Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3553: Unable to resurrect

Chapter 3553 cannot be resurrected

Chapter 3550-Unable to Resurrect


Ding Hao faced the demon's crazy attack this time, no longer had any scruples, and tried his best to kill!

The demons in front of them knew that they could still be resurrected, so they all dared not fear death, and launched an attack desperately, even if the death was miserable, they would not hesitate to pay!

In a blink of an eye, the large area in front of Ding Hao was covered with the corpses and blood of the demon, and the scene was quite terrifying.

Even the Tunhai and others who stood watching the battle were all pale.

They secretly said in their hearts that if they faced Ding Hao like this, they would not be enough to kill a hundred lives!

In a short while, the demons under Mo Liqiang were killed and injured again.

However, Mo Liqiang did not have any worries. He continued to use his powerful technique, "Great Rebirth Technique!"

When this exercise was used again, the dead demons began to resurrect again and were reborn in front of Ding Hao.

The Magic Cube also snorted coldly, "Big Life and Death! Life can die, death can be life, every life and death is a reincarnation! After life and death, my cultivation base will increase!"

Those demons who were resurrected under the Great Rebirth Secret Art once again received the power of the Great Life and Death Secret Art. They were reborn twice, and their strength had reached three times their original strength! Even if it was an ordinary king-level demon who had a relatively ordinary strength, after his strength tripled out of thin air, he suddenly became extremely powerful!

Mo Liqiang noticed that all the demons killed by Ding Hao this time were all resurrected.

"Hahaha!" The Demon Brothers laughed loudly, "Ding Hao fool, you have been cheated by that kid from Demon River! The exercises Moroda gave him are just nonsense! It's not about breaking my rebirth. The trick? You break it, how do you break it?!"

The Tunhai and others who stood in the distance watching the battle also laughed.

They really sweated in their hearts just now, and now, they are completely relieved, the Bixiatian Lord Ding Hao called is a fool and a liar!

And Tun Hai still has a new idea in his heart: Today, the masters of the Mo Family Brothers and Bixiatian have completely torn their faces. So in the next step, after Ding Hao is killed, the Mo Family Brothers must **** the Divine Emperor Sword and kill the Mo River by the way!

In this way, the Mo Family Brothers successfully became the master of Bixiatian!

"So if we say this, the three of us can be regarded as ministers of great merit! When the time comes, the Mojia brothers, I am afraid that we will not be rewarded! Even if the Emperor's sword is not available for us, as long as we give us some special treasures of Bixiatian, we are enough Be rich!"

Just when Chun Hai and the others were thinking of something good, Ding Hao began to kill again.

This time Ding Hao's battle was quite difficult, and the strength of the demon in front of him increased out of thin air, and now he really couldn't deal with it!

However, Ding Hao knew that although all the demons of this group had been resurrected, at least half of the blood of the demons in their bodies had already become loose! If these demons were killed again, then the blood of these demons would be completely cut off!

You know, the blood of a demon is the deepest bone of every demon, and it reaches the inheritance within the gene.

It is not so easy to cut it off completely!

"Kill kill kill!"

Ding Hao gritted his teeth again, shot with all his strength, slaughtered frantically, batch after batch of demons who fell under his Divine Emperor Sword.

"Good boy!" Seeing Ding Hao's strength, persistence, and fear of death, even the Mojia brothers couldn't help but praise him!

However, everyone is the enemy of life and death, and there is no reason to help the enemy. Mo Liqiang watched the demon under his hand die more and more, his face became cold and severe, and he said every word, "Ding Hao, since you don’t know Life and death, then I will really let you die! When these demons under me are all five times stronger, how do I see you resist?"

After saying this, Mo Liqiang began to use the Great Rebirth Technique again.

But this time, after he finished using this exercise, a bizarre scene appeared.

The demons who were reborn after death did not even have half of them. In other words, the demons who could not be reborn were really dead this time, completely dead!

"How could it be!" The Mojia brothers couldn't believe it. Their great rebirth formula can be said to have been tried and tested, and there has never been a problem.

Mo Liqiang was also a little panicked. For a while, he didn't know how to respond?

His brother Molifang quickly reminded, "Big Brother, did you make a mistake when you were nervous just now, so why don't you recast it and see the result."

Moli strongly said: If there is a mistake in casting a spell, then all the demons will not be reborn; and the current situation is that half of the demons are reborn, and half of the demons are not reborn. This has nothing to do with casting.

Although he knew it didn’t matter, Mo Liqiang used the Great Rebirth Technique again to rebirth the dead underground; however, it turned out to be very frustrating for those dead demons, no matter how many times he used the Great Rebirth. Rebirth tactics, it is impossible to reincarnate again!

"No! Why is this?" The Mojia brothers are already going crazy, they simply can't figure out why this is?

In their hearts, they believed that this great rebirth formula would never be targeted. After all, the ability to rebirth was the most basic in every demon's body. They could not even think of cutting off the blood of a demon. !

Ding Hao saw that the half of the corpse in front of him did not stand up, his heart finally relaxed, his gaze once again looked at the reborn demon in front of him, which already had a hint of contempt.

Because he knew that although these demons were resurrected again, the blood of the demons in the body was not much left. If he beheaded again, these people would be dead!

"Brothers, kill him for me!" Molifang thought for a moment and then said, "Now you are back from the dead, I can use the Great Life and Death Technique to make you five times the power! Although your number has decreased, But the strength you have shown is no less than just now! This kid can't resist it anymore, as long as we fight again, we can win!"

But the demons present were not stupid, they knew the clues faintly.

Knowing that Ding Hao’s exercises were not successful once, it was very likely to be two or three times; if he died again this time, he was really dead, just like the corpses lying on the ground!

Originally, they were so brave and fearless of death, precisely because they were unscrupulous and knew that they could be reborn.

But now they know that if they are dead, they can't be reborn again, so who would be so reckless and who would take the initiative to die.

Looking at the subordinates, all of them hesitated and did not dare to go forward. The Molifang was furious, raised his hand and took out a powerful cyan umbrella, smashed it on the body of a demon in front of him, There were no bones left, and then he said coldly, "This time I will go with you, whoever retreats will die first!"

(End of this chapter)

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