Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3288: Slaughter

Chapter 3288 Slaughter and Division

Chapter 3286 Slaughter and Division

Ding Hao heard that the relationship between Ling Tianhou and Tianxuan is irreversible, and the closeness between the two has gone even further.

In this way, the three of Ding Hao and the others stayed at Qifeng Business House until the afternoon. These were hundreds of cultivators who had already stood outside the company.

All these cultivators came here for the same purpose, wanting to buy the flesh and blood from the corpse of this Primordial Seed.

"Time is almost up." Ling Tianhou looked at the crowd outside, stood up, and said, "Novice Ding Hao, now give your corpse of Primordial Seed to our shopkeeper! Let him divide and auction it! You! Don't worry, he is the best slayer of Primordial Seed!"

The flesh and bones in each Primordial Seed body are different, and there are no small requirements for the slaughtered person.

If it is random slaughter, not only will the price of precious flesh and blood be reduced, but also the ancient runes in the body of the Primordial Seed may be destroyed, that is the biggest loss!

The shopkeeper of this company laughed immediately, took off his coat, and took over the treasure from Ding Hao.

Soon after, the group of them came to the door of Qifeng Company, and the shopkeeper of the shop had a thought, urging the runes to release the huge corpse in the treasure!

This corpse was released only to realize its amazing size!

The square in front of him was huge, but when the corpse was released, it almost filled the square.

"It's big!" Ding Hao and the others felt quite shocked.

Immediately, the shopkeeper of the company took out two small knives and walked towards the corpse of the giant beast.

The light of the knife can be seen flashing, and the surface of the giant beast's corpse is quickly cut open by the light of the knife. It is like opening a door. The shopkeeper of the business holding a sharp knife in his hand, walks into the door, and moves on!

As the shopkeeper of the business kept advancing, all kinds of flesh and bones were thrown out piece by piece from the "gate".

When it was thrown out, a guy immediately picked it up, went to the high platform not far behind, and shouted loudly, "The freshest Primordial Seed, one piece of flesh and blood, weighs 50 jin, now auctioned, the reserve price is 1,000 Fuyu!"

All of these fresh blood and flesh of the Primordial Seed can be used, can also be used as bait, or used to refine pill, in short, the effect is very much, almost in short supply. Therefore, when the reserve price appeared, people soon began to compete in auctions. Generally speaking, 50 catties of flesh and blood can be sold for about 5000 Fuyu!

If calculated in this way, thousands of tons of giant beast corpses are all sold, that is not a small astronomical figure.

And the more expensive one is the bones of the Primordial Seed; the Primordial Seed is more precious than the average primitive behemoth, the bones are crystal clear, and the price is very expensive. Just a tooth can sell for 100,000. Fu Yu!

"It's so expensive! This tooth is enough for us to live in the settlement for one day!" Gongsun Bo said emotionally, "If the whole corpse is sold, how many Fuyus can be sold! Oh my God!"

Ling Tianhou said with a smile, "Of course I want to make some money in this transaction with you! I can tell you clearly that after the whole body is sold, you can probably sell 50 million Fuyu together!"

"So much!" Ding Hao was also a little surprised.

Everyone will settle accounts. Everyone quickly calculates that the three of them must spend 300,000 in the settlement every day; if 50 million Fuyu is enough, it will be enough for them to live here for the first half of the year!

"Why? Do you regret it?" Ling Tianhou said with a smile, "If you regret it, you can change the trading method, then our Qifeng firm only receives 10% of the auction fee! You can hold 45 million Talismans by then , Live here for a long time!"

"No, no, no!" Ding Hao hurriedly shook his hand, "Senior, we have reached an agreement with you, so we won't change it easily! Besides living here for half a year, we still have to leave at that time! We would rather hand over these Fu Yu Here you are, just beg you to take us away safely!"

"Haha!" Ling Tianhou laughed and said, "It seems that you are all young people who are aware of current affairs! You will not change your original intentions because of some small interests, so that you will be a promising young man! What's more, I am too. Not a profiteer, at least there is no ancient rune that blacked you! That is a more precious thing!"

Hearing this, Gongsun Bo couldn't wait to ask, "Senior, how much does that ancient rune cost?"

Ling Tianhou said, "Prime runes also have different prices. Generally speaking, the lowest price for a complete Primordial rune costs more than 100 million runes! If this ancient rune is more complex and precious, the price will rise. Sometimes the auction price reaches 300 million or 500 million, which is normal!"

"So expensive?!" Both Gongsun Bo and Hoshino's eyes flashed strangely.

They are all cultivators who walked in from Outer End of the World. When they were in Outer End of the World, they were all very poor. They could kill people for hundreds and thousands of talisman jade. Now everyone has to allocate hundreds of millions of talisman jade’s property. Excited?

As they were talking, the shopkeeper, who was covered in blood, came out of the huge corpse, holding a very huge bone in his hand, and said with a smile, "You are lucky! It comes up as a large ancient talisman. Wen!"

"Large ancient rune?" Ding Hao's face moved.

Ling Tianhou smiled and took this huge skeleton over, handed it to Ding Hao, and said, "Generally speaking, the preciousness of ancient runes depends on their size! Larger and more complex ancient runes can be made larger and more complex. The price of complex treasures is even more precious! Like this large ancient rune, the auction price is 500 million!"

"So much!" Gongsun Bo almost didn't lie on the ground in shock.

He has lived such a long life and has never seen so much money. Now this rune has a reserve price of 500 million!

"Get rich!" Hoshino rubbed his hands excitedly.

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Since there is already a production, then we will allocate it! This rune will be given to Hoshino! In this desperate mission, he thought of using the hide of this giant beast to escape! So, He got the first rune, what do you think?"

"What a shame!" Hoshiya was ecstatic in his heart, but he was also embarrassed.

In this mission, speaking of it, Ding Hao was the one who gave the most credit, and he was really ashamed to get the first Primordial rune first.

Gongsun Bo was a little jealous, but he was also a generalist. He nodded and said, "Novice Hoshino, since novice Ding Hao said that you should hold it, you will take it! This time, everyone is risking death. Now Don’t be embarrassed when it’s time to distribute the treasures."

"Then I will take it first." Hoshino put this ancient rune into his bag, and said, "Although I have made some contributions in this desperate mission, this rune is enough. I don't want it later!"

(End of this chapter)

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