Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3562: Three heads

Chapter 3562 The Three Heads


Ding Hao didn't use the Great Induction Jue to predict whether he would get Dao Fruit this time.

That's because he has made a decision and must get it!

Dao Guo is a great opportunity, not so easy to get!

This thing is born with the help of the power of the whole world.

Must not be missed!

Ding Hao didn't know who established this channel or who planted this Tao fruit, but he was able to come here just today. This is a great opportunity!

"Never miss it."

After Ding Hao made such a decision, he would no longer predict good or bad, and would not be shaken by it, and the induction opportunity of that great induction tactic would be reserved for future use.

At the same time, Ding Hao found a small black soul gold in the soul-entering storage bag of Swallowing Sea. Here is a coordinate recorded, "Nine Xietian Tunjia, help me send these exercises back, thank you."

It turns out that this is the real purpose of swallowing the sea.

Before he died, he realized that Ding Hao was not so unkind, nor so cruel, so he decided to give Ding Hao all the exercises he knew for nothing, and only hoped that Ding Hao would pass the exercises to him again. Descendants.

In fact, the most important of these exercises is the Great Induction Technique, which ranks 25th among the 3000 holy methods, which can be said to be extremely precious and extremely valuable.

"He knows that I am a good person, and he is not afraid that I will go to his house and destroy his door!" Although Ding Hao said this, he would not really do it. Even Ding Hao and the three brothers are like this, it is okay to swallow the sea to see people.

After understanding this, what is more important to Ding Hao is how to win the Taoist fruit in front of him.

"If I'm not wrong, others think that the giant beasts born in the blue clouds, in fact, they are all wrong, not this concept."

"In my opinion, it is actually because of the cyan clouds that this giant beast gave birth to, and even the blue clouds of the entire Bixia sky, are all produced by this giant beast."

Ding Hao understands all this, which is quite remarkable.

If you really say this, it means the origin of the entire Bixiatian name, and even Bixiatian's appearance in such a grand occasion is all because of this behemoth!

"Raise beasts from the world and guard this Taoist fruit! My God, what a masterpiece!" Ding Hao was shocked when he discovered this.

"The more so, the more I want to get this Dao Fruit, this is the real opportunity for me!"

He made up his mind to get this Dao Fruit!

But for a while, there was no way. The cyan beast outside was too strong. It was impossible for him to stand on the altar.

After careful consideration, Ding Hao finally decided to ask his friend for help.

He immediately thought about it, released the six-vein lotus flower, and transmitted a message on the petals, "My friends, I am Ding Hao! I got a great opportunity, a Tao fruit is right in front of me. But the guardian behemoth is really It is so powerful that it is so powerful that it cannot be approached at all."

The news he sent out was almost explosive. If it is said that the Emperor Sword he received before was very precious, then the preciousness of this Dao Fruit far exceeds that of the Emperor Sword.

Not to mention other things, the ancient sword emperor would reward Ding Hao with this divine emperor sword, but if it was this Tao fruit, the ancient sword emperor would rather break his promise than reward Ding Hao.

So after hearing this news, Ding Hao's friends almost all exploded.

"Brother Ding Hao, you are going to march towards the emperor-level powerhouse! My God, how much money does a Dao Fruit cost? Come out, a gold merchant, tell me how much soul gold a Dao Fruit is worth." He Feixian The first to send out the news.

"It's invaluable, and it's impossible to calculate." Although the Gold Merchant is a businessman, he can't tell how much this Dao Fruit can sell for a while. She just paid more attention to another question: "Brother Ding Hao, Dao Guo is an extraordinary thing. It is definitely not formed by the heavens and the earth, but someone directly planted it. You have to think about it. If you really pick this Dao fruit, Then you will completely offend this person, even if you go to the ends of the world, I'm afraid they will hunt you down, endlessly."

"This..." Ding Hao hesitated. If this Dao Fruit was planted by someone else, it would definitely not be the waste material of Mohe, there would definitely be someone else.

But even so, Ding Hao still said very firmly, "Dao Guo is in front of us, this is a great opportunity, a rare encounter in billions of years! I am afraid that there is not one or two in the 3000 world! After I met today, absolutely Don't miss it! So my friends, I want to ask you to help me and help me think about how to get it!"

Ding Hao has made up his mind, and his friends will not persuade him anymore. In fact, let alone Ding Hao, even anyone who sees this Dao Fruit in front of them will not give up.

Chen Gang thought for a moment and said, "Brother Ding Hao, do you have time now, if you have time, you can refine a few avatars of Saint descendants. I have some means to come directly to you through the world of fun. Let us a few friends together Come to the past and help you get the treasure!"

In fact, I invite my friends to come here. This kind of help is still very good. Friends are all souls coming, and it is impossible to take away or take his Tao fruit.

It's just that time is running out, Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Thank you for your kindness! It's just that I don't have a living person by my side, how can I refine the clone! What's more, I have two elder brothers who are trapped in other places. Get the fruit, and then go to rescue them."

"This is troublesome." The Buddha also made his own voice, "Amitabha, Daoguo is an opportunity that meets it! If you miss this opportunity, you will give up after encountering it, and you will be in your own mind. It leaves a crack, so you must desperately get it."

"But I can't get it now." Ding Hao said annoyed. "The giant beast guarding Dao Guo is too strong. This is a giant that can affect the entire world. I suspect that when this world was born, this giant beast already existed. With the existence of this behemoth, I don't even want to approach Dao Guo at all."

"This is really troublesome." Everyone was lost in thought, and they were all helping Ding Hao think of a solution.

After thinking for a while, He Feixian shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Brother Ding Hao, if I am not mistaken, even if the first guardian behemoth does not have the strength of the emperor, it is far beyond the current world's master. Your strength is even the world's master. Can't fight, how can you pay for a behemoth like you, you may be torn to pieces without touching Dao Guo."

Chen Gang said, "I think you can only fight to **** it! To know the Daoguo, you must use your own hands to pick it up. If you use a avatar or an item to get it, you will disappear without a trace when you get it. It’s over, so you must physically pick it yourself."

Ding Hao sighed, "Then I might die here."

But at this time, the gold merchant hesitated and said, "I do have a solution here, but..."

(End of this chapter)

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