could not resist.

What's more, the mysterious powerhouse, the electorate cannot reveal his secrets at all, so the electorate can only hold back the anger in his heart and say, "You have to regret this!"

"He killed my three illegitimate children! Did I make a mistake against him? What's more, this was originally a matter of the rules, and I didn't go too far!" Xiang Yonghou was angry and confident.

"Well, well, don't blame me for not reminding you then!" After the election, he turned around and ordered, "Mark the one who is at the forefront with a red dot!"

Soon, a huge red dot appeared in the sky, corresponding to Ding Hao's location.

When this red dot appeared, the impact on Ding Hao was enormous.

Not only did the cultivators in this selection area begin to move closer to Ding Hao's direction; moreover, the singers in this corpse city all followed the red dot action and swarmed!

At this moment, Ding Hao saw the huge arrow in the sky and threw out his circular flying treasure. Just as he was about to leave, he saw the huge red dot in the sky.

"Damn it! You treat me like this in every level, do you want to target it like this?" Ding Hao's heart was already angry.

If only one level and two levels treat him like this, he will be fine; now every level is aimed at him like this, and I can't wait for other cultivators to kill him, this kind of targeting is too obvious!

"Since you are so targeting me, don't blame me Ding Hao!"

Ding Hao is quite kind at this level.

When encountering those cultivators who have just fallen into the singing, he will throw a stone to wake them up, and then quietly escape by himself. He is simply a living, doing good things without leaving a name;

But now, the actions of some powerful people in Nei Tianya angered him, and he decided to fight back!

"set off!"

Standing on the circular flying treasure, Ding Hao took off his stealth armor, just to attract the attention of the corpses from all directions.

The speed of his flight was not fast, and the red dots in the sky moved slowly, so that the practitioners who wanted to kill him and the singers in the corpse city were all converging toward his location!

"This time, it's also a test for me! I don't believe it. I've traveled through countless worlds. This kind of inferior mental power attack can make me addicted to it?" Ding Hao also tried it this time. Sit cross-legged and let it float in the air.

And under this flying treasure, there are a large group of black singers. These singing corpses emit a continuous song, covering the huge area around them; Ding Hao gritted his teeth and closed all the channels of his will. Release the blocking runes to resist this kind of spiritual invasion!

At the same time, practitioners from all directions who wanted to hunt down Ding Hao also arrived nearby.

When these practitioners saw Ding Hao floating in the air from a distance, their faces were full of joy, and their eyes were greedy, they wanted to kill Ding Hao and win the flying treasure!

But just when they lost their minds, the singing of the corpses had quietly sneaked into their will, and these people suddenly stood there.

With the guidance of the red dots in the sky, more and more cultivators came here, and more and more people were addicted to singing...

At this moment, in the luxurious palace in Neitianya, the elect, Xiang Yonghou and others are also staring at the light curtain in front of them.

Looking at the scene on the light curtain, everyone present could see Ding Hao's thoughts. Obviously, they wanted to use an astonishing number of singers to kill all the practitioners who had gathered from all directions!

"This son is sinister and vicious!" Xiang Yonghou cursed.

The electorate shook his head and smiled, "I don't think there is anything wrong with this! These people are all here trying to kill him. If he doesn't fight back, wouldn't he be a fool?"

"But this kid is too insidious. He is so despicable and shameless to kill with a knife!" Xiang Yonghou cursed, waiting for a while, but his expression became happy again, "Great! This kid has stayed among the singers for too long. Obviously he himself was immersed in it! Haha! This is really a fire-playing person who sets himself on fire, looking for death, he is looking for death himself!"

Xiang Yonghou suddenly laughed.

The face of the electorate also changed secretly. He knew very well that the soul attack ability of these singers, if they listened to the singing for a long time; even the ordinary nobles on the horizon would have a great chance to indulge in it, let alone Ding Hao is just one A cultivator outside the world!

"This kid harms others and himself. If he wants to frame others, he first becomes a corpse who can sing!" Xiang Yonghou cursed, "Deserve it!"

After speaking, Xiang Yonghou stood up, ready to leave.

The face of the election candidate also became ugly. He originally wanted to recommend Ding Hao to his teacher as a disciple; who knew that now Ding Hao died in the assessment without even passing the first selection!

"Huh!" The electorate can only take a long breath. According to the rules, he cannot intervene in the selection, nor can he save anyone.

"He's dead for such a long time!" Xiang Yonghou snorted and prepared to stand up and leave.

The electorate also sighed, thinking that Ding Hao couldn't last for so long, he should really be over!

"What a good seed..." The electorate shook his head.

However, just when everyone thought Ding Hao was finished, everyone saw the disk-shaped flying treasure under Ding Hao's seat, and it suddenly shook.

"What's the situation?" Xiang Yonghou, who was about to leave just now, stopped and looked at the light curtain.

Everyone thought at first that their eyes were wrong, but the circular flying treasure unexpectedly increased its speed, and Ding Hao, who was sitting cross-legged on the treasure, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up!

"What? This kid actually resisted the attack of singing?" In the entire luxurious palace, everyone couldn't believe it.

Except for the Fenghou-level powerhouses in the palace, the others are ordinary nobles. These people secretly thought that if they stayed in the singing for such a long time, they would definitely be confused by the singing and become corpses!

But as a practitioner of Waitianya, Ding Hao was able to persist for such a long time, and his eyes turned out to be very clear and thorough!

"This kid can do it!" The elector couldn't help exclaiming.

What made the Celestial Electors feel dumbfounded is that Ding Hao didn't rush to leave, but began to collect the spoils, and all the treasures carried by those cultivators in the outer world who had lost their vitality.

When these Waitianya cultivators were searched by Ding Hao, some of them were able to wake up, but it was too late. Their vitality was exhausted and they could not escape. They could only watch Ding Hao take away their belongings in despair, and then fell into obsession again... …

Ding Hao said lightly to some people, "Tell you, I saved you once, now is the time to get it back!"

(End of this chapter)

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