Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3298: See Tian Haoyu again

Chapter 3298 See Tian Haoyu again

Chapter 3296-Seeing Tian Haoyu Again

Baiyecheng, a high-end rune weapon shop.

In this shop, a majestic elder with gray hair is talking to the owner of the shop. Both faces are full of sadness.

"It's been eight years since my Tian Haoyu was bought by someone! There is no news in these eight years?" The majestic elder with gray hair was angry.

"Qi Huahou, I really can't help it! At that time, you said that he is likely to come again! But eight years later, there was no news! This young man never came again." Shopkeeper An looked upset and smiled bitterly, "Qi Huahou, I'm really sorry for you! This incident is my fault!"

"It's no use to blame you!" Qi Huahou said with a cold snort, "How do you know that he hasn't come, have you been in the store every day for the past eight years? If he came, it was the other guys in your store receiving him , Can those guys recognize him again? Also, if he just walked past the store and swept his eyes inward, how would you know he was here?"

In response to Qi Huahou’s question, shopkeeper An answered without a word, and said with a wry smile, "Then what do you say, Master Qi Huahou."

Qi Huahou raised his hand and took out a piece of Tian Hao Yu that was the same as before, and said, "He did not come because the attraction here is not big enough for him! So I also took out the second piece of Tian Hao Yu in my collection. , Put it on your side and sell it! Don't sell it to anyone else, just sell it to him!"

Shopkeeper An smiled bitterly, "Let me sell it again? What if I sell it again this time? Then I am even more sorry to you!"

Qi Huahou smiled triumphantly, "I just want you to sell it to that young man! I have laid down some invisible methods on this weapon, and I can track it down when I know who this kid is, find someone The place beheaded him! Didn't these two Tian Hao Yu come back again?"

"This..." The shopkeeper An thought for a moment, and said with a thumbs up, "Master Qihuahou, you really have ideas and are different! Your approach is very good! If this kid passes by the door of our shop, he will see Tianhao again Yu, he will definitely come in and buy it! When I sell him, I will notify you immediately! Then you hurry up, track down, look for opportunities, and kill them! At that time, the two Tianhao Yu can be the original Taking it back, it also earned him nearly 10 million Fuyu for nothing!"

"Hahaha!" Qi Huahou laughed loudly, put the second piece of Tian Haoyu in the store, and then turned and left.

Shopkeeper An has been looking forward to Ding Hao coming to his store to buy again every day for the past eight years.

However, after being an upstart in the inner world, he stayed in Xue Yongshan for five years and then went to Jiuyadong for three years of trials. Now eight years have passed and he has not returned to Baiye City.

But today is different.

After Ding Hao became a noble of Inner Tianya, he didn't need to return to Xue Yongshan; someone would inform Xue Yongshan's servants and guards that they would come by themselves at Ding Hao's aristocratic residence in Baiye City!

"This is your latest residence of Noble Ding Hao!" The noble woman from Tianya Palace took Ding Hao to his current residence.

Xiao Qi walked into the residence first, watched from side to side, and snorted coldly, "It's not that great! It's similar to my residence, except that my aristocratic mansion is better located!"

After becoming a noble of Neitianya, he has the right to choose his noble residence.

Meng Ao placed his aristocratic mansion in Jiuyadong, and the aristocratic mansion of the little silver-haired girl Xiaoqi was in Yincheng near the Yin Ruins; there was closer to the Yin Ruins, where the strong were like clouds, living there, and all the neighbors around. They are all powerful kings!

And it is closer to the center of Tianwaitianworld, so the address there looks better!

Ding Hao chose his aristocratic residence in Baiye City because he had to complete a lot of trial tasks for the upstarts in the inner end of the world. He often had to travel to and from Tianya Palace, so living in Baiye City was the best choice!

He went around in his aristocratic mansion, and it was full of magnificent and golden light, which made people feel that the Gai Shi Xian Clan is really a race of life that will not be sorry for itself! Just say that the living conditions are really not only comfortable, but also beautiful!

After Ding Hao arrived, he first settled down his Ding Xiaohei.

Ding Xiaohei’s figure is very large now, so he arranged this guy in the back mountain of the mansion; as Ding Xiaohei grows up, the whole mansion may not even be able to accommodate it by then, but that’s something later, Ding Hao now Don't consider it temporarily.

After settling down, Xue Yongshan’s guards and servants had not arrived yet, Ding Hao was fine in his leisure time, and said, “When they come, I will explain some situations to them, and then I will retreat! Before they come. , Let's go wander around the street!"

The last time he went shopping in Baiye City, it was eight years ago. In a blink of an eye, after so long, he has harvested a lot of property this time, and he also wants to go shopping in Baiye City and buy and sell items.

"Okay." Xiao Qi is a girl after all. Of course, she is always happy to go shopping. At the moment, the two of them walked into the bustling crowd of Baiye City.

What Ding Hao obtained from Jiuyadong this time, apart from the Huashi and the three Primordial runes, there are also many precious treasures of heaven and material; some of them are taken by himself, and there are many that he does not need. Take it outside for sale.

Xiao Qi owns a business, but he also likes to go shopping outside. Acting with Ding Hao, he is in a good mood.

After Ding Hao went to a few shops, he sold a few treasures that he didn't need one by one, and accumulated a lot of Fuyu in his hands, which gave Ding Hao some ideas.

"The last time I bought the ancient treasure fragment in that rune weapon store, I named it Tianchou Dao! In fact, when I was in the second stage of the assessment, the Tianya Palace system named it Tianhao feather!"

"Now that eight years have passed, I will go and see if there will be any fragments of Tian Haoyu for sale in this shop!"

Right now, Ding Hao rushed to the store with Xiao Qi. He was still worried that the store was closed, but seeing that the store was opening from a distance, he was overjoyed and hurried into the store.

This treasure store is a boutique store. The treasures sold upstairs and downstairs are all good, but the prices are relatively expensive.

Ding Hao didn't even look at the low-level treasures downstairs, and walked upstairs quickly. The moment he walked upstairs, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"It's another fragment of Tianhaoyu!" Ding Hao was overjoyed now, and he immediately turned to look for the shopkeeper in the shop.

And at this moment, the shopkeeper in the store also happened to see Ding Hao at a glance. When he saw Ding Hao, he was ecstatic in his heart and thought to himself that Qi Huahou was right. Not long after this thing was put down, the kid walked over. In the shop, it seems that the task left to me by Qi Huahou is about to be completed.

(End of this chapter)

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