Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3627: Make a big profit

Chapter 3627 makes a lot of money


Although the old turtle is lazy and likes to sleep in retreat, it does not mean that he is incapable.

In the last chess game, he was the supreme emperor of a country in the chess game. Although he has the ability to be a chess piece, he can be a supreme emperor, and his language incitement ability is still very strong.

Therefore, all the dwarves of the dwarf clan uttered the final roar under his loud scream.

They saw with their own eyes that their old patriarch could not protect their sons, and saw the monsters of the pangolin tribe lying in ambush at their feet. They also saw with their own eyes that the monster tribes are now doing their best to develop and grow, conquering each other, and falling behind. Will be beaten!

No one wants to fall behind, no one wants to be beaten!

"Young patriarch, we don't want to, what should we do?"

Unconsciously, in the hearts of all the dwarves, Mouthros is no longer the slacker who only likes to sleep. He has great strength and great ambitions. Everyone is willing to unite under his command and move forward bravely!

The old tortoise immediately raised the generous hammer in his hand and said, "There is only one way, and that is to practice! Each of you must practice, and everyone must become stronger! You are not born blacksmiths, everyone comes here. The world has come for being strong! So you now have a new mission! In addition to ironing, you have to cultivate, and you have to become strong!"

"Cultivation to become a strong man!" Although the young people of the dwarf tribe are very excited, there are also many elders of the dwarf tribe who came out and questioned, "Our dwarf tribe is naturally short, timid and kind, and is not born to be a warrior! So later we separated a tribe of thorny dwarves from our ancestors and let them practice and fight!"

The old turtle shook his head and said, "I can't count on them now! You have seen that they treat us like outsiders. Now it is a chaotic world. We have to rely on ourselves! Starting today, I will teach you the practice!"

Speaking of this, the old turtle said loudly, "Our dwarf tribe is not inferior to other monster tribes! Although we are short in stature, we have strong power; although we are timid and kind, brutal does not mean victory! Look at me , Just a slacker who only sleeps lazily every day, but I can also cultivate strong now, are you not as good as me?!"

He said that all the dwarves feel quite reasonable, Mausros is a famous slacker, can only sleep late, even he can cultivate strong, is he not as good as Mausros!

"Well, we are willing to follow along! Starting today, we will practice fighting techniques in addition to iron strikes! We must become strong and we cannot be bullied by others!"

That night, the entire dwarf tribe was rejuvenated, and Mausros, a negative textbook, became the new leader of the dwarf tribe. When he was respected and admired by the dwarves, he clearly felt the big hammer in his hand. It is getting hotter, and there is a power he couldn't feel before!

"So that's it!" Mausross suddenly realized.

Although Ding Hao used the Great Evolving Technique to figure out that the sledgehammer was a chessboard-level weapon, he did not find a way to refine the sledgehammer.

Now Mausros knows that if you want this sledgehammer to exert its greatest power, you must gain the recognition of the entire tribe. As more and more people admire yourself, the power of this hammer will increase. The stronger!

"Ding Hao, things are going smoothly on my side, and I don't know how you are doing?!" Old Turtle thought to himself.


On the other side, Ding Hao has returned to the bee colony, he hasn't returned for a long time!

He always thought that the swarm was useless for him, and he was practicing alone, but now the discovery of the board-level weapons let him know that the rules on this board are very encouraging to borrow collective power.

After returning to the hive, he did not act in a hurry, but observed quietly.

He soon discovered that the bee colony is not so simple. In the entire hive, there are as many as one million bees of various kinds. Some are responsible for gathering food, some are responsible for raising offspring, some are responsible for defending and fighting, and Some are responsible for having **** with the back of the peak, so that more bees can be born!

As a detective bee, Ding Hao is not very important in the hive. He now needs to get the attention of the back of the peak as his first step, but it is impossible for him to have **** with the back of the peak, "This is a bit difficult!"

Ding Hao doesn't know how to gain the trust of the queen bee?

But he quickly found the opportunity.

There are a few black bear monsters of the giant bear tribe who like to steal honey. Every time they kill the bee colony, they will completely destroy the hive, and countless offspring will die. This time, Ding Hao suddenly appeared, and he did not act that way. Exaggerated to kill the giant bear, but turned his God Emperor Sword into a sharp needle, grabbed a few viciously, and smashed the black bear monster away.

Because of this feat, he finally had the opportunity to enter the hall where the queen bee was.

Originally, he was worried that the queen bee would have to have **** with him, but it turns out that the queen only had **** with special male bees, and he didn't like him at all.

"Queen bee, the giant bear is likely to make a comeback after leaving! I want to ask, what treasures in our bee colony can be used to resist the giant bear?"

Facing Ding Hao’s question, the queen bee snapped with the male bee and replied, “We are just a small beehive here, and there is no precious treasure! Scout the bee, I know you are not an ordinary person, you can return to the bee colony Headquarters, where you can get not only precious treasures, but also opportunities for improvement! When you have a future, don’t forget that you are from Queen Bee Nasanda!"

"So your name is Nasanda, I remember it!"

Ding Hao knew that the bee tribe was not what he saw, it was just a hive; it was a very large organization. From the headquarters of the colony, an astonishing number of male bees and queen bees were born, adding one A family, it can be said that the entire chessboard world is full of descendants of this tribe!

"This is God helping me too!"

Originally, Ding Hao did not take this tribe seriously, but now it seems that as long as it can develop, this is also a super powerful tribe.

And more importantly, this super powerful tribe has no other chess pieces to compete with him!

You know, if the other chess pieces are born to become bees, they will commit suicide and re-emerge in the first place. Almost no one will hide in the bee tribe and practice like him!

"Queen bee Nasanda, I will go to the swarm headquarters now, when I become stronger and get the treasure of our tribe, I will come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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