Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3449: Nonsense

Chapter 3449 Nonsense


Yang Shuhao and the others didn't like Ding Hao in the first place, but now that Ding Hao hasn't come, they can't wait to get Ding Hao out.

Fuxi stepped forward and said, "Teacher, no matter what, everyone is the disciple of the core powerhouse! Although he has a little conflict with his teacher now, Yun Tianke has not expelled this disciple, so he is also eligible to participate in the battle. !"

Cang Cang nodded and said, "You have some truth in what you said, but after all, the time is urgent, and we don’t know when he will come. So in this way, your battle will start first. If he arrives while you are fighting, then he will have Qualified to participate; but if after you fight, he has already decided the first place and comes again, he will lose the qualification to participate in the battle!"

Fuxi had something to say, but Cang Cang waved his hand and said, "The time for this passage to open the door is already very fast! So there is no delay. You must decide the winner before you open the door, let's start! "

"Let's get started!" The other strong disciples present were all eager to try.

Fuxi had no choice but to nod and said, "Then let's start, I hope Ding Hao can come before the door opens!"

In fact, Fu Xi still worried about Ding Hao in her heart.

Because Ding Hao is not just a matter of coming, but Ding Hao told him that he must kill a core powerhouse before he comes!

"I hope he can succeed, no matter what, I will try my best to delay here!"

Cang Cang only then spoke and announced, "The rules of the competition are like this. Now you eight strong players, choose your opponents, catch the opponents, and eliminate them; after the elimination of the first stage, there are still four strong players. Then you can engage in a melee of the strong! In the melee, there are not so many rules, as long as you kill or defeat the opponent, you can do it! You can fight with multiple people, or you can kill multiple people. It all depends on your own ability. !"

"When the second round is over, the last person left, that is, the tenth core strong, is qualified to enter the core!"

After hearing this rule, the eight people present were all looking around, looking for opponents.

Fuxi's gaze turned, passing by the other seven faces, and finally fell on Yang Shuhao's face.

In the conversation just now, Yang Shuhao looked very hostile to Ding Hao, and Fuxi's plan was to eliminate Yang Shuhao first! And Yang Shuhao's gaze also fell on Fu Xi's body. If Ding Hao's eldest brother can be killed first, his aura will rise!

But the two looked at each other, but they both looked away at the same time.

Because they all feel that their opponents are too strong, in this round of elimination, there is no need to choose the strongest opponent!

Fuxi secretly said in his heart, "I am here today, the main purpose is to help my brother Ding Hao procrastinate! Yang Shuhao is the strongest of all people. If I fight this person, if I ever make a mistake, then I was eliminated, and I can't continue to delay time!"

Thinking of this, Fuxi raised his hand for a safe purpose. His opponent was a cultivator who looked like a scholar, who was exactly the life of Ren Wanlun, a disciple of the core powerhouse Ren Wanlun!

In fact, this Ren Shengping is not only Ren Wanlun’s disciple, but also a descendant of his grandson.

Ren Wanlun is nepotism, and no outsiders are used to select disciples. They are all selected among the descendants of his own tribe. He thinks that his descendants have excellent qualifications.

He didn't know that among the disciples of these real core powerhouses, it was this Ren's strength that was the weakest in his life!

Everyone knows that this person has the weakest strength, but Ren Wanlun firmly believes in his choice, causing Ren Shengping to become haughty and arrogant, thinking that everyone else is blind.

So when he saw that Fuxi was the first to choose him, he didn't even think about it, and immediately nodded and said, "You actually chose me. Do you think I am really as weak as the legend? I tell you, don't deceive people too much. I will show you my strength!"

In this way, both of them agreed to become opponents of each other, and immediately flew to the arena on the side of the starry sky, ready to fight.

With Fuxi's first choice, everyone else has their own thoughts and chooses their opponents.

In the starry sky, there are huge lights and shadows at this moment, forming four arenas, these four arena are lined up in the void, and in the nearby starry sky, there are many viewing positions.

Many practitioners came here today to watch this grand event. Everyone wants to learn some precious combat experience from the battle of the strong!

Dongcheng Ling also chose a quiet corner to sit down. As soon as she sat down, her girlfriend and her companion came over and sat down next to her.

The female girlfriend said, "Dongcheng Ling, I was really sorry before, I made you unhappy."

Seeing her saying this, Dongcheng Ling nodded and expressed forgiveness.

At the moment, everyone is watching the battle on the ring quietly. In this first round of elimination, everyone's choice is relatively clear, that is, to eliminate the weakest opponent.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is the life of Ren Fuxi selected or the opponent selected by Yang Shuhao, there is a big gap in strength. Above the ring, the level has quickly appeared.

Seeing that Yang Shuhao had the upper hand, the female girlfriend and her companion were immediately shocked again.

The female girlfriend said, "Yang Shuhao is really an extraordinary person, a disciple of the core powerhouse, and he was the first to practice with the core powerhouse! So he has the best chance of winning this time, oh! If I can become his Taoist companion , That's all right, but people look down on me!"

The female girlfriend's Taoist couple laughed and said, "Your appearance and aptitude are just as good as me. If you want to say that you are as good as Yang Shuhao, it is Dongcheng Ling!"

Dongcheng Ling sat beside him, frowning without speaking. Her girlfriend couldn't help but said again, "Dongcheng Ling, let's be honest, this time Ding Hao really has no chance! Do you know what news I just heard?"

Dongcheng Ling's face sank, and he turned around and asked, "What news?"

The girl friend said, "Have you seen? The nine core powerhouses are now only Cang Cang here, and all the other eight are chasing Ding Hao! Even if Ding Hao becomes the master of the Palace of Kings, he does not Maybe one of the eight core powerhouses, I think he is dead!"

The female girlfriend’s male patriarch also came up and said, "Speaking of which, Yang Shuhao is the best! You see that he is the strongest among this group of strong, and he will soon become the tenth core strong! That Ding Hao It can’t be compared to Yang Shuhao at all. I advise you to think about it clearly. If you wait for Yang Shuhao to succeed, then you will be passive..."

Dongcheng Ling heard them belittle Ding Hao like this, and said with a cold snort, "Thank you for caring about Ding Hao, but what I want to tell you is that Ding Hao will not die! The core powerhouse will die!"


(End of this chapter)

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