Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3364: Inside the cave

Chapter 3364 Inside the hole strange news

3362-Inner Hole

The inner hole seals the Hou and the inner layer seals the king.

These are the two most important places in Neitianya. One is the inner cave of Jiuyadong. To become a Fenghou-level powerhouse, you must put your tokens in the altar at the deepest part of the inner cave, open the altar, and get the canonization of heaven and earth; And the other is talking about the inner layer of Yin Ruins, where the formations left by the Yin people can be activated to become a powerful king!

Ding Hao had to go to Jiuya Cave again to become a Fenghou-level powerhouse.

Although Meng Ao once told him that when he passed Jiuya Cave, he would go to his residence and get a copy of his own practice experience; but although Ding Hao went to meet Meng Ao, he did not have to accept Meng Ao. The practice experience.

"Meng Aohou, the last time I entered the trial of Jiuyadong, thanks to your map! This time I go to the inner cave of Jiuyadong, I want to use my ability to complete this test of the rank of marquis, otherwise, I have to rely on others everywhere, and a long time is not good for me!"

Meng Ao nodded and said, "You are right, then I wish you a one-time success, just as I am going to retreat, when you come out of the cave, let's drink together!"

"Well, I'll go first."

Right now Ding Hao stepped on Ding Xiaohei's back and plunged into a cave on the huge cliff.

The inside of the Jiuya Cave is connected to each other, and the entrance from which you enter is actually the same.

After entering Jiuya Cave, Ding Xiaohei looked very excited, with a long cry in his mouth, shaking his huge wings, and flying deep in the empty cave; it has been several years since it left Jiuya Cave, and now it has become more stature Mother is still old, and revisiting the old place, there is an extraordinary excitement.

Not long after, Ding Xiaohei called out and stopped in a spacious cave.

"Outer cave settlement." Ding Hao laughed and walked into a tavern in the settlement.

In the tavern, the one-legged Bai Yuhou was bragging to others, he laughed suddenly when he saw Ding Hao coming in.

"Ding Hao! It's been a long time since I heard that you made a big name in Yin Ruins!" Bai Yuhou just heard that Ding Hao beheaded the city lord of Baishi City on the periphery of Yin Ruins. This was a powerful king-ranking.

Bai Zhenhou was bragging to others. People still didn't believe how Ding Hao was rectified by him when Ding Hao was under his hand. They didn't expect Ding Hao to come just then.

Ding Hao picked up the wine glass on the table and poured himself a glass. Then he smiled, "No, I just came to Jiuyadong at that time, and I was miserable by this old guy. We also formed a team. It's called the Hou Punishment team! It was Bai Zhenhou who punish us so that I and Gongsun Bo and the others formed the team!"

"Unexpectedly, this is really the case." The several Fenghou-level powerhouses present all laughed.

Bai Yuhou also looked triumphant and asked, "Ding Hao, are you here to practice in the cave outside Jiuyadong?"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "I am going to the inner cave to seal the Hou!"

"You are going to the inner cave to seal the marquis like this?" All the Fenghou-level powerhouses present were surprised, and someone said, "You group of Inner End of the World upstarts, you have only been in Inner End of the World for 15 or 6 years! You are going to be sealed off now, this is too fast!"

"It's really fast!" Bai Zhenhou also shook his head and said with emotion, "I didn't expect your qualifications to be so good. Drink this cup and wish you a success."

But just when Ding Hao wanted to drink this glass of congratulation wine, a Fenghou-level strongman present suddenly remembered and said, "But I heard that the inner cave is not peaceful recently! It seems that someone has gone crazy. A powerful king of the Fenghou-level! As long as a powerful Feng-hou-level meets him, he is basically dead; even those who are not strong enough, dare not act alone!"

This person had just finished speaking, and a powerful man next to him said, "This news of you is still a few days ago, and now there is new news! It is said that this is a peculiar madness, and there are already several kings. The strong are going crazy! Now many powerful kings are preparing to leave the inner cave temporarily!"

"Insane?" Ding Hao was quite surprised when he heard this. "Anyone who is a powerful king will also get crazy?"

"Who knows." Bai Zhenhou also frowned, and said, "Now the news from outside is raging, but as far as I know, no king-level powerhouse has left! If it is really as dangerous as it is spread outside , Then why don't these powerful kings leave quickly?"

"But after all, he is a powerful king of the rank, and they have enough strength! Ding Hao, you should be careful!"

Ding Hao heard of this. Although he warned himself to be cautious, he did not cancel the plan of this action. He drank a glass of wine in his hand, and then stood up and said, "Seniors, thank you for your hospitality, I will go now. When I return successfully, come here to invite you all to drink!"

After saying this, Ding Hao walked out of the tavern and stepped onto Ding Xiaohei's back.

Amidst Ding Xiaohei's sharp chirping, this black iron-winged giant bird led Ding Hao towards the depths of Jiuya Cave.

After entering Jiuya Cave, Ding Hao immediately asked Ding Xiaohei to go to the cliff where his mother lived. After all, Ding Xiaohei and the Primordial Demon Wing were a real mother-child relationship. Now when he came to Jiuya Cave, he also let them meet When I see it!


The old Taigu Demon Wing heard movement from a distance, and flew out from the cliff where he lived. Two huge iron-winged beings met in a huge cliff cave, hovering around each other, and constantly screamed. Voices.

Although Ding Xiaohei recognizes Ding Hao as his mother, after all, he is connected by blood, and he has an unspeakable affection for his biological mother. At this moment, they are all very excited to meet; the old demon wing sees that his child is longer than himself. It's also huge, of course it is overjoyed.

Not long after the two Primordial Demon Wings merged, the old Primordial Demon Wing immediately flew ahead, leading Ding Xiaohei directly towards the cliff cave of another Primordial Seed.

Old Primordial Demon Wing and this Primordial Seed are old opponents. Today, the child is here, and just taking advantage of the opportunity, he wants to destroy the old opponent!

But what I didn't expect was that the Primordial Seed was also quite cunning. It might be that Ding Xiaohei's tweet was heard, and he had already escaped!

As a result, the two Primordial Demon Wings could only rush to the opponent's house and beat Ding Hao indiscriminately.

There are many precious treasures in the cliff cave of the Primordial Seed, all of which were collected by Ding Hao one by one, earning a lot of money. After waiting for a while, he did not wait for the Primordial One Because of this, Ding Hao took Ding Xiaohei farewell and continued to the deeper inner cave of Jiuyadong.

The inner cave of Nine Cliffs Cave is darker, the more you fly downward, the darker the cliff cave in front of you, you can’t even see your fingers.

But for the cultivator, this is not a problem at all; for Ding Xiaohei, it is even more not a problem, the flight speed is not compromised at all, and he plunged into the extremely dark inner hole...

(End of this chapter)

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