Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3482: Bet everything

Chapter 3482

Chapter 3479-Gamble

Ding Hao came to this world not just for eating, drinking and having fun!

Although he also wants to relax, the agreement with God is always on his shoulders!

He also saw hope in this world of fun, where there are many precious and extraordinary exercises, there are many powerful and unseen treasures, and there are various opportunities!

These opportunities are hidden in eating, drinking, and having fun, but as long as you have a heart, you can easily find them!

You can improve your own cultivation!

Can do anything!

"And to get these great opportunities, what I need most is to get an astonishing amount of soul gold!"

Although Ding Hao has less than 3,000 soul gold in his hand, it is enough to eat and drink hot here; but if he wants to buy useful exercises and treasures that are useful for his own cultivation, he needs to be ten times a hundred times, even a thousand times!

"Enter the casino and try your luck."

Soon Ding Hao walked into a gambling house on the side of the road. After entering, he found that the interior was quite huge.

There are so many ways to gamble. There are big and small things he has ever seen before, throwing dice, fighting cockfighting, roulette, all kinds of cards, fighting each other, and all kinds of things. Ding Hao has walked so many worlds, once seen All the gambling methods that I have ever used are all available here!

"It seems that even if you cultivate to this state, the way humans play is nothing more than eating, drinking, and gambling!"

Ding Hao passed by in front of the gambling games, and there were many people gambling. These people have their own shapes, but their eyes are full of greed; there are also some beautiful women who have lost all wining at him, but here But no one cares!

Because everyone knows that when the spirit power comes here, everyone has to choose a new body. Who knows if the body of these beautiful women in front of them is pretending to be a big foot-scraping man?

Ding Hao went deeper and deeper and found that there were many people standing in front of him. It should be a huge game.

When Ding Hao came to this gambling game, he found that there was a huge transparent spar in front of him. Through this transparent spar, he could see the whole world below!

In the transparent spar world below, there are many human beings. These people don’t even know that someone is watching them. They just live day after day; this is a low-spirited world. In this world, there are constantly All kinds of events happened.

Two warriors are dueling for a blonde beauty; another, a mare in the ranch is preparing to give birth to a pony; in another corner of the world, some people in black and white are constantly coming in and out; In a remote valley, an extremely old miner is working hard in the mine...

For people in this world, perhaps this is their life.

But in fact, their lives are for the casino gambling!

In front of Ding Hao, the gambling situation was constantly changing.

Two fighters fighting for the beauty can bet their soul gold and bet one of them to win; on the pasture side, they can also bet. What is the pony that the mare gives birth to?

And in front of the small door where people are constantly coming in and out, you can also place a bet, whether the next one will come out in black or white?

As for the extremely old miner, he can also bet on the ore he can mine today? !

In short, the world below is constantly progressing and evolving, and the people watching above can place bets at any time according to the continuous situation!

Some bets can be rewarded in an instant; some bets have to wait for a long time; even some high bets have to wait until the world is completely over!

"Such a gambling game is completely random, and there is no way to cheat!" Ding Hao nodded, such a game, such a gambling house, it is really unimaginable that this gambling game, such a gambling house, has opened up a world for gambling.

Ding Hao took out his soul gold to bet and kept winning or losing. He would not be desperate like others. Instead, he kept betting small amounts. He would lose and win, but after a while, he watched his soul. Jin found out that there was a lot less!

"All were taken away by the commission fee!"

It turns out that every time a bet is placed, after winning, a 10% handling fee will be drawn.

So even if you win or lose, the soul gold will continue to decrease in the end. Only the boss here will make a lot of money!

"It's not interesting." Ding Hao left the gambling game after playing for a while.

At this moment, he still has 2,000 soul gold on his body. There are many tall counters on the side of this casino. Among the counters, there are jade tiles one after another, and different words are written on the jade tiles.

"Great transparency!"

"Big Blur Technique!"

"Great Wisdom Technique!"

"Great power cut!"

"Great tempering method!"

"These..." Ding Hao's expression moved. These powerful exercises were all he hadn't learned. Among them, there was only the Great Transparency Technique, which Ye Kong taught him! He clearly knows that this level of exercise is very precious and very effective!

"If I can get one of them, it won't be in vain this time!"

Ding Hao immediately looked down and saw that this counter seemed to be a gambling machine. Every time at least one thousand soul gold was invested, there was a chance to permutate and combine.

When a certain combination appears, a precious practice technique will be randomly dropped out!

Ding Hao invested a thousand soul gold, and a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him, "The probability of obtaining a holy spell is one in ten thousand!"

Ding Hao put in another thousand soul gold, and the light curtain changed into, "The probability of obtaining the holy spell is two in ten thousand!"

"This probability is too low!" Ding Hao has been unable to recover the soul gold, only to confirm the start.

Sure enough, the light and shadow in front of him flashed, no combination appeared, all the 2000 soul gold was thrown into the water, there was no sound!


Ding Hao reluctantly took out the yellow needle grass and found that there was the last one, which could only be held to his lips and walked out of the casino.

Although he has no money anymore, he has cultivation techniques and he can still exchange for soul gold.

Before, he exchanged with other descendants, but this time, he walked into a small shop on the side of the road without any signs. This small shop has no other functions. The only one is to collect exercises!

"Senior, do you want to sell the exercises! As long as you can produce the exercises, you can exchange for soul gold!"

Ding Hao once again took out several combat skills and techniques he had obtained in the sea of ​​classics in the Palace of the Kings. These were stored in the form of the light of wisdom, and now they were taken out and passed to the appraising old man in the small shop. !

The old man took it over and watched it, and said, "Swordsmanship, half-star precious, half-star rare, three-star power, 500 soul gold; nameless marksmanship, one-star precious, half-star rarity, three-star power, yes Exchange 800 soul gold; condensed battle tactics, precious degree one star, rarity half star, power four stars, you can exchange 1200 soul gold!"

Ding Hao was stunned, "This is too worthless, only three exercises have been exchanged for 2500 soul gold!"

(End of this chapter)

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