Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3513: Award

Chapter 3513 awards

Chapter 3510-Reward

"Sister, you can go with peace of mind!"

The entire imperial city of the Great Zhou Empire was in a state of grief. Paper money was flying in the sky like snowflakes. The eldest sister enjoyed the most solemn funeral of the Great Zhou Empire.

Ding Hao came to this world and lived for more than 120 years. He didn't have much affection for other people, only this elder sister who had been taking care of him.

He fulfilled his promise and protected the peace of the older sister in this life! After the elder sister passed away, he gave her the most solemn funeral!

On this day, the whole city is solemn!

However, amidst this solemnity, there was an iron cavalry covered in black iron armor, rushing into the empty imperial city, shouting loudly, "We have won, we have won the final victory! The Brotherhood of the Necropolis was completely defeated. Destroy, surrender all!"

When the news of victory came, in the entire imperial city, in the entire Great Zhou Empire, in the entire four continents, there was a voice of joy and celebration everywhere.

Everyone was beaming. After thousands of years of war, peace was finally restored on the four continents, and the damning Brotherhood of Necromancy was finally eliminated.

Everyone has no reason to be unhappy, adults and children, with bright smiles on their faces, men and women, for this victory, embrace together excitedly!

But standing at the highest point of this majestic city, Ding Hao looked down at the millions of people below, but he sighed.

Because he knew that this was not a normal world, it was just a game of chess. For these victorious people, when the Brotherhood of Necromancers were eliminated, this game of chess was also over!

It was the summer on the Four Continents at this moment. The sun was hot, the sun was like fire, and the news of victory made this summer extremely hot.

But in this heat, there were large swaths of snowflakes in the sky, and the snow was getting bigger and bigger, and the sky was everywhere. The most surprising thing was that the sun in the sky was still warm, which was totally unbelievable.

The hundreds of millions of creatures on the four continents stopped their celebrations, put down their full wine glasses, and looked up inexplicably into the sky, wondering why such a vision appeared in the world!

And in this amazing vision, the sun was dazzling, and the sky was full of white snow, but one after another silhouette slowly floated up!

These figures are from both sides of the chess game, and the pawns entering the game. When the game is over, the pawns of both sides slowly float up, leaving the chessboard, and bid farewell to the world!

Even Ding Hao was the same, he felt a powerful force that he could not control, pulling his soul away from his body, pulling it higher and higher.

There are other people in this city, there are other cultivators in this country, and thousands of chess pieces are flying the same across the four continents.

And the natives on the chessboard looked at the sky in confusion, looking at the figures flying away. Many people already felt a terrible anxiety in their hearts, and the natives who had received the news a long time ago , But suddenly shouted heartbreakingly.

"The time of great victory is the time when the world is shattered! The victory that we have worked hard to bury the billions of men is actually the time when the world is destroyed! This is not fair to us, is this our result?"

No one can answer them, because for those strong and masters, this is just a chess game!

Of course, for the ancient sword emperor, this chess game is not as simple as having fun. This means that his strength is still strong, no one can shock, and no one can challenge his emperor's position. The game of chess has a great influence on him!


When the chess pieces of both sides fly away from the chessboard, the world covered by sunlight and blizzard will disappear in an instant. All the mountains, rivers, trees, and life in this world disappear in an instant, shattered into chaos, and completely disappeared.

Ding Hao looked down at his feet, the chaos like a colorful starry sky, so beautiful, he also sighed in his heart, "Great Zhou Empire, goodbye!"

After the chess pieces of the two sides separated, they pulled in different directions. Not long after, Ding Hao and thousands of other practitioners had already stood in front of a tall giant.

This giant was wearing heavy armor and a helmet covering his face. From the gap in the helmet, you can see that the face of the ancient sword emperor was a rather old face.

"Everyone, thanks to you for helping this emperor win the victory this time, now you can start to reward your merits!"

"You performed perfectly in this chess game, so the emperor decided to reward you again!"

"Especially those who play a decisive role in the chess game, this emperor will not treat you badly!"

The ancient sword emperor spoke, like thunder rumbling, in the place, some people were secretly excited, everyone entered the chess game for a short period of 100 years, and a long period of time for thousands of years!

Everyone worked so hard to get rewards from the ancient sword emperor at this moment.

The ancient sword emperor opened his mouth and said, "According to the merits of each of your chess pieces, I will divide your merits into five grades, and now the lowest grade, which is the fifth grade, is awarded!"

When he finished saying these words, he waved his big hand, and suddenly a huge piece of soul gold appeared like a black cloud!

He did not know how many billions of soul gold he released, forming large black clouds in the sky.

Then slowly dispersed and fell into the souls of everyone present. This fifth-class reward is for everyone, everyone is the same, Ding Hao also received a reward.

"One hundred million soul gold!"

As long as the cultivator who enters the chess game, everyone gets the fifth prize, and everyone gets 100 million soul gold.

After the fifth-class reward was awarded, the ancient sword emperor waved his hand, and those practitioners who only deserved the fifth-class reward were completely sent away.

The ancient sword emperor spoke again, "Now the fourth-class award is awarded. This is not for everyone, but based on your credit."

After speaking, he waved his hand again, and suddenly, a large green liquid appeared in the sky. After the sky split, the liquid was divided into hundreds and fell in front of hundreds of cultivators.

Only then did the ancient sword emperor speak, "This is the fourth-class reward I give you. This is the sword type that I control the world! After you refine it, you can sword into a sword clone. In peacetime fighting for you, I can die for you once at a critical moment!"

"Thank you ancient sword emperor!" These hundreds of cultivators received such a treasure of heaven and earth, and they were also happy with a pack of fists, and then disappeared one after another.

The ancient sword emperor said again, "Below is the award of the third class. The third class is for all the holy spells that I am proficient in! Each of you can learn three of them! Choose by yourself!"

"Learn the three holy spells!" The cultivators who were able to get the third-class reward were all excited.

(End of this chapter)

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