Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3657: Abdicate

Chapter 3657 Abdicated


The turning point of victory is approaching, and Tai Shucheng finally showed his fangs!

Over the years, Tai Shucheng has been forbearing. He buried his head in the country and built good relations with the leaders of the surrounding tribes, and even secretly made friends with the tribe leaders who he despised. He built in everyone’s minds. Make a perfect general!

He has been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for Ding Hao to make a mistake, then he can replace it!

But Ding Hao has never made a mistake, and today, he finally found an opportunity!

Although this opportunity is not so critical, the key is that he grasped the emotions of the leaders of the major tribes!

These tribal leaders’ dissatisfaction with Ding Hao could have been restrained, but because of his provocation, the emotions exploded. Almost all the tribal leaders present stood up and asked Ding Hao to abdicate to the virtuous!

At this time, only a few friends of Ding Hao were supporting Ding Hao.

"You people are too much! Who is the creator of the Bimon Empire? Who led you to lay down this big country these years?" The gold merchant stood up angrily and shouted loudly, "Without Ding Hao, you are just a pan of sand. You are still living in tents and tribes. Seeing that victory is coming, you want to oust Ding Hao and take the greatest credit! Taishu City, I did not expect you to be such a person!"

Chen Gang also stood up and said, "Tai Shucheng, I have always respected you! In fact, I can replace you more than once before, but I believe that your character is trustworthy, so I have never moved this idea! But who knows , You really have the plan, you let me down too much!"

"Let you down!" Tai Shucheng laughed, "You only let me down! Didn't you understand what I just said?! Over the years I have led the major tribes in the war, ruled the Quartet, and expanded the ratio. In the territory of the Mongolian Empire, you are all just sitting in the royal city and making some decisions. Who is more difficult? If it weren’t for me to bring the Mammoth Tribe, how could the Beamon Empire be today? Chen Gang, when you were born, I knew you were Chess piece, but I didn't kill you, and I trained you as a deputy! You don't thank me, but want to replace it. If you want to be shameless, I think you are the most despicable!"

"You!" Chen Gang was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

I have to say that Taishu City does have strategies and strengths, and he is more tolerant, and his eloquence is also very good!

The words were reasonable and reasonable, as if he was the one who had suffered a lot all the time. He pointed to the old turtle and said, "Mausros, what are your dwarf tribes doing all these years? And what are you doing? You are simply lazy. Sex, you guys are worms! The worms of the Beimeng Empire! Now I am Taishucheng giving you two choices, the first one gives way to me, and the second one I leave with people who are loyal to me and establish a new one empire!"

"Then you get out of here!" He Feixian came out and roared.

But at this moment, Ding Hao came out, raised his hand to press He Feixian’s hand, and said word by word, “My friends, don’t forget our original intention of coming in! We came into this chessboard world, our original intention is to help the mysterious challenge. He defeated the ancient sword emperor in order to repay the humiliation of the ancient sword emperor to me that day! Seeing that victory is right in front of me, I am unwilling to split the Bimen Empire and I will give it to him!"

"What?" The faces of all the friends present changed drastically, but Ding Hao did not expect Ding Hao to make such a decision.

Ding Hao really couldn't stand it. The Bimon Empire he worked so hard to build was split. If the huge empire falls apart, the outcome of this game can be said to be immediately known!

He shook his head and said, "Tai Shucheng, your timing is so good! You are forcing me! You know, if I make a second choice at this time and let you leave with someone, it will not be two monsters. The problem of the empire, the entire Bimun empire will fall apart! At that time, our chess game will be defeated, and the elven empire will not let us develop again. You borrowed my psychology! You won, but don’t forget , The mysterious challenger looks at us on the chessboard! He sees everything you do clearly, are you really sure he will give you the biggest reward?"

"This..." Tai Shucheng's expression changed.

Although he is now rushing out to grab the credit, the one who really played the chess can see clearly on the chessboard, who is the one who really contributed to his chess game!

But by now, Tai Shucheng's face has been torn, and it is too late to regret, so he can only go to the dark one by one!

He gritted his teeth and said, "Ding Hao, don't care about these! You give me the king and I will win. As for the player who plays chess, who will give the ancient holy law to? I believe in my own arbitration!"

At this point, Tai Shucheng had only taken over the position of the king, worked hard, fought a few beautiful battles, completely defeated the elven empire, and made the game a perfect victory. He believed that the chess owner would give him the greatest reward!

"That's good!" Ding Hao had reached this point, and in order to win the chess game, he was willing to give up the king's position to Tai Shu City.

He even allowed his friends to stay in the Beamon Empire. In order to win this chess game, he gave up the kingship!

"Hahaha!" Tai Shucheng endured for a thousand years, finally got what he wanted, stepped onto the throne, and laughed loudly. He opened his mouth again, "Ding Hao, I also give you two personal choices! One is to give you the honorary title of the founding king. From now on, you can ignore the state affairs and just watch us win the victory; the second you can be willing to be me. Your Prime Minister, help me to win so that you can get some more credit!"

Ding Hao sneered, "I will become your prime minister, and I am not willing to be commanded by you! What's more, for this victory, I can give you all the great credits. What do I need to do with this little credit?! "

From now on, Ding Hao has become the overlord who has no rights and can wander on his own in the kingdom.

However, even so, Ding Hao still has his own final preparations, he doesn't want to take it out now, he is waiting for the opportunity! In order to obtain the greatest credit, Tai Shucheng has endured thousands of years of practice; isn't he Ding Hao, didn't he prepare for a second hand? This is absolutely impossible!

Not long after Ding Hao put down his power, an old acquaintance who had not met for a long time sat opposite him on a riverside with green mountains and green waters.

"Ding Hao, isn't it just an ancient sacred law?! If you are willing to come back to help us the ancient sword emperor, I will persuade the emperor to give you an ancient sacred law!" Sitting in front of Ding Hao is his previous chess game. The old friend Haig among them.

In this game of chess, Haig has become the king of the elven empire. The two are enemies of life and death, but Haig has ventured here to see him!

(End of this chapter)

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