Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3330: Mysterious life

Chapter 3330 Mysterious Life

Chapter 3328 Mysterious Life

Ding Hao was not very clear about the origin of the Yin Ruins, and he took advantage of Ding Xiaohei to fly upward while listening to Hoshino's history of the Yin Ruins.

"When this life race called Yin arrived, the aboriginal life in the Tianwaitian world was very powerful. The two life races broke out here, fighting desperately!"

"After fighting with each other, the strength of both sides has been greatly weakened, and neither can completely wipe out each other! Therefore, the Yin people have survived for a long time in the Yin Ruins, creating the world of Yin Ruins!"

"That's it." Ding Hao nodded, "Yin Ruins, it turns out that the Yin people create the world they live in!"

Hoshino continued, "The years that the Yin people lived in the Yin Ruins have been verified for tens of millions of years! Therefore, in this world, a very glorious civilization has been left behind, so look at these tall buildings! They were built by the Yin people countless years ago, and the time they have experienced is beyond imagination! But these tall buildings are still tall and straight!"

"It's really amazing!" Ding Hao also sighed with emotion, looking at the tall buildings in front of him, and said, "The Yin people have lived here for tens of millions of years, and afterwards we came here from the Immortal Clan. Hundreds of millions of years! Even so many years have passed, these tall buildings have not collapsed yet, and they are still so majestic! It can be seen that the Yin people were also an extraordinary ethnic group!"

"Of course!" Hoshino nodded and said, "According to research, the civilization of the Yin people is no less than that of our celestial clan! The level of understanding of the runes of this world has reached the pinnacle, including our title of king class powerhouse. Also go to the inner layer of Yin Ruins for coronation! And the altar of Jiamian is left by the Yin people back then!"

"My God." Gongsun Bo said in surprise, "In this way, if the Yin people hadn't existed in this world, then our Gai Shi Xian Clan would not have said that there was a king-level powerhouse! This is too exaggerated? "

"It's not an exaggeration!" Hoshino said, "In fact, our current level classification, the titles of Fenghou and Fengwang, are derived from the words and phrases left by the Yin people! In fact, we are the world In the world where the immortal clan originally lived, there is no such thing as a prince class or a king class!

Ding Hao nodded in agreement with this statement, and he said, "You two, I've been to the subworld, the place where our Geshixian clan originated! There really is no such thing as a prince class or a prince class."

"So in this way, we learned the classification of Fenghou-level and Feng-wang-level from the people of Yin?" Gongsun Bo was shocked when he heard this. He was still a little unbelieving, and asked, "If you say that, the people of Yin are the same. Strong, and who will be destroyed in the end? How can they be destroyed so easily that they have built such a magnificent civilization?"

This question was actually what Ding Hao wanted to ask. He and Uncle Gongsun were waiting for Hoshino's answer.

"Who killed the Yin people is still a mystery!" Hoshino said, "There are now two theories. The first one is that the indigenous people and the Yin people in the outer world are still fighting endlessly, fighting each other. After countless years, the indigenous people finally killed all the Yin people!"

"This seems a bit wrong!" Gongsun Bo said, "According to your statement, when our Gaishixian clan first came to the world outside the sky, we were very weak! Such powerful Yin people did not wipe out the natives here; Why do we Gaishixian clan wipe out all the natives here?"

Ding Hao nodded. He had seen some Tianwaitian savages in the first stage of the assessment, and it seemed that they were not very strong.

Hoshino shook his head and said, "The Tianwaitian savages you have seen are only weak people in the Tianwaitian world! The true Tianwaitian natives are very powerful, so the talented Yin has fought with them for countless years! In the end, the Yin people were killed. The destruction was clean, but the true power of the aboriginals was completely wiped out during the war! So when we came to the Gai Shi Xian Clan, it became much easier!"

For this statement, although everyone can understand.

But Ding Hao still felt that there were some doubts in this statement. He opened his mouth and said, "If the indigenous people are really so powerful, they cannot be completely wiped out! As long as there is a strong one who survives, after many years, he can develop his own ethnic group. Get up! So I think this statement is still not justified."

Hoshino nodded, "Now is the second statement. Some people suspect that before our Gaishixian Clan arrives, another group of more powerful life races will come here! This life race has wiped out all the Yin people and also wiped out extinction. Most of the aboriginal powerhouses in the outer sky! So when we come to this world, the resistance force we encounter is not that strong, so we can live here for a long time."

"It's quite possible." Ding Hao nodded.

Gongsun Bo shook his head and objected, "I think this is unlikely! If another group of people arrive here between us and the Yin people, why don't these people live for a long time? These people are even for looting. , Then they are here, should they leave some records? But in fact, in the outer world, there is no record that there has been a mysterious life race!"

"Indeed." Hoshino nodded, "So, in the second way, not many people believe it! If this life race really has come, then what written records should they leave here, or historical relics! But now I didn't find it!"

"So the second possibility is unlikely." Gongsun Bo said.

But Ding Hao put forward his own opinion, "I think the second possibility is very high!"

Ask Ding Hao to say this, Gongsun Bo questioned, "If this life race really existed, they would have eliminated the Yin people and the powerful natives here! Then, where does this life race go now?"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "I don't know this! The existence and development of every life race has contingency and inevitability! I have seen countless life races exist and die, some life races seem to be extremely powerful, but they can be overnight Time is completely destroyed! So if you ask me, I can’t answer!"

"Okay." Gongsun Bo nodded, "Even if it is true that this life race has existed in this world for a short time as you said! Then, why didn't this life race leave a trace in our world? Any historical records and buildings?"

Ding Hao said, "I can answer you about this! I think there are two possibilities. The first possibility is that this mysterious life race has left too little legacy, and it is deliberately covered up by some people, perhaps outsiders will never know. ; The second possibility is that the level of this life race is too high. The way they survive and their writing is likely to exist in another way! A way we don’t understand at all, so we think that there is no historical record!"

(End of this chapter)

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