Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3451: Core vibration

Chapter 3451 Core Vibration

Chapter 3448 Core Vibration

At the end of the first round of the knockout round, four of the eight contestants were eliminated, and four were left, namely Yang Shuhao, King Pang Sun, Shenyou and Fuxi.

Seeing Fuxi stepping down the ring helplessly, Yang Shuhao sneered triumphantly, "You want to delay time, there is no way! Enter the second round immediately, you are even more unlikely to delay time! I will solve you first!"

When Yang Shuhao was speaking, King Pangsun, who was standing next to him, had a gloomy sneer on his face. He had obviously reached an agreement with Yang Shuhao and was preparing to join forces to solve Fuxi first!

"You really want to be the first to solve me, then I will desperately want to take you along!" Fuxi gritted her teeth and said threateningly.

But his warning seemed useless, and King Pang Sun stepped up and said, "You tell me, I have made an appointment with Brother Yang, and I will kill you first! If you are more acquainted, you can live if you leave. I don’t know anything, and insist on fighting us. I think your life is worrying!"

Saying that these two people laughed loudly, extremely arrogant.

Although Fu Xi was upset, it couldn't be regarded as not happening. Both Yang Shuhao and Pang Sun Wang were quite good! Yang Shuhao was the first to practice with the core powerhouse, while King Pangsun participated in this competition for the second time. He has rich experience, and these two people should not be underestimated!

Thinking of this, Fuxi came to Shenyou and said, "The two of them have formed a team, and they are going to kill me first, then you, and then they two will compete for the last place! Can't you see this kind of calculation? ?"

Shenyou thoughtfully said, "Fuxi, of course I can see what they mean, but I can't team up with you! My teacher Qiuqiu doesn't like Ding Hao either! If I team up with you, my teacher will turn around and ask, I can't explain!"

Fuxi shook her head and said, "Then say that, you will be eliminated after me!"

Shenyou is not stupid either. Although she rejected Fuxi verbally, she passed the sound to Fuxi, "Actually, I also know Ding Hao. I think Ding Hao's person is still good, and I have worked with him! In this assessment Of course, I also want to fight for the first place, but if I can’t fight for the first place, I don’t want Yang Shuhao and the others to succeed!"

"Then what do you mean?" Fuxi Chuanyin asked.

"We secretly joined forces!" Shenyou asked after speaking, "Do you really think Ding Hao will come before the core gate opens? You know, there are eight core strongest people who have gone to the Fengwang Palace to capture them. he!"

Fuxi nodded and said, "I don't know the specific situation, but I believe that Ding Hao should be able to arrive before the core gate opens! Moreover, he will kill a core powerhouse!"

"How is it possible?" Shenyou looked at Fuxi with a surprised look, as if to say, are you crazy.

At this moment, both Fuxi and Dongcheng Ling have been regarded as lunatics, and they actually said that Ding Hao could kill a core powerhouse. This is simply bragging and bragging!

Cang Cang's eyes swept across the four people in front of him before he said, "The final martial arts competition is coming soon. What I want to tell you is that in this martial arts space, everyone must surrender themselves to escape! If you feel the strength If it is not enough, then admit the failure early, otherwise, it is very likely that life will be lost..."

When it comes to this, Yang Shuhao sneered, "Fuxi, you are dead! I advise you to surrender here, otherwise it will be too late for you to admit defeat in the martial arts space, and I want you to die in it!"

Fu Xi mocked, "You cowards, you are afraid that Ding Hao will die, I tell you, you will definitely come!"

"Bastard! It's good for him to come, so I can kill him!" King Pangsun said gritted his teeth.

But just as he finished speaking, not far away, there was a thunderbolt in the sky. Not far away, there was the sound of the mountain shaking.

"What's the situation? Is the door to the core about to be opened?" Everyone had different opinions, greedily looking at the dark passage.

Everyone thought that the door to the core was about to open, so there was such a movement, but the people present only Cang Cang sensed the real reason, and his old face suddenly showed horror, "How is it possible! Nine core powerhouses? There are only eight remaining, and the strong will remaining in the core gate has already notified the remaining eight core experts!"

"Nine core powerhouses, now only eight are left!"

When everyone present heard this sentence, their faces were so shocked that they couldn't believe it.

"How is it possible, where is another core powerhouse? How come one is missing?" Everyone is talking about it, and the opinions are different.

However, some people suddenly thought of what Dongcheng Ling said just now, and Dongcheng Ling's best friend couldn't help but wondered, "Could it be Ding Hao, as Dongcheng Ling said..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by her Taoist companion next to her, "Nonsense! Why do you believe this? Even if one of the core powerhouses has fallen, there must be other reasons, absolutely absolutely It can't be killed by Ding Hao!"

Hearing what he said, everyone around the scene agreed.

Many people even nodded and said, "The loss of one of the nine powerhouses must be something unexpected. It is definitely not beheaded! You must know that every core powerhouse has already stood by our celestial immortal clan. The highest peak! Each of these people can never die. If Ding Hao can kill one of them, this person is either too stupid or too bad!"

Dongcheng Ling was said to be like this, but she had a faint smile on her face. She was very happy in her heart. It didn't matter if others didn't believe it, she knew very well in her heart.

At this time, a core powerhouse was killed, whose method could it be? Ding Hao must have done it!

She was still worried about Ding Hao just now. Now that she heard that one person had been killed, she knew that Ding Hao had succeeded, and she was completely relieved!

As for the ridicule and ridicule around, Dongcheng Ling is not serious at all. I believe that soon, when the real news comes, the changes on the faces of these people should be wonderful!

At this moment, I heard that a core expert was killed. All the core disciples present had their faces changed suddenly. Shenyou couldn't help but ask, "Senior Cang Cang, dare to ask this fallen core expert. Who is it?"

Each of the eight people present has their own teacher, and everyone is unwilling to have an accident with their own teacher. All of them stared at Cang Cang with piercing eyes. He could sense the news from the core, and he could also know which of the strong was unlucky. Up!

Cang Cang's eyes flickered for a while, and then he spoke word by word, "This fallen core powerhouse is not someone else, it is Carlo powerhouse!"

"Carlo!" Fuxi laughed when he heard the name, "I said the third brother can do it! He really killed the core powerhouse! Bull!"

(End of this chapter)

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