Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3352: Accident

Chapter 3352 The Unexpected Person

Chapter 3350-Unexpected Person

For the Fenghou-level powerhouse, Ding Hao is just a newcomer in the inner world, a newcomer to the Yin Ruins.

Although Ding Hao has some famous names in Baiye City, after all, not many people have heard of his name since Ding Hao came to Nei Tianya not long ago!

The same is true for the weird Fenghou-level powerhouse in front of him. Seeing Ding Hao appeared, he thought that Ding Hao was going to deliver it to the door. He could easily kill him, and after digging out the bones of the sky pattern inside his body, he transplanted it to On your own body.

And Ding Hao came here for the purpose of obtaining the Tianhaoyu fragment carried by this Fenghou-level powerhouse!

Both of them came with purpose. After meeting, they couldn't help but release their weapons and fought vigorously.

When the battle started, the face of the Fenghou-level powerhouse suddenly changed, "How is it possible! How can a newcomer in Yin Ruins have such a powerful strength? I, a Fenghou-level powerhouse, is not his opponent!"

For the strong, it is easy to judge how strong they are and whether they can be defeated.

"Boy, you want to kill me, it's not that easy!" The Fenghou-level powerhouse thought to himself, even if I can't kill you, can I escape?

He immediately turned into a fledgling light to escape, but soon he discovered that Ding Hao stepped on Ding Xiaohei at a fast speed, and he didn't even want to escape!

"Asshole, are you really going to kill me?" Fenghou-level powerhouse suddenly panicked.

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "Don't you also want to kill me and **** the sky-patterned bones from me? Everyone has a purpose. If I can't beat you, I'm a dead end now! So don't say anything. Yes, just accept your fate!"

Suddenly, a cloud of black light fell from the sky, directly beheading this Fenghou-level powerhouse on the spot.

Immediately after being killed, a large number of treasures and Fuyu rolled out. Ding Hao waved his hand and put all these treasures into his bag.

Soon after, Ding Hao's figure was already standing inside a tall building. He sorted out this harvest, and his face was overjoyed. Among a storage rune, he found the fragment of Tianhaoyu that this person was carrying!

"This person actually collected three fragments!" Ding Hao opened the storage rune, and his face was ecstatic.

Over the years, the total number of Tianhaoyu fragments he collected was three pieces, and then he didn't even want to collect one piece again. Unexpectedly, today, he collected three pieces at once, which directly doubled the number of pieces in his hand!

"It's really killing and setting fire to the gold belt. I have collected it for so long and I haven't collected it. I killed a person today and doubled it! It seems that this is really a good business!"

In the following time, Ding Hao wandered around the Yin Ruins, and with the treasure compass he was carrying, he found one strong man after another.

For those powerhouses who want to kill him for treasure, he doesn’t need to be polite at all, and he pays his teeth for a tooth; as for those Fenghou-level powerhouses who don’t want to kill him, but have Tianhaoyu fragments on them, Ding Hao will not move. To kill the heart, just use some force to let him "willingly" transfer Tian Haoyu to him!

Day by day, the five-year trial outside the Yin Ruins is getting closer and closer to the end.

During these five years, Ding Hao and his two friends, Gongsun Bo Hoshino, separated and reunited. Sometimes they fought together, and sometimes they separated. They went to work on their own. After all, Gongsun Bo and Hoshino have both. Against the strength of Fenghou-level powerhouses alone, Ding Hao was able to act separately with them.

"I thought that the trial at the periphery of the Yin Ruins would take a long time in advance, but I didn't expect it to be intermittent, and it was almost five years before the trial task was almost completed!"

When the trial was about to end, Ding Hao and Gongsun Bo Hoshino got together again.

Hoshino said with emotion, "I think in the past five years, although we have not completed the task ahead of schedule, I personally have benefited a lot!"

Gongsun Bo also nodded and said, "When I first came to Yin Ruins, it was impossible for me to fight against a Fenghou-level powerhouse alone; but to this day, I have really grown, and I have increased confidence! My cultivation base is not enough to become a Fenghou-level powerhouse, but my strength has far exceeded Fenghou-level powerhouse!"

To become a Fenghou-level powerhouse, the most important criterion for assessment is the amount of insights into the ancient runes.

In the past few years, Gongsun Bo and Hoshino have gone through countless battles, and their perception of the ancient runes has not increased much, but they have a lot of insights about the battles. After fighting, they can easily deal with the Fenghou-level powerhouse!

Hoshino said, "Let’s go back this time and go to the Tianya Palace to advance to the Inner End of the World Nobles in advance. It’s hard to nail it! Next, I am going to retreat and feel the Primordial Runes. As long as there are enough Primordial Runes, I am ready to attack the Marquis Powerful!"

Having said that, he asked again, "Ding Hao, with your current cultivation base, it should be easy to attack the Fenghou-level powerhouse."

In the past few years, Ding Hao has killed and defeated dozens of Fenghou-level powerhouses in the periphery of Yin Ruins. If only looking at his combat strength, he can defeat several Fenghou-level powerhouses alone, but he has to attack Fenghou-level powerhouses. The reader is also stuck at the level of perception.

"Like you, I have already reached the strength, but the number of insights from the ancient runes is not enough!"

Ding Hao and the three of them ran towards the exit outside the Yin Ruins while chatting.

The exit outside the Yin Ruins is actually a teleportation formation, located at the settlement of new practitioners!

There are two settlements in the outer area of ​​Yinxu. One is the old settlement. Ding Hao and the others have been there with Shenyou; and this time, they went to the new settlement!

When they came here, they saw busy traffic in the new settlement, and a large number of strong practitioners were coming and going.

"There are a lot of people here, and it's much more lively than the old settlement!" Gongsun Bo said excitedly, "We have been here over the years and have gained a lot. It happened to be here that we sold all the extra items!"

Ding Hao and the others had the same plan and wanted to buy and sell some items.

But at this moment, Hoshino's gaze moved, pointing not far away and saying, "Ding Hao, look at it!"

Ding Hao looked along Hoshino's fingers, and saw a young boy standing under a tall building, who also looked at this side with piercing eyes.

"Xiao Tang?" Ding Hao's face was puzzled.

This group of newcomers who came to the periphery of the Yin Ruins for trials did not have Xiao Tang's name. Why did Xiao Tang appear here now?

The answer was soon revealed. Xiao Tang saw Ding Hao and the other three. He immediately turned around and shouted, "My Lord City Lord, I saw them all! The three murderers who killed your wife, Ding Hao, Gongsun Bo and Hoshino Here comes the case! Lord City Lord, you can kill him!"

Thank you "Meet" for the reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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