Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3405: Turned out to be a good thing

Chapter 3405 turned out to be a good thing


"This is the pool of death!"

At midnight, Ye Kong finally arrived, causing his death pool where his cultivation level had not been improved for decades.

The death pool is located in a remote corner of the outer world, so as a famous dangerous area, there is no hint!

"Waitianya is really a place where nobody cares, such a dangerous place, there is not even a reminder card, I was really unlucky at the time, accidentally fell in."

Although there are no reminders, everyone who lives in the nearby Wai Tianya knows the danger here, and generally no one comes over, and no one wants to explore it.

"Falling into this pool is over, no one wants to enter it! Only me, I have reached this point, just go in and take a look!"

Right now Ye Kong walked directly into the pool.

"When I fell into the pool, my body had already pulled out the defensive mask, but it was still useless!" A mask appeared outside of Ye Kong's body. When he walked into the pool, the mask isolated the water. .

"There is really a mystery in this pool."

In fact, Ye Kong didn't touch the water here at the time, and the effects that he could receive were still the same. It can be seen that the mysterious power in this pool is indeed very strong. This is also a problem that Ye Kong has been thinking about for so many years.

However, after holding the mask into the water, he didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt a sense of comfort in it.

"Regardless of him, keep going down!"

"Death Pool, what's in it?"

Ye Kong was in the water, constantly advancing downward, but he didn't feel any power while advancing.

"It's really weird, what exactly is this force that affects me?"

When he came to the depths of the pool, hundreds of meters away, he encountered unexpected things again.

"Finally feel the power, the defensive mask supported by my body is resisted by a force, unable to move down!"

Ye Kong tried many times and wanted to keep going down, but all failed.

"This power is really strong, but it only affects my defensive mask!"

"Does it just return without success?"

Ye Kong thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth one last time, "I can't hurt my eldest brother anymore. Now that I have come here, I have become like this. What else can I worry about?"

Thinking of this, Ye Kong simply removed the defensive mask on his body completely.

In this way, his body was completely immersed in the water of the death pool, and the water in the pool had intimate contact with his body.

"Not good!" Ye Kong was shocked immediately.

He finally felt the power in the water. It was a very strange power. From his limbs and pores, every pore could be said to be pervasive. This power entered his body, penetrated back and forth, and penetrated each other. .

At that moment, his body was like a completely transparent sponge, instantly filled with this kind of water, and his body instantly became very heavy.

Originally, he was still worried about not being able to enter the depths of the water, but now he is accelerating and sinking, falling quickly to the bottom!

Ye Kong's heart was both worried and joyful, feeling that there was a vast and unknown new world in front of him, which was different from what he got when he came to the world outside the sky!

Ye Kong came to the world of Tianwaitian. Although he hadn't cultivated for so many years, he knew very well that this was a world of runes.

The weak train to become a rune warrior, and use runes to strengthen their flesh and fight; the strong train to become a rune mage, using runes to transform the world and change the world!

Therefore, in the world of Outer Space, whether in Outer World or Inner World, the most precious item is rune classics!

But Ye Kong faintly felt that at the bottom of the pool in front of him, it would bring him a different new content!


Soon Ye Kong fell to the bottom of the water. This was a very dark space. He raised his head and could see that there was a very huge statue in this dark water.

This huge statue was not standing there with its head high, nor was it sitting there cross-legged doing meditation. It turned out to be a huge black kneeling statue.

"This looks like a statue of a sinner!"

"What the **** is this place?"

Ye Kong continued to advance under the water. At the bottom of this pool was a street. In addition to the statue kneeling on the ground, there were many statues behind. These people were tall figures, and everyone looked ugly and weird.

"These are Tianwaitian indigenous people!"

In order to restore his cultivation abilities, he has also watched many miscellaneous classics over the years, so he recognized at a glance that these statues are basically natives of Tianwaitian.

"It is said that the aboriginal people of Tianwaitian are also very strong, and they were completely wiped out after the arrival of the Geshixian clan!"

Ye Kong had gradually understood that the site under the water pool he came to should be the ancient site left by the aboriginals of Tianwaitian.

"Where is this place? What happened? Why does this death pool seal people's ability to practice runes?"

Ye Kong really didn't think about it. He walked directly into a small shop next to the road. It was a classic shop. What he didn't expect was that all the classics on the shelf could be viewed!

"These classics have been stored here for hundreds of millions of years, and they can all be watched!" Ye Kong was shocked, and he quickly picked up and clicked to watch.

His eyes lit up, "I guess it is true, all the practice books here are from the aboriginal people of the sky! I can't imagine the aboriginal people of the sky have such a splendid civilization!"

The content recorded in the books of the Gaishixian tribe generally writes that the Yin people are very powerful, but the natives of Tianwaitian are not taken seriously at all, thinking that these are just some uncivilized savages, and their combat effectiveness is also very good. Weak and small, no need to record and study at all!

But Ye Kong's look was quite shocked.

"It turns out that before our Gaishixian clan came to the world of Tianwaitian, the aboriginal people of Tianwaitian created a splendid civilization. They even fought against the Yin people and wiped out an astonishing number of Yin people! The losses on both sides are enormous, this Only then did we come in!"

The more Ye Kong watched these histories and classics, the more shocked by the facts covered by history.

"The cultivation methods of the aboriginals of Tianwaitian are different from those of the Yin people and the Gaishixian tribe. They have cultivated a fighting technique that does not require runes at all! This technique is simple and direct, rude and effective, and does not need to be. Feel any rune!"

"So if you want to practice the techniques of the natives of Tianwaitian, the first thing to do is to exclude yourself from the laws of runes. Neither the heavens nor the enemies can use runes to influence oneself..."

(End of this chapter)

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