Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3356: Fight to the end

Chapter 3356 Fight to the End


"Tian Haoyu of the commander level!"

In the new settlement on the periphery of the Yin Ruins, thousands of Fenghou-level powerhouses surrounded here, and everyone's eyes were filled with wonder and envy.

Although Ding Hao did not collect all this set of Tianhaoyu at the level of thousands of commanders, he was able to collect 300 pieces and successfully assembled them. This is also called history creation, unprecedented!

Although the shape Tian Haoyu wears on the cultivator is familiar to many people, many people have seen it with their own eyes.

But now that it really appeared, and appeared on Ding Hao's body, it was really shocking!

I saw this silver armor, Ding Hao dressed like a silver god, behind him are two huge silver wings, each feather is a huge blade, Ding Hao's body movements, this way The blade was swinging back and forth behind it, making a rattling sound!

"This is the Tian Hao Yu you have been collecting?" Gongsun Bo and Hoshino both stood up and looked at Ding Hao in amazement.

Although they all knew that Ding Hao had been collecting this thing all these years, they had never thought that this thing could be so powerful, even if it had a rune armor built by ancient runes, it couldn't surpass this thing at all!

"It integrates fighting, evasion, flight and defense! This kind of treasure is indeed the battle suit left by the powerful Yin people at the beginning!" Hoshino was also amazed, saying, "Ding Hao, you are very strong by yourself, you There are also good weapons, and now with this combat suit, you make me confident!"

Although the three of them got a lot of improvement in the Yin Ruins this time, they didn't have the confidence to fight a king-ranked powerhouse.

But now, Ding Hao puts on this armor, and his strength has improved a lot, so the confidence in Hoshiya's heart has increased a lot.

"Yes! We not only want to live, but also to win!" Gongsun Bo firmly said, "Ding Hao, you have to promise me one thing! In the future, if you collect the God Wing Armor one day, you will give this set of Tianhao Yu for nothing. Give it to me! What do you think?"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "I only collected 300 fragments of this set of Tian Haoyu, and it is still too early to complete the collection! As for the **** wing armor you mentioned, I have not even scratched the character, and I have never seen it!"

Gongsun Bo laughed and said, "In short, I just believe in you, and I will be able to create miracles! Now although you have nothing, I believe that the Divine Wing Armor will fall into your hands sooner or later!"

Ding Hao nodded and smiled, "Then lend you good words! If one day in the future, if I can get the God Wing Armor, I will give you this set of Tianhao Yubai!"

"Okay! It's a deal, there are thousands of Fenghou-level powerhouses here who prove it for me!"

Seeing Ding Hao and Gongsun Bo laugh loudly, the lord of Baishi City sneered with a gloomy face, "I really don't know what to say, young people don't know how to live or die! You don't know if you can live today, and what future will you talk about? Tian Haoyu belongs to me!"

At this moment, the time for a cup of tea had almost passed, and the City Lord of White Rock didn't need to grind anything at all, and directly shot.

"Die to me!"

After all, the city lord of White Rock City is a powerful king-level master, with amazing strength in his hands, and the treasures released are also extraordinary.

It was a pair of fierce giant hammers. The pituitary was not round, but a kind of weird pointed head, called a hammerhead! This hammer is not only amazing in power, but also very sharp. It can concentrate all the power of the rune on one point. After it is released, the power is even more terrifying!

Boom boom boom!

When the earth-shaking battle rang out, four people fought fiercely in the center of the field, and the others retreated.

In fact, other people want to make a move.

According to the regulations given by King Pangsun, only the city lord of White Rock can get the privilege of shooting here, and Ding Hao and the three of them have the right to resist because they were attacked, so only the three of them have the right to fight, and the others have no right to shoot. !

"These three are very strong!"

All the spectators on the scene were Fenghou-level powerhouses, and everyone was very discerning. From the beginning of the battle, everyone could see Ding Hao and the others as extraordinary strengths.

"Although none of these three are Fenghou-level powerhouses, the strength of each of them has surpassed Fenghou-level powerhouses! It's amazing, I have long heard that Ding Hao has appeared among the nobles of Inner End. Such a monster, but I did not expect that Gongsun Bo Xingye, who was with Ding Hao, would have very good aptitude!"

"These three are really strong! If I go against any of them, it will be a dead end."

"Unexpectedly, the three of them had such strength in the end!"

Hearing a lot of discussions around him, Xiao Tang's face was very ugly. He always boasted that he had excellent aptitude, and even the king-level powerhouses could see him.

But who knows, first Ding Hao walked in front of him, which made him very jealous! It is false that he wants to avenge his benefactors, is jealous of Ding Hao, and wants to kill Ding Hao!

However, Ding Hao is getting higher and higher, Xiao Tang already feels that he and Ding Hao are no longer comparable.

What makes Xiao Tang even more uncomfortable today is that third-rate geniuses like Gongsun Bo and Hoshino have come to his front, and their strength is even higher than him!

"Damn! Why are they surpassing me?" Xiao Tang gritted his teeth and said, "These three are dead! Although they are good, they are not their opponents even if they are general Fenghou-level powerhouses! But don't forget Baishicheng The city lord is a powerful king! Even if the three of them have what they can do, they can't beat the city lord of White Rock!"

In fact, this is indeed the case. The City Lord of White Rock City, as a powerful king, has an amazing combat power.

Moreover, the lord of White Rock City was very stingy, saving a lot of money, all of which was used to update his weapons and equipment.

The hammer-billed hammer in his hand can be called an ancient treasure made by an ancient rune, which is rarely seen by the outside world!

Boom boom boom!

When the crane-billed hammer in his hand hit Gongsun Bo with all his strength, Gongsun Bo had no strength to fight back and he could only step back.

"No! He is too strong, I am not his opponent at all!"

Fortunately, Ding Hao moved up at high speed, helping Gongsun Bo with all his strength to block the chain attack of the White Rock City Lord!

"Ding Hao, he is a king-level powerhouse, and the three of us can't stand it at all!" Hoshino's voice transmitted to Ding Hao after a round of hard fighting, "what to do? We still can't beat him, the king-level powerhouse This is a challenge we have never seen before!"

Although Ding Hao and the others had fought with many Fenghou-level powerhouses before, it was the first time they fought against Fengwang-level powerhouses. Only then did they know that the power of the Fengwang-level powerhouses was truly extraordinary!

"If you can't fight, you must fight!" Ding Hao gritted his teeth, "My senior brother Pang Sun Wang has closed all exits. We have no way to escape, only fight to death! Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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