Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3231: Tianhaoyu

Chapter 3231 Tian Haoyu

Chapter 3229 Tian Hao Yu

"I bought this rune book! There is a copy over there, I also bought it!"

Ding Hao has accumulated tens of millions of fortunes in the first stage of this selection. Now that he enters Baiye City, it is time for him to make a big purchase.

All the runes of the Inner End of the World that he wanted to buy a long time ago were all in his bag, and he soon purchased several precious classics.

Then he walked into the weapon shop in Nei Tianya and went to the VIP room upstairs to watch the rune weapons sold here.

"Young man, the rune weapons in the VIP room upstairs are all made by famous experts in Inner Tianya, and they are expensive! I suggest you go downstairs to watch!" The owner of the weapon shop came over, this is a powerful The imposing old man.

The reason why the old man speaks so arrogantly to Ding Hao is because the old man himself is an aristocrat!

The weapon shop opened by the nobles of Nei Tianya sells some of Nei Tianya’s most precious weapons. Every piece is made by famous masters, and even the rune metals used in these weapons are refined and integrated by famous masters. So the price is very scary.

Although Ding Hao made a fortune, now his wealth can only buy the cheapest weapon in the VIP room!

"It's really expensive!" Ding Hao didn't argue with the old man, because the weapons in the VIP room were really expensive, and he really couldn't afford it.

"The cheapest VIP room weapon, although I can afford it, it feels a little impractical." Just when Ding Hao was about to be persuaded by the shop owner, he placed a weapon in the corner of the VIP room. , Attracted Ding Hao's attention.

"Boss, why is this weapon not priced?" Ding Hao liked a silver weapon that looked like a huge blade.

The shop owner shook his head and said, "This is something someone else put on my consignment. It looks good, but it's useful! Say it is a knife. It doesn't seem to be as powerful as a knife. The blade is too blunt! But if It's another weapon, so what is it? I really don't understand! Now I am ready to wait for the consignor to come over and return the original!"

"This..." Ding Hao walked over and took a closer look. This huge blade-shaped weapon can be used as a blade, but the blade is somewhat blunt, which affects the weapon's combat effectiveness.

"I don't know exactly what this is, but the rune metal materials used in it are really precious!" Ding Hao has refined the rune metal himself, and can see the advantages and disadvantages of the rune metal at a glance, knowing this The materials used in the weapon are very good, and the craftsman should be quite extraordinary to refining such rune metal.

"If the builder is so extraordinary, then this weapon must be extraordinary, but it's a pity, what seems to be missing?"

Ding Hao thought about it, and asked, "Boss, what if I want to take this thing down?"

The shop owner smiled and said, "This is a consignment placed by a friend of mine! This thing is an antique, and my friend likes these antiques! But after years of research, he found that this thing is of little value and not enough combat power. That’s why I sold it! I tell you, the price he sells is not cheap, and for young people like you, I don’t recommend you to buy it. It will be a loss for you!"

Although the shop owner was kind, Ding Hao insisted, "You can quote a price."

The shop owner said, "My friend wants four million, and I want to charge a commission of 500,000, which is 4.5 million! Young man, if you have 4.5 million rune jade, I suggest you buy a rune sword over there! The metal inside is all instant runes, whether it is used for assassination or attack, they are very effective!"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "Although the rune sword is good, but if I choose, I will choose this huge silver blade."

"Okay! I make money anyway! But I want to remind you that the goods are sold and will not be returned! If you don't want it then, I can't help you, at most I can help you get it back for sale!"

Ding Hao smiled, "Boss, I never regret buying things! 4.5 million Fuyu, I will give it to you now!"

Soon after, Ding Hao walked out of the high-end weapons shop that the nobles liked to go to. He had basically consumed the tens of thousands of talisman jade in his hand. Although the time had not reached five days, he still returned to the Tianya Palace!

He has to work hard to improve himself within the remaining time, so that he can be sure of winning in the second stage of the assessment.

What Ding Hao didn’t know was that not long after he left, an old man with gray hair in aristocratic costumes and a group of his men quickly entered the weapon shop and shouted, “Friend and Daoyou, I entrusted you to you last time. Are you still there with this fragment of ancient treasure for sale?"

The owner of the shop who is called Friends of Taoism, this is the one who received Ding Hao just now. He smiled and said, "Not long ago, I met a rich young man! This kid is stupid, he actually spent 4.5 million on you. I bought the knife that doesn’t look like a knife! Haha! I’ll give you 4 million now..."

But the shopkeeper hadn’t finished speaking, the gray-haired aristocratic old man’s complexion changed suddenly, and he said in shock, “I haven’t sold it for so many days, why is it such a coincidence?”

"Yes, not long ago!" After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he felt something wrong, and blurted out, "Old friend Qi Huahou, what's wrong with you? Didn't you always want to sell this weapon? Go buy it. A favorite piece of ancient treasure?"

"Oh! I missed it!" The gray-haired aristocratic old man said anxiously, "I spent high prices these days and finally got the piece of ancient treasure I wanted, and then I studied it at home for a long time! I found that I was entrusting you. The thing on sale, and the old treasure fragments I bought at a high price, turned out to belong to a series of suits! It is a suit that can fight, fly, and wear defenses, and its name is Tianhaoyu!"

"What?" The shopkeeper was dumbfounded, "There is still such a weapon? If it is true, if it is a set of ancient treasure, if it can be collected, then the ancient treasure will reappear, how scary is its power? 4.5 million, It's a big loss!"

The gray-haired old man Qi Huahou high-fiveed and cursed, "Which little boy with long eyes bought it? I will buy it at five or even ten times the price! Who is he, I will go find him!"

The shopkeeper said annoyed, "I don’t know who he is, a young man I’ve never seen before? He looks very young. I even thought he had no money. Who knew that he bought 4.5 million Fuyu and bought it. Could it be that he understands well? Gubao?"

"I don't care if he understands or not." Qi Huahou said anxiously, "Then look at which way he is going, I will catch him now! I will try to find this kid and take back my ancient treasure."

The shopkeeper thought for a while, and said, "This kid came from the path over there, he should have come from the classic shop over there! I didn't see the direction he left, but you can go to the classic shop and ask!"

(End of this chapter)

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