Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3462: legend

Chapter 3462 Legend

Chapter 3459 Legend

"It turned out to be like this!"

Ding Hao and Shenyou heard what the bald young man said, only then did they understand the origins of the outer world and the situation in the Yinren world.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I believe what you are saying, you don't have to lie to us! And from the behavior of Tudor, this person is indeed a person with a strong desire to control! Every Yin person has a **** in his mind Insect, in fact, this insect does not necessarily exist. The real purpose of its existence is to let Tudor control everyone's thoughts at any time!"

The bald young man said, "The reason Tudor fears our sons is because of our 3000 children, there is no **** bug in his mind!"

"What? There is such a thing?" Ding Hao asked in surprise.

"Indeed!" said the bald young man again. "Our 3,000 children are the natural offspring of Tudor! Because when Tudor raised the first generation ancestor of the divine worm, he was afraid that the worm would also enter his own spirit. He was also controlled by this bug! So while he was raising, he deliberately asked the **** bug to reject his temperament and aura! Who knows, Tudor later gave birth to 3000 children, and everyone has a little bit of his temperament. Harmony! And generations of divine insects have multiplied, and they are quite resistant to this kind of breath, so we 3000 children, there is no divine insect in our minds!"

"Then he will be even more afraid of you!" Shenyou nodded in agreement.

Tudor originally had a strong desire to control, and he was very suspicious. Now there is no **** bug in these people's minds! If these 3,000 people were not his children, he would have killed them all!

The bald young man said again, "Tuduo is actually very jealous of us, so he usually divides us into 3,000 different worlds. Only when he is summoned can we go to meet him! They are not allowed to meet in private! So I have been locked in this outer world for 100 million years, and I cannot leave at all!"

"That's it."

Ding Hao is now fully aware of the origin of the world of Tianwaitian and the basic situation of the world of Yin people.

But the only thing Ding Hao didn't understand was, "Senior, I have one last question! That is, since you can completely control the outer world, why do you want us to come in?"

Hearing Ding Hao's question, Shenyou's eyes lit up and nodded, feeling Ding Hao's question.

Since the bald young man is the ruler of the Tianwaitian world, if he does not allow the Gaishixian Clan to enter, then the Gaishixian Clan will definitely not come to the Tianwaitian!

Now that the Gaishixian clan is developing and growing here, it is completely acquiesced by the bald youths, and even the bald youths give back to the heavenly powerhouses who enter the core, let them borrow the power from the core!

Then, why should the bald youth allow the Gaishi immortals to come in?

"Your question is very good!" The bald young man nodded slightly, his eyes began to gather, and said, "You thought that the core of 10 million years opened the door once, and now it opens the door ten times, which happens to be 100 million years! I took you wrong, in fact, it is in the world. Before the clan came to this world, I had stayed here for a full 10 million years! So I have been here for 110 million years, do you know now?"

"This way!" Shenyou nodded suddenly.

No wonder the bald youth nowadays is so depressed, because Tudor made him think about it for 100 million years already! But Tudor still deliberately prevented him from getting out of this world, he had already overdue 10 million years!

"Could Tudor accidentally forget it?" Shenyou asked again.

"Do you think it's possible?" the bald youth asked.

"He did it deliberately!" Ding Hao said word by word, "He has always been afraid of you in his heart. Not only is he afraid of you, but he is also afraid of geniuses cultivated from the outer world! If all these Yin geniuses recognize you as a teacher, these All geniuses are your disciples and will accept your instructions! If you rebel one day in the future, as long as you rise up, these people will all listen to you! So Tudor is quite jealous, and he will not allow Tianwaitian World to open again! "

"You are a wise man!" The bald young man continued nodding.

Ding Hao also continued, "So you guessed this 100 million years ago, you are smarter! So you thought of a way to quietly open the world of Heaven and Heaven and introduce us, the ancestors of the Heavenly Clan! The ancestors of the fairy clan were looking for a more powerful world. After discovering this place, they immediately exhausted all their power and resources, and all immigrated to the outer world!"

"You are right again." The bald young man nodded and smiled.

Ding Hao then continued to speculate, "In the 100 million years of development of the Geshixian Clan, although you have given some help, you did not give it wholeheartedly! Because you are also fantasizing in your heart, you are thinking: After that, if Tudor trusts you again, then you will kill all the heavenly immortals! At that time, the world of Tianwaitian can become the cradle for the Yin people to cultivate descendants of genius!"

"What!" Shenyou was horrified by Ding Hao's analysis.

She was still sympathizing with the bald youth just now, and could not win the trust of her father Tudor!

But now thinking about it, if Tudor really trusted the bald youth, then the bald youth would have killed all the people of the Gaishixian clan 10 million years ago!

Ding Hao continued, "But you are disappointed! You waited here for 100 million years and found that Tudor didn't want to fulfill the promise! So you have kept the Geishi Xian clan for so long and finally came in handy! So here In the 110 millionth year, you deliberately let me come in!"

"What?" Shenyou was stunned again.

Listening to what Ding Hao said, Ding Hao was able to walk into the core space, and there was an ingenious arrangement of the bald youth!

"Young man, I have to admit that you are really a smart person!" The bald young man clapped and nodded and said, "Your guesses are all right! I'm really curious, how did you guess these things? of!"

"It's very simple." Ding Hao nodded and said, "If I am not mistaken, you have been to the earth! Otherwise, the Buddha in the earth legend controls the 3000 realms, I don't think it would be so coincidental!"

"Haha!" The bald young man nodded with a smile, "As you guessed, 10 million years ago, that is, I was confined here for 100 million years! Tudor still did not relax my thoughts, so I was desperate, and I wanted revenge. ! But I observe that the current celestial clan lacks a true celestial hero, so I left this world briefly, and I traveled to many different worlds! To prevent Tudor from discovering, so I walked on this place where the earth is. Kind of the lowest level plane, walking on these bottom planes, I want to find a hero to help me realize my long-cherished wish!"

(End of this chapter)

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