Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3571: Encountered Lao Lai

Chapter 3571 Encountering Lao Lai


Although there is a feeling of being hit in the head by a pie, Ding Hao's Dao Fruit is not wrong, and the half of the Demon Vein is not wrong.

What's the doubt?

Ding Hao has received such a great benefit, is it still doubtful that he will not return?

"Regardless of him! Now that Dao Guo has been refined by me, and there will be half of the magic vein to help me digest Dao Guo, then I will improve my strength as soon as possible! As for other things, I will talk about it then! I believe that the Emperor Wujue will sooner or later Find my head, I must hurry!"

Ding Hao really couldn't think of the reason, so he didn't think about it. Only the improvement of his own strength is the most important thing. If you have the strength, you are not afraid of anything!

Just as they stood still and chatted, from the end of the sky, a large number of figures flew up, each of which was a powerful king-level.

And every king-level powerhouse belongs to the one with high strength. Surrounded by hundreds of powerhouses, a brave young woman flew at high speed and stood in the air, very hostile. He asked, "Who are you waiting for? What are you doing when I come to Yunwaitian? Frankly confess, if Chixiaotian is sent, I will tell you to wait, there will be no return!"

What did Ding Hao vaguely think of seeing the woman who was about to start fighting if she didn't agree?

He stepped forward and clasped his fist, "I have seen seniors, who came from far away from Tianwaitian, just entered Yunwaitian, and has nothing to do with Chixiaotian."

Ding Hao once heard Tianyou say that the wife dominated by the sky outside the cloud is not an easy one, but the woman in front of him is very similar; therefore, he only claims to be from outside the sky, and did not mention the gods, for fear that this woman would doubt.

"The sky is beyond the sky." The brave woman still frowned when she heard this. What did she think of?

However, just when the woman wanted to inquire in detail, from behind Ding Hao and the others, suddenly one by one demons rushed out.

These demons are all Bixiatian’s demons. Before the passage was closed, it was impossible to enter Yunwaitian at all; but today, Bixiatian’s giant beasts are raging, and the world is like the doomsday. Bixiatian rules the Demon River to open the passage and let These demons all poured in.

"Bastard! Who will allow you ugly demons to enter our Yun Waitian, come here! Capture them all, if you don't listen to orders, just beheaded!" Although the woman brought a large number of subordinates, the show was huge, But there are too many demons rushing in.

The woman and her men were too busy at once, so they neglected Ding Hao and others.

In this way, Ding Hao and others quickly escaped and entered Yun Waitian's interior.

The world where Yun Waitian is located is not small and has many cities. It has developed well over the years, and the overall training level is relatively high; it is only because of conflicts with the nearby Chi Xiaotian and constant wars in the past few hundred years.

Chi Xiaotian is also one of the 3000 realms under Emperor Tuo, and Chi Xiaotian's mastering strength is quite extraordinary.

Therefore, the two worlds are constantly fighting each other, fighting over and fighting over, and this has created a scene of fire and clouds rolling everywhere in the sky!

But this has nothing to do with Ding Hao and the others. The purpose of their coming here is to find the master of this world and ask for the "Luo Chang Yuyi" that God Bless lent him back then!

When they came to Yun Waitian, they found a problem. They couldn't find Yun Waitian's ruler Tianheng.

"General rulers live in the core of a world. As long as we find the core of this world, we can find Tianheng!"

Right now, Ding Hao and the three of them simultaneously performed the Great Wayfinding Technique, looking for a way to the core of Yunwaitian.

But after they found this road and rushed to Ding Xiaohei, they were surprised to find that people were going to the empty space here. The core of Yunwaitian was in ruins. I don’t know how many years ago the war broke out. The space here was broken into pieces, and it has not been restored yet.

"It doesn't take a long time." Fuxi checked and said, "It should be the attack launched by Chi Xiaotian. It seems that the war between the two worlds is really fierce."

Ding Hao frowned and said, "Tianheng is not here, where is it? We don't have time to delay here!"

At this moment, the most anxious person in his heart is Ding Hao. He is taking the Tao fruit and has no time to use the magic veins to digest; and he is still in a hurry to go to the world of fun in more than a year, so there is no time to be lost here.

Ye Kong said, "Let's continue to use the big wayfinding technique to find the place where Tianheng lives now!"

The three of them continued to use the Great Wayfinding Technique, repeatedly determined, and finally found another direction.

After flying over Ding Xiaohei, he found a magnificent palace in a beautiful mountain range, which seemed to be inhabited by ordinary people.

"Dare to ask Yun Waitian's master but lives here." Ding Hao and the others immediately flew over and asked.

"No! We are just the residence of Yun Waitian's largest wealthy businessman. How can the master live here? You all leave me!"

Facing the unceremonious palace guard, Ding Hao couldn't help but ask again, "Friend, do me a favor! We are entrusted to find Yun Waitian's master in an emergency!"

"Fuck off! I'm not here! Why are you looking for us?" several guards said unceremoniously.

Ding Hao's face sank, "You speak to the powerful king-ranked like this, you are committing the following crimes, you want to find it and fail!"

These guards were quite arrogant, and they couldn't wait to release their weapons one by one, "You are a powerful king, aren't we? Hit and hit, who is afraid of whom?"

But when they were about to take action, another old man flew out from the palace and said with a smile, "Three friends, I am the owner here, rich businessman Henglu! You don’t believe you can go to all the cities in Yunwaitian to see At first glance, there is my Hengjia business! This is my residence, and there is no dominant residence!"

"This." Ding Hao and the others also hesitated. This old man looked extremely wealthy, and he shouldn't be a lie to them.

The old man said again, "In fact, I have some clues for you. Since the core of Yunwaitian was destroyed, the ruler has lived in one of these five places! It is called the five major palaces, you can go and see!"

"Thank you, Boss Heng, then." Ding Hao and the others were outside, and it was not too good to be too much. The other party was so polite and provided the address, so they left.

However, two months later, Ding Hao and the others searched all these five palaces, but they couldn't find Tian Heng at all.

"Asshole!" Ye Kong gritted his teeth and cursed, "I think Tian Heng must still be in that rich businessman's residence, he is deliberately hiding from us! He knows we are here, and he guessed our intention! He just doesn't want to see We don’t want to repay the baby!"

Ding Hao is also frowning now. It seems that his previous guess is correct. God you used to treat his third brother as a good person. Now it seems that 110 million years have passed and his third brother has become a non-refundable man. people!

(End of this chapter)

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