Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3381: Good people don't always

Chapter 3381 Good people are not often there

Chapter 3379-Good People Don't Often

As time passed day by day, Ding Hao had completely forgotten time and was completely immersed in cultivation.

He not only spent time learning all the Yin people’s writings, but also studied them in depth. After learning to understand these Yin characters, he began to carefully study and study the various exercises and runes left by the Yin people. .

In this research, he made amazing discoveries.

"The Yin people's practice of runes is much more advanced than that of the Gaishi immortals. Hundreds of millions of years ago, their runes were more advanced than our current runes!"

Originally, Ding Hao had very limited knowledge of Primordial Runes. In order to be successful, he spent time learning more than a dozen Primordial Runes.

In fact, he was able to learn these ancient runes relatively quickly, but in his previous studies, he could not be said to be completely transparent, and there were still some problems that were difficult to understand.

But now, with his research and understanding of Yin Runes, and now he looks back and sees that the dozen or so ancient runes he learned before, all the doubts in his mind have disappeared!

"The Yin people are indeed a great race of life!" Although for the people of the Gaishi Xian family, they are very hostile and fearful to the Yin people, but for Ding Hao, the achievements of the Yin people are indeed admirable. !

"It turns out that the ancient runes understood this way!"

When Ding Hao learned more and more about the ancient runes, at the same time the sky-patterned bones in his body finally began to grow rapidly.

During this growth, he clearly felt that this sky-patterned bone was becoming stronger and stronger, and the power contained in it actually had a faint feeling of communicating with the world.

And what makes him even more happy is that in his body, the second sky-patterned bone has begun to sprout.

"How is it possible?" Ding Hao was pleasantly surprised.

Before, he had also heard that others had sky-patterned bones, such as Xiaoqi from the Qifeng company, also had sky-patterned bones in his body; but he had never heard of a cultivator’s body. Two sky-grained bones are grown!

"This is so surprising!" Ding Hao wanted to ask his teacher about this, but he couldn't communicate with his teacher no matter what runes he wrote here.

"I don't know what's going on outside." Ding Hao would think about things outside when he was free, but helplessly, he was trapped under the water and had no chance to go back.

After that arowana went to retreat, it hasn't been out until now, so he can only practice peacefully here.

What he didn't know was that just a few days ago, an elderly man who looked very mighty and mighty came to the sky above this pond with a young cultivator dressed as snow.

This person is Ding Hao's teacher Yun Tianke. After finishing his own affairs, he finally brought his apprentice King Tongwei to come here to destroy the two grandparents!

The battle was in full swing, and everyone was fighting very fiercely. Although they tried their best, the two grandparents were still not Yuntianke's opponents. They were killed by Yuntianke one by one. From then on, the last Yin people hiding in Jiuyadong. , Was completely killed by Yun Tianke.

And those crazy king-class powerhouses, after the grandfather and grandson were killed, also quickly returned to normal.

"The teacher's move is for the benefit of the entire Jiuya Cave, and even the entire Inner End of the World!" King Tongwei respectfully praised.

Yun Tianke said worriedly, "Tongwei, I am really worried about your little brother! He sent me a message on the way to escape. I didn't have time to get here at the time, and now he is missing!"

King Tongwei also said worriedly, "This pair of Yin people's remnants are very powerful. We can't catch them alive. We can only kill them. Otherwise, we can torture the whereabouts of the younger brother!"

Yun Tianke said again, "However, after detailed calculations, I feel that your little brother should not be dead, but I don't know where it is now? We can only wait with peace of mind!"

"I hope he is all right!" King Tongwei sighed with emotion.

When the two of them were talking, they were standing on the altar of Fenghou. They didn’t expect that Ding Hao was actually in the water under their feet. It’s no wonder that who can enter the water in Jiuya Cave for so many years? Know that there is a cave in this underwater.

"This blink of an eye, ten years have passed!"

Ding Hao has been under water for ten years and has studied all the classics left by the Yin people. He feels that his level has been greatly improved, and his strength has also made an amazing breakthrough!

"It's just a pity that with my current strength, I still can't break the water surface!" Ding Hao's most urgent need now is to break the water surface and leave this ghost place.

But for the past ten years, his strength still cannot break the water, and the golden dragon fish has never appeared.

"It seems that it's time for me to look down!"

Ding Hao has explored this underwater world many times over the years, and the only cave left is a cave deep in the bottom of the water. There is no bottom, and there are constant low roars.

Ding Hao felt that it was very dangerous, so he never dared to go on. Now, he has finished studying all the classics here. If he doesn't explore the cave, there is nothing else he can do.

"Rather than just waiting for death here, it's better to enter this underwater cave world and take a look. Maybe you will find a chance."

Thinking of this, Ding Hao immediately released his divine wing armor and flew towards the cave below.

What Ding Hao didn't know was that not long after he left, two cultivators familiar to him flew down from above the Jiuya Cave, and finally landed on the Fenghou altar at the bottom of the Jiuya Cave.

"Ten years in a blink of an eye." Gongsun Bo said with emotion, "I finally reached the original goal, now I have the opportunity to come to Fenghou!"

Gongsun Bo once said that he did not pass through the noble class, but directly broke through from the new nobility of Inner End to the Fenghou-level powerhouse. Now that ten years have passed, he has finally obtained the qualification.

Hoshino, who came with him, came here for the same purpose. After ten years of cultivation, he also had the qualifications to be a prince, and he received a token of the prince from the election of heaven.

"It's just a pity that Ding Hao can't see it anymore!" Hoshino said with emotion, "It's really a change in the world, which makes people unbelievable. If it weren't for Ding Hao, we couldn't practice so fast! Who knew he was going crazy on the way to Fenghou! , And finally died somehow!"

"I heard about it." Gongsun Bo said solemnly. "It is said that his death has a lot to do with the extermination of the remnants of the Yin people. He played a big role in it, and since then, there has been no seal. The king-level powerhouse goes crazy again!"

"But he's still dead!" Hoshino said, shaking his head, "Good people are not always there, it is really frustrating! I wait for the entrustment, and I must pay respect to his spirit in heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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