Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3401: Lively

Chapter 3401 See the lively


"Who is this!"

"How strong is this woman?"

"Is this the legendary Fenghou-level powerhouse?"

"My God, we have never seen such a big man in Wanghai Town!"

On the streets of Wanghai Town, Waitianya, there was originally a crowd of people standing in celebration, celebrating that there is another rune mage Dongcheng Ling in Wanghai Town, and he can go to participate in this assessment of Inner End Newcomers.

But I didn't expect that such a powerful woman suddenly came. Everyone didn't know what the purpose of this person was. Suddenly all the celebrations stopped, and everyone looked up at the sky.

The round white flying treasure stopped and stopped in the air. An extremely arrogant woman lowered her head and asked, "Who are the group of Wanghai Town Selectors who participated in the selection of Inner End Upstarts?"

Facing this noble woman's question, the mayor of Wanghai Town hurriedly walked out and kowtow and said, "Next is the mayor of Wanghai Town, who has seen seniors."

The noble woman said, "You are welcome, you can call me King Qinghuan."


When the noble woman's name was spoken, there was an uproar at the scene, and everyone's expressions changed. They looked at each other, and there was a look of surprise in their eyes.

"My God, in Wanghai Town, we have never been to a Fenghou-level powerhouse, but a king-level powerhouse has come!" All the people in Wai Tianya who were present were already scared to kneel and bowed. Worship.

Dongcheng Ling also hurried up, bowed down and said, "Next is the group of Dongcheng Ling who participated in the selection."

"Are you Ding Hao's Taoist companion?" Qing Huan Wang asked split his mouth.

"Exactly." Dongcheng Ling felt even worse when he heard this question.

Sure enough, King Qing Huan walked down from his circular flying treasure, raised his hand to support Dongcheng Ling, and said with emotion, "No need to give this big gift, hurry up and talk. I promised Ding Hao back then to help him pick it up. You go to the selection!"

Dongcheng Ling asked quickly, "Senior King, thank you for coming to pick me up. This was when I made an appointment with him and said he personally..."

When Dongcheng Ling said this, her eyes were already red, and she faintly felt that something might have happened in this matter!

Sure enough, King Qing Huan nodded with emotion and said, "It's true that some of our kings took him to explore treasures with him. Who knows that at a critical moment, he was infected with some bad things and he was with us. A king went crazy and died because of this! After he was infected, before going crazy, ask me to do this today!"

"What? Crazy death!" Dongcheng Ling's eyes reddened suddenly, and for a while, she stood there completely blank, tears rolling down her eyes.

King Qinghuan was also very emotional, Ding Hao was also stained with red blood because of her.

She reassured and said, "Sister, you don’t need to despair. This matter may also turn around. After all, I didn’t see him going crazy and dying with my own eyes! Later, according to legend, he pretended to go crazy and finally wiped out the remnants of Yin! He has a nose and eyes. Everyone agrees that he is missing. I don’t know if he died!"

"Missing!" Dongcheng Ling held back his tears and asked again, "Then how long has he been missing?"

"Um... more than ten years."

"It has been missing for more than ten years!" The tears in Dongcheng Ling's eyes rolled down again.

A cultivator like Ding Hao has disappeared out of thin air for more than ten years. How can there be any reason to survive? She has been waiting in Wanghai Town for the past 30 years, waiting while practicing, just to wait for the day when she meets Ding Hao again.

Who knew it was such a result, she didn't even want to continue to participate in the selection of nobles in Nei Tianya!

"Since he is no longer there, what use is it for me to become a nobleman in Neitianya?" Dongcheng Ling said with tears, "let this opportunity to someone else."

"This..." King Qing Huan was also extremely embarrassed. To be honest, the current Dongcheng Ling went to participate in such a dangerous selection, and it was absolutely abnormal with this state. This is simply going to die.

The whole Wanghai Town was also quiet, and the happy expressions on everyone's faces were condensed. Everyone knew what had happened, and no one could laugh.

"How could this be?" The mayor of Wanghai Town directly sat on the ground and sighed.

"Hahaha." At this moment, laughter came not far away.

It turned out to be a few powerful princes, one of whom was a white-haired old man, and another was a lanky and pale cultivator. These people had a bad relationship with the original Ding Hao.

Among them, the white-haired old man formed hatred precisely because Ding Hao and the others beheaded their goddaughter; and the thin and pale nobleman was an evil young man who always wanted to be interesting to Ding Hao. Strong!

These people were all people Ding Hao had offended. After learning Ding Hao's disappearance, they have always been very proud, but they hold a grudge and feel that they have not yet avenged.

Hearing that Ding Hao's Taoist companion was going to participate in the Inner End of the World Examination this time, they couldn't help but fly over here, deliberately mocking and mocking, and now they have caught up.

King Qinghuan suddenly became angry, "What are you laughing at? Are you looking for death?"

The white-haired old man, Yin Qiang and others, did not dare to offend such a king. They just laughed and said, "Senior King Qinghuan, we just thought of some funny things before. Could it be that Senior King hasn't allowed others to laugh? ?"

The white-haired old man even said, "Although I am only a powerful man at the rank of nobleman, I also know a lot of powerful men from the rank of noble, who all live in Jiuyadong, why bother?"

"You guys!" Qing Huan Wang's face was annoyed, but she was helpless. After all, her task today was to pick up people, not kill them.

Yin Qiang laughed and said, "Okay, I just came here to have a look. Now that I have finished it, I feel good, and I can go."

All of these people were triumphant. Seeing Dongcheng Ling's tragic situation, they seemed to have taken revenge, and their mood improved a lot, and they were ready to leave.

But just when they were about to leave, from another direction in the sky, another white round flying treasure flew at a rapid speed.

Soon after, an unruly teenager stood on this flying treasure and also came to Wanghai Town. It was Ding Hao's friend Mengao in the inner world.

The people in Meng'ao and Jiuyadong are quite familiar, and when you glance at these people in front of you, you know what these people are here for.

King Qinghuan knew Meng Ao and nodded, "Meng Aohou, you are here too."

Meng Ao stepped down from his flying disc, looked at Yin Qiang with a cold gaze, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Can you come here to take a look? You have to take care of it? We are here to watch the excitement!" The white-haired old man hates Ding Hao the most. He is also a powerful man, so he is not arrogant at all.

"Let's watch the fun?" Meng Ao sneered, "Then I tell you, there is no fun here! Ding Hao is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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