Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3427: Desperately

Chapter 3427 Desperately Seal the King

Chapter 3424 Desperate To Seal King

"Ding Hao, I order you to return now, come to my practice place, and explain the situation!"

In the inner world of the outer world, the king-class powerhouse can directly project his spiritual power, and a core person like Yun Tianke can project his spiritual power to any corner of the world at will.

Therefore, while Ding Hao was flying on Ding Xiaohei, a tall old man appeared in front of him.

The old man was full of anger, his aura was extremely powerful, his tone was also very tough, like thunder.

"Teacher, I am about to arrive at the Palace of the Kings. Last time I have been to the Hall of the Kings. The king failed, so I want to meet you again after the success of the crowning." Ding Hao replied while flying.

"When you come out of the retreat to go to the Palace of the Kings, you must pass through the place where I practiced! You can't get through the door, so you are busy going to the Kings..." At this point, the anger on Yun Tianke's face was even worse. Saying word by word, "Do you think you have the capital to fight me if you become a powerful king?"

Not to mention, such powerful people as Yun Tianke really have lived too many years, and they have completely become human spirits. Ding Hao's little thoughts can be clearly seen by him.

Seeing that Ding Hao had nothing to say, Yun Tianke sneered again, "You are really arrogant as a child. You think there is nothing wrong with being a king-level powerhouse? What if you think you are a king, I can't take you? It's so funny."

In fact, at this moment, several other core powerhouses are also watching the situation here.

The middle-aged strong man with pierced armor on his body is Carlo, another of the core strong men!

Right now, Carlos and others also appeared. Carlo said with a gloomy smile, "Yun Tianke, you have accepted a lot of disciples in these years. This is the first time you have received such a traitor, I I have already said that Ding Hao is not a serious person."

Yun Tianke snorted coldly, "You don't care about my business! Ding Hao, your business has now become the target of all core powerhouses! You are simply embarrassing me! I now give you one last chance!"

Speaking of this, Yun Tianke said again and again, "You come to my residence right now, take the initiative to abolish your messy cultivation skills, and then I will teach you a new exercise! The battle of core disciples is It will be held in half a year, and I promise you will have enough strength to fight! So you don’t need to practice the evil techniques left by the Yin people, I can help you qualify to enter the core!"

It can be said that Yun Tianke has done his best for Ding Hao. As long as Ding Hao abolishes his Yin Ren exercises, he will not blame him, but will also teach Ding Hao's most precious exercises to help Ding Hao greatly increase his strength in half a year!

The old woman with an unruly face snorted coldly, "Yun Tianke, you are really good to your disciple. If my disciple was so disobedient, I would have already expelled from the mountain gate and killed it on the spot. Xiaoyou!"

Carlo said mockingly, "What is he? It's just a small scum, and my disciple is strong enough, I will never let him into the core!"

Facing the powerful people like huge mountains in front of him, Ding Hao's eyes flashed, he gritted his teeth, stepped on Ding Xiaohei, and commanded with his heart, "Leave them alone, go to the Palace of Kings!"

Ding Xiaohei's huge iron wings vigorously vibrated, and then shrank back, his huge body shape was like a black cone, advancing at high speed downwards, and went straight to the Palace of the King not far away.

"Bastard!" Yun Tianke was so angry that he shouted loudly, "Ding Hao, I have done my best to you. If you don't even listen to my last order, you are not my disciple!"

The unbearable Ding Hao had already arrived in front of the Fengwang Palace at this moment. He stepped off Ding Xiaohei's back, turned his head and held his fist in midair, and said respectfully.

"Teacher Yuntianke, thank you for your previous teachings. It really helped me a lot! But I can’t listen to you this time because I’m doing the right thing. Look at you who are the strongest and cultivate After reaching the extreme, I can't use my abilities one by one!"

"What I have to do is to break through this level of limitation. I have not become a remnant of the Yin people. Now I have a very clear mind. I am a descendant of the Gaishixian clan. I want to do something for the Gaishixian clan!

"In short, I think what I did is correct, and I believe that many years later, including you, will think that what I did is correct!"

"Hahaha!" Carlo laughed loudly. "Yun Tianke, I have to say that the disciple you took is really arrogant. He actually wants to surpass us and help us solve the problem. Who does he think he is? He is really capable. Big!"

Under Carlo's cynicism, Yun Tianke furiously shouted, "Who wants you to help us solve these problems? You only need to practice step by step step by step. When you enter the core and accept the core training inheritance, you will Just like us! To the top in this world..."

"Teacher, what about reaching the top in this world? What about being like you?"

Ding Hao said here, knowing that he could no longer convince these old stubborns, he clasped his fist again and said, "Teacher, in short, I won't go the same way as you, maybe you think you have reached the peak now, but I see one To be able to reach higher roads, I want to see farther scenery, so I will not walk the same road as you. We are not on the same road, so see you again!"

After Ding Hao said this, he turned his head and walked into the Palace of the King, regardless of the situation outside.

"Hahaha, Yun Tianke, he wants to take a different path from you!" Carlo sneered again.

Yun Tianke was also pale with anger, and shouted angrily, "It's still the opposite. I will go to the Palace of the Kings now. After this kid leaves the customs, I will capture him alive and personally abolish his cultivation base!"

In fact, Yun Tianke was quite satisfied with Ding Hao, this disciple, but this time, Ding Hao was too much, and he did something that they simply couldn't accept.

In the eyes of their core powerhouses, Ding Hao is totally unforgivable. Cultivating Yin people's combat skills is simply a rebellion of the immortal clan!

No life race allows rebellion, so Ding Hao basically challenged their bottom line, so Yun Tianke was also uncharacteristically and extremely angry.

The other core powerhouses on the scene also shook their heads, "Ding Hao, this kid is finished! I really don’t know what arrogance this kid has? He thinks that if he becomes a king-level powerhouse, he can fight against being a core powerhouse? Why is this? The kid desperately wants to enter the hall of kings and kings?"

The core powerhouses present couldn't figure it out. Becoming a king-level powerhouse is just a title. The cultivation base has not been improved much, and the combat effectiveness has not been improved much. Ding Hao is busy concluding the king, what is it going to do?

(End of this chapter)

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