Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3702: Xuanyuanxue is stupid

Chapter 3702 Xuanyuanxue is stupid

Chapter 3699 Xuanyuanxue is stupid

"Really successful!"

Ding Hao couldn't believe it, he actually refined Lihuo beyond the ninth level!

You must know that even a strong man like the ancient sword emperor has been guarding Lihuo Tian for so many years, and he has not refined this Lihuo, and even a strong pillar of the sky-reaching giant has no ability to take away Lihuo!

I am afraid that only the three masters in this world have the ability to get rid of Lihuo, but with the strength of the three masters, I am afraid that Lihuo has long been in his hands!

In addition, only Ding Hao can obtain this kind of sacred flame that exceeds the ninth level!

And more importantly, this sacred flame has changed its attributes. It is no longer a sacred flame without thought, but an anger generated and created by Ding Hao himself!

This nature has changed considerably.

Lihuo was originally just a kind of fire-attribute heaven and earth treasure formed between heaven and earth, but now after being refined by Ding Hao, it is not only a kind of heaven and earth treasure that can be used, it has become Ding Hao's anger!

To use an analogy, when others refine the holy fire, it seems that they have obtained a very useful tool. In the future, whether it is alchemy or refining, it will get twice the result with half the effort; but Ding Hao's Lihuo seems to have an extra arm. Can help him from all aspects, and the effect is even greater!

"From then on, this thing is no longer called Lihuo, and my anger has also escalated! I named this thing Burning Sky Fire!"

Originally, his anger came from the practice of the Great Burning Heaven Technique, and now he calls this flame the Burning Heaven Fire, which is truly deserved!

But just as Ding Hao was overjoyed, he suddenly remembered, "No, Xuanyuanxue!"

He hurriedly raised his head and found that Xuanyuanxue's eyes were already blurred, and she fell into a half asleep and half awake.

"At this moment, Xuanyuanxue is only resisting the invasion of Nine Underworld Yin Shui with the will inertia in her mental power, but this kind of resistance will not last much time. If she comes back for a while, she will be dead!"

Ding Hao didn't dare to neglect, and once again took out the God Emperor's Fury Sword, using his own burning sky to urge this sword...


Immediately on the surface of this sword body, a layer of magnificent crimson flames spread, and the flames flowed back and forth on the surface of the sword body, and countless small power apertures swayed naturally. This is the flame beyond the ninth level. The power of shaking is the result of the shaking of the space in this meta-space!

When Ding Hao slashed the God Emperor's Fury Sword again, the blue Jiu Ming Yin Shui also felt fear. Instead of rushing forward as before, he was frightened and retreated quickly.

However, Ding Hao didn't care about its fear at all, and pierced out at a high speed. When a sword touched the faintly blue Jiu Ming Yin Water, an extremely terrifying voice suddenly came!

After the ordinary flame encounters water, there will be a sneer, but the Nine Underworld Yin Water is different. It is not real water, but countless souls, so after being directly burned by anger, Ding Hao’s He seemed to hear the screams and screams of countless millions of people in his ears, and the sound was like the cry of ghosts and gods.

Jiu Ming Yin Shui also knew the fear and backed away frantically, just in time to rescue Xuanyuan Xue.

Ding Hao's figure moved, holding Xuanyuanxue in his arms, and quickly backed away.


However, although Xuanyuanxue's body was intact, his mental strength was severely injured, and his eyes were demented, like a vegetative person without the will. He blinked at Ding Hao and couldn't speak at all.

"Xuanyuanxue, wake up!"

Ding Hao found that Xuanyuanxue's body was not injured, so he put it down. Xuanyuanxue also knew how to use power to levitate in the air, but she was still demented. She looked at Ding Hao with big eyes blankly, with no expression in her eyes. .

"It's over." Ding Haoxin said, if it wasn't him but an unscrupulous person here, and Xuanyuanxue would do anything with Xuanyuanxue, Xuanyuanxue would not resist.

But Ding Hao was not that kind of person. He took out some mental healing pills to Xuanyuanxue, but after taking it, there was no effect.

"Seriously mentally injured, if she is not treated well, she will be a living zombie, a vegetative, walking fool!"

Ding Hao was also a little dizzy, but just as he was treating Xuanyuanxue, he found another situation, "Nine Ming Yin Water is about to evaporate!"

Jiu Ming Yin Water is a very peculiar thing. It is afraid of encountering flames directly, but it must be refined by a powerful flame for a long time to remain liquid.

Now Ding Hao took away from the fire, the Nine Underworld Yin Water lost the refining of the flame, and began to evaporate. The dark blue liquid containing countless hundreds of millions of souls began to fragment, scattered, and transformed into space. Countless bubbles, there are countless faces on the bubbles.

And as the bubbles exploded, Jiu Ming Yin Water was getting less and less.

Ding Hao looked up and down Xuanyuanxue's body, and removed a spatial ring from Xuanyuanxue's finger.

Xuanyuanxue did not resist, but after Ding Hao used his mental power to refine this spatial ring, he discovered that except for the inner and outer clothes Xuanyuanxue wears every day, there were piles of spars, and then there was nothing left.

"It's over! She puts all the precious things in her soul, how can I get this?"

Ding Hao watched as Jiu Ming’s yin water was getting less and less, he was helpless, and finally he could only speak, “Xuanyuanxue, if you can understand me, then take out the cup made of Wuliangmu and quickly collect it. Jiu Ming Yin Shui! If you are late, this thing will completely evaporate!"

What Ding Hao didn't expect was that although Xuanyuanxue was demented, she still obeyed his orders.

Hearing what he said, Xuanyuanxue hurriedly took out a small gourd with gray wood grain, and dared to bring her not a cup made of Wuliangmu, but a precious gourd made by Wuliangmu.

Seeing Xuanyuanxue's obedient, Ding Hao said quickly, "Then you quickly urge this treasure gourd to take the Yin Shui of the Nine Underworld."

Xuanyuanxue immediately urged this immeasurable gourd, and saw this small gray wood-grain gourd flew up, the gourd mouth opened automatically, strong suction was generated, and the blue Jiu Ming Yin water was directly sucked into the gourd!

This little gourd doesn't look big, but there is a lot of space inside, so it **** all the Nine Underworld Yin Water below it.

Then Bao Gourd automatically retracted and fell into Xuanyuan Xue's hands. Xuanyuan Xue immediately laughed, walked to Ding Hao, and passed Bao Gourd in his hands.

Ding Hao almost fainted, "Xuanyuanxue, are you really stupid?! It was you who came to fetch the Nine Underworld Yin Water. Why did you pass this thing to me? You hurry up and put it away!"

Only then did Xuanyuanxue obediently put the treasure gourd away, Ding Hao didn't care about her, but hurriedly came to the big iron pot.

This big iron pot is placed on Lihuo, and it is specially used to refine Jiu Ming Yin Shui. It must be a treasure too!

(End of this chapter)

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