Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3376: Ding Hao is crazy

Chapter 3376 Ding Hao is crazy

Chapter 3374 Ding Hao is crazy

After Ding Hao carefully studied these three locations, he finally determined and prepared to react accordingly.

"In the current situation, I am not sure at which angle I will launch the attack at that time. I can only determine these three positions and react accordingly!"

Ding Hao spent several days carefully studying the structure of the female worm and his own attack method; even the angle he used when he escaped, and the characteristics of the use of the **** wing armor were all counted.

"Ding Xiaohei, I may have to walk a while on the next road!"

If he wanted to get into the boat of the grandfather and grandson, he would definitely not be able to fly on Ding Xiaohei, and none of the mad king-level powerhouses used pets.

After stepping on Ding Xiaohei and flying upward for a while, he let Ding Xiaohei return to the outer cave of Jiuyadong by himself, and then Ding Hao acted alone.

"Now, all I have to do is wait and wait for the boats of the grandfather and grandson!"

The inner cave of Jiuyadong is quite wide and it is not bottomed. No one knows where the ship will appear?

But Ding Hao probably has a direction.

"The channel I appeared last time is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the grandfather and grandson wanted to harm more people, they would still choose this type of channel!"

This pair of grandpa and grandson are the remnants of the Yin people, and their purpose is to harm people, and then use the flesh and blood of these people to feed the female worm!

So they will definitely kill more people in the same passage.

"I just need to find this kind of passage and wait there quietly, they will come sooner or later!"

After carefully watching the map of the inner cave, Ding Hao finally determined a location, "This passage is in the shape of a trumpet. Outsiders can come in in large numbers, but it will quickly tighten when it reaches the other side! And it is a necessary way! If this passage is blocked, many people will be unlucky!"

If the grandfather and grandson wanted to harm more people, they would definitely come to this passage, and Ding Hao directly stood by and went to this passage.

When Ding Hao came to this passage, he found several powerful king-ranked men passing by. He immediately went crazy regardless, and rushed forward, releasing his weapons and hacking.

Now the inner cave of Jiuyadong can be described as turbulent. These king-ranking experts saw Ding Hao go crazy, and regardless of Ding Hao's cultivation base was just a Fenghou-ranking expert, they were all frightened and fled.

"Haha! I didn't expect that going crazy would have such benefits! The king-level powerhouse dare not fight me!"

Ding Hao was amused. In the following days, he would be active in this channel for a long time, running back and forth, and when meeting those cultivators who were alone, he would rush up like crazy; and when meeting those who are really capable, he must be treated The besieged king-level powerhouse, he deliberately rushed to one of the directions madly, the purpose of which was to escape!

As a result, the news spread quickly. In this passage, there was a cultivator who went crazy, and he was also the only one who was mad at the Fenghou level!

In the tavern in the inner cave, there are a few powerful kings who want to draw their swords to help.

They discussed together, "Since this crazy guy is just a powerful prince, then we don't need to be afraid! Go straight and kill him! Open this channel, so that everyone can communicate more safely. ."

"Yes, I also wanted to shoot."

"That way, we split into two lanes, listen to the offense from both sides, and double-team him in the passage!"

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Ding Hao didn't know the plan to destroy him.

When he saw a lonely cultivator appear, he rushed forward like he used to be crazy.

But when he rushed into the passage, his heart suddenly condensed, and the secret path was not good.

It turned out that there were four or five powerful king-ranked cultivators in front of that single cultivator. One of them coldly snorted, "Crazy man, we heard that you had quite good qualifications when you were a novice in Inner End, but how You have gone crazy! If you don't kill you, you will kill others, so don't blame us for being impolite!"

"Give it to me!" Suddenly, four or five powerful king-level masters made an all-out effort.

Ding Hao screamed badly, screaming indiscriminately, trying to run back.

But what surprised him was that four or five powerful king-ranked men suddenly appeared from behind him...

"I wipe..." Ding Hao almost vomited a mouthful of blood, saying that this is over. I haven't met the grandfather and grandson, so I first attracted you killers. What can I do?

"Kill this lunatic!" The ten powerful king-ranking leaders formed a very powerful force, trapping Ding Hao in the middle, and Ding Hao had no way to escape.

"It's over! No matter how strong I am, it is impossible to beat ten powerful kings alone!" At this moment, it is difficult for Ding Hao to escape at all, and he can't release the **** wing armor!

But when he was embarrassed, from the side of the passage slowly came a huge ship, and on the bow of the ship stood a pair of grandpa and grandson.

"You even attacked my **** slave, you are looking for death!" Both grandfather and grandfather on the big boat were angry, old grandfathers, and waved.

Hearing a click, the iron door on the side of this big ship opened, and suddenly there were hundreds of powerful kings who swarmed out. All of these powerful kings had blood red eyes, as if they were going crazy, they rushed over!

At this moment, Ding Hao's heart suddenly loosened, seeing the grandfather and grandson as if he saw his relatives.

However, Ding Hao didn't dare to show any emotions. To a mad cultivator, he wouldn't have any expressions. He was still mad and attacked these ten powerful kings!

The ten powerful kings thought that it was safe to kill Ding Hao, but who knows that hundreds of lunatics appeared behind them, and all ten were frightened and fled.

However, some of the ten people still wanted to kill Ding Hao before running away.

"Friend, although I don't want you to die, but you are looking for death by yourself, then I'm sorry."

The power of the king-ranked who mixed in Jiuyadong is not very strong, so Ding Hao was not afraid, and he shot with all his strength and attacked like crazy, so that the king-ranked master had nowhere to escape. The mad king-level powerhouse rushed up.

Suddenly, this powerful king was slashed with a knife, blood and blood, and died on the spot.


When this king-level powerhouse was hacked and killed, the grandson of the grandfather and grandson slowly flew over and took out a small wooden box.

After the king-level powerhouse was hacked and killed, the corpse shattered into many fragments. However, this seemingly young cultivator was not afraid of corpse fragments. The flesh and blood of less power.

"These things are enough for our **** worms!" The grandson's face showed joy, and then he flew back to the ship.

Grandpa opened the cabin again and included all the crazy cultivators!

(End of this chapter)

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