Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3581: There is hidden

Chapter 3581 has hidden secrets


"Find a breakthrough!"

"to modify!"


"Come again!"

In the next six months, Ding Hao and his three brothers were all busy. Ye Kong kept trying and searching for various breakthroughs. After providing them to his elder brother Fuxi, Fuxi would think about and find ways to break the prohibition from these breakthroughs. !

When Fu Xi had an idea, he would put all his judgment in his soul gold and hit Ding Hao.

And Ding Hao is in control of the original prohibition method God Bless gave him!

He began to use the method Fuxi gave him, using the great evolving technique to evolve!

When there is some possibility, even directly use the prohibition to experiment!

However, it is not so easy to reverse the ban imposed by God!

Day by day, these three people are still looking for a way to break the prohibition.

"What the **** are they doing?" Bixiatian ruled the Demon River and now became the running dog of the Wujue Emperor. The demon in his realm died and escaped. Now he has become a lonely man!

The entire Bixiatian has been arranged into a formation, and he has completely become the master of this world!

He stood in the center of the formation and looked down. It was the three brothers sitting there, not knowing what they were doing?

"What the **** are they doing?!" Mohe snorted coldly, "Anyway, they will be dead when Wu Jue senior comes over! Especially for Ding Hao, not only his luck will be given to others, but also his own strength. They will also be taken away by the five predecessors!"

Thinking of this, he secretly surprised and said that a giant pillar-level powerhouse like Senior Wujue would definitely not be able to see the God Emperor-level God Emperor Sword. At that time, after Ding Hao died, this God Emperor Sword will belong to me. !

"Haha! I will have an emperor-level weapon by then, and I will be considered strong in the dominion, and I will take the other demon world as the dominion, and I won't want this Bixiatian!"


Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, half a year was approaching.

Ding Hao and the three of them have yet to solve the method, but God Bless is not only the ruler of a world, but also a strong man who has lived for hundreds of millions of years. Both his vision and ability are very high!

It is indeed very difficult for Ding Hao and the others to break the restriction left by God.

Among the three of them, the most stressed is the eldest brother Fuxi!

It was relatively easy for Ye Kong to find a breakthrough point; but for Ding Hao to evolve, it was a matter of no need to use his brain!

If you really want to crack, the pressure is all on your eldest brother!

"I can't find a breakthrough point anymore." Ye Kong smiled bitterly.

And Ding Hao also stopped, the eldest brother didn't break through, he didn't have any ideas for him to evolve, and he had nothing to do while sitting there!

"Only wait for the big brother to think of a way!" Ding Hao sat cross-legged and looked up at the big brother who was already in deep thought. It was obvious that Fuxi had been stuck at a certain key point.

When Ding Hao was idle, he suddenly thought of another thing.

I saw that he raised his hand and waved, a sword light was released. This was the God Emperor Sword he used before!

"The Emperor's Sword is in my hand, it is extremely powerful! Especially when I faced Tianheng's wife, this sword suddenly became powerful, and it should be the spirit of the spirit awakening! If you can refine the spirit of the spirit, it is really possible. Help me!"

Ding Hao was busy cracking the ban before, and had no time.

Now that he had space, he immediately contacted the spirit of the Emperor's Sword.

"Boom!" His mental power was released into this divine sword, and he called out, "Brother Sword, are you awake?"

Although he was able to use this sword before, and could even release all the power of this sword, if the instrument spirit does not wake up, the hidden power in this sword will never be able to release all of it.

After the ancient sword emperor got this sword, he also tried to awaken the weapon spirit; however, the device spirit regarded the ancient sword emperor as an enemy and did not want to take care of it at all. Therefore, the ancient sword emperor regarded this weapon as a waste product and did not use it anymore. It was given to Ding Hao for nothing.

But unexpectedly, Ding Hao suddenly awakened the spirit of this sword.

"My master, are you calling me?!" Qi Ling had considerable respect for Ding Hao. After hearing Ding Hao's call, it answered immediately.

"He has already recognized me as Lord!" Ding Hao was secretly happy.

Originally, he thought that Qi Ling would look down on him, and it would not be easy for him to conquer this guy; but unexpectedly, he just called out and Qi Ling took the initiative to recognize him as his master!

"Qi Ling, what is your name?" Ding Hao asked lightly.

"Master, my name is Xiaoqi! My former master gave me the name. It was because he refined seven emperor-class weapons before and after. All the six weapons in the front failed. I only succeeded this time, so I named it. For Xiao Qi! Of course, you are my current master, you can rename me!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I know you respect your former master very much, that is the person who made you, equivalent to your parents! Therefore, I will not change the name he gave you, I will still call you Xiaoqi! But Your surname will be Ding from now on, so you will be called Ding Xiaoqi!"

"Thank you, Master." Before entering the weapon, Qi Ling was also a powerful life and had his own will. After listening to Ding Hao's words, Qi Ling was in a good mood.

Qi Ling said again, "Master, what is your name?"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "My name is Ding Hao!"

"Well, Emperor Ding Hao, I am willing to be loyal to you forever!" When Qi Ling said this, a dim light and shadow flew out of the sword.

Ding Hao raised his hand and grabbed the light and shadow on his forehead!

Suddenly, the light and shadow instantly entered Ding Hao's spiritual starry sky, forming an extremely bright long sword, standing upright in the center of the huge beam of light that reached the sky and the earth!

"It actually called me Emperor Ding Hao!" Ding Hao's expression changed.

But Ding Hao quickly figured it out, "Why does this spirit surrender to me so quickly? I don't need to talk nonsense at all and just recognize me as the master! That's because this spirit is wrong! It feels my powerful spirit Li, thought I was an emperor-level powerhouse! Hahaha!"

Ding Hao almost burst into laughter. If Xiao Qi knew that he was just a powerful king-ranked man, it is estimated that this guy would be fooled!

Because Ding Hao's mental power is really too strong, and this sword has been stored in Ding Hao's mental power starry sky, so this sword thought Ding Hao was an emperor-level powerhouse, so this was so humbly!

That being the case, Ding Hao would not be stupid to Xiang Qiling, after all, this guy has already recognized Ding Hao as the master, and he cannot regret it at all!

After the Divine Sword recognized the Lord, Ding Hao said, "Ding Xiaoqi, when I fought that woman, you released a good power! But why didn't you follow my orders? Almost beheaded the woman, and it won't work in the future. !"

Qi Ling said, "Master, there is a hidden sense in this!"

(End of this chapter)

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