Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3386: See old friends again

Chapter 3386 See Old Friends Again

Chapter 3384-Meeting Old Friends Again

"Revisiting the old place two years later, I don't know if I can succeed this time!"

In the dark and deep Jiuya Cave, two figures are flying down at a fast speed. These two people are Ding Hao's former friends Gongsun Bo and Hoshino.

They had been here once more than two years ago, and wanted to be successful.

But they failed, and the tokens they threw out didn't get any response at all!

Seeing their group of Inner End Nobles, they will all naturally turn into aristocrats. Gongsun Bo decided to do it again; he originally wanted to show the limelight and directly become Fenghou-level powerhouse from Inner End Aristocrats, but if he automatically turns into aristocrats After that, he is becoming a Fenghou-level powerhouse, so he won't be in the limelight!

Gongsun Bo, who likes to show off, is unwilling to miss the last chance, so at this last moment, he came to the deepest part of Jiuyadong.

"I don't know if I can succeed this time." Hoshino was also full of emotion. He had already been able to become a Fenghou-level powerhouse, but now he has been delayed.

"Who knows! I don't know how many cultivators have been delayed in the past ten years! We came down this time and we had a chance!" Gongsun Bo was more emotional. Although he insisted on coming this time, he kept saying He looked desperate.

But Hoshino was more calm and smiled, "Ding Hao disappeared in Jiuyadong at the beginning, and it's about time when our group will become nobles! We should come here to pay homage to Ding Hao!"


Gongsunbo nodded, and the two accelerated their speed and flew towards the altar of Fenghou.

Just as the two men flew down, Ding Hao had already walked out of the underwater cemetery.

When he learned the three stone tablets, he was able to fight against the world beasts in an invincible position. Now he has learned ten stone tablets. Although they are not enough to defeat the world beasts, there is still a little hope to escape from the world beasts. !

"Beast, you stupid thing! For so many years as a sparring partner, haven't you thought of practicing?" Ding Hao said mockingly.

Realm beasts are actually very stupid beasts. They have lived for so many years, and they are quite fascinating. Hearing Ding Hao's words, he suddenly couldn't react.

Just when its brain crashed, Ding Hao waved the black giant cut in his hand, and he pounced on it!

"Stupid thing, die!"

The black giant cut out a dazzling black light from the bottom of the water, and slashed it on the huge head of the giant beast in front of him, so a circle of power suddenly appeared, and Ding Hao's eyes also flashed more confidence, ""Apocalypse Art" Sure enough, it is an extraordinary combat skill, and it has been able to raise my strength to this state in more than two years!"

Ding Hao has been trapped in the water for more than ten years, but he has never slackened and never stopped practicing!

He first learned the basics of Yin people’s writing and runes in the Yin people’s ruins under the water, and then went into the underground caves to practice the Apocalypse Art. Especially in the past two years or so, the improvement in his strength was quite amazing. !

Apocalyptic Art, even if it is placed in the current Gaze Immortal Clan, it is also a technique that reaches the sky and earth! It can be said that the current Gai Shi Xian Clan does not have such a powerful combat technique!

"Break it for me!"

With constant bangs, Ding Hao's power rose to a higher level after learning the exercises on ten stone tablets.

The original strength of the world beast is no longer able to match Ding Hao, and Ding Hao has been defeated steadily!

Just when Ding Hao was secretly happy, ready to take the little golden dragon, look for opportunities, and escape upward!

What Ding Hao didn't expect had happened. The inside of the world beast in front of him emitted a strange light. The circle-shaped pattern on its body was instantly broken!

When these patterns are broken, it seems to release a lot of power!

Roar! The world beast uttered a roar of shaking and shaking, and his strength suddenly became much stronger!

"My God, do you want this?" Ding Hao almost fainted.

Originally, he thought he could beat the world beast back by learning the exercises on ten stone tablets, and then he could leave.

But who knows otherwise.

The world beast, as a training sparring partner here, will not only have this strength. The circles of patterns on its body are actually the seal that Senior Yin had put on him! The cultivator of Tian Qi Jue is strong enough, and the seal will be lifted in circles! The greater the strength, the more seals will be lifted!

So when Ding Hao was found to be very strong, the first seal on the body of the world beast opened, and his strength doubled!


Ding Hao is already at full strength and has no spare power to deal with the doubled world beast!

"What can I do? I can't go out anymore, do I have to practice for a few more years here? But this guy, the seal on his body will continue to open! When can I leave? My battle agreement with King Tianguang, Don’t you want to break the contract, so what is the face of my teacher?"

"And it's here now. In the new round of Neitianya selection, I promised to go to Waitianya to pick up Dongcheng Ling!"

"This is how to do?"

Just when Ding Hao was beaten back and was about to return to the cemetery, what did the little Golden Dragon hiding in the cemetery suddenly feel?

It is the mission of the little golden dragon to seal the marquis of the powerful man. It has temporarily stopped its mission during its retreat for more than ten years; but now that it has exited the customs, it must accept the mission. It feels that someone is doing it. Summon it!

So at this moment, it brushed past Ding Hao without hesitation, and rushed out quickly!

This sudden sight made the world beast startled for a moment, then turned his head and pursued it fiercely!

The world beast is a stupid creature. He has wanted to swallow a golden dragon fish for so many years. It is a rare opportunity today. Of course, he immediately followed up, and even ignored Ding Hao!

In this way, a strange scene appeared in the cave.

The little golden dragon ran away fast in front, flying higher and higher, and the huge and ugly world beast was chasing after him. Amid the rumbling noise, the cave channel was hit and damaged everywhere; and in the end, it was Ding Hao following behind!

Ding Hao originally wanted to go out, but now he just saw the opportunity, and immediately used his divine wing armor, trailing behind, ready to escape at any time.

The little golden dragon is also very fast, like a golden lightning, just in a blink of an eye, it has rushed out of the underground cave!


When it rushed into the Yin Ruins, the world beast could only stop. Its body had a powerful restriction. The Yin powerhouse who sealed it back then did not allow it to leave this cave! So when it saw the little golden dragon escape, it could only block the entrance of the cave and let out a low and unwilling roar!

And at this moment, Ding Hao, who was behind him, finally found a chance. The black giant cut in his hand used the power of ten stone tablets to kill with all his strength!

"Get out of here!"


(End of this chapter)

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