Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3728: Battle the Giant Willow

Chapter 3728 vs. Giant Willow

Chapter 3725 Battle Against Giant Willow

"Well, well, you really came here prepared!" Ding Hao's eyes flashed with a cold color.

The Julius Emperor knew that he had taken a bone of the Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva. Obviously, someone who was present at the time told the Julius Emperor about this matter, and it was impossible for Ding Hao to repay the debt!

Seeing that Ding Hao had nothing to say, the Emperor Juliu coldly snorted, "I know that the treasure of the old Vatican fell on you! Don't say it, I am really curious about how much property that old thing found in the house that day What kind of treasure do you want to raise?"

Of course Ding Hao knew that this treasure in the hands of the Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva was the creation of the world!

But this thing is too precious, it is absolutely impossible for Ding Hao to tell others, let alone give it to the giant willow emperor in front of him.

Therefore, he asked in a cold voice, “Senior Juliu, I don’t seem to owe you any money. I didn’t ask you for help when I killed the Vatican Bodhisattva. Why do you want me to take out the treasure? Don’t say I didn’t get anything. Baby, even if I get the big baby, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Boy, you have clearly rejected me!" Julius Emperor's delicate face suddenly showed a sullen smile, and said, "Come to my Julius Sky, you will be my enemy if you don't hand over the treasure! I am a demon, non-human and non-devil, I don’t make sense! So don’t reason with me, you come to my world, and I see your treasure, you must hand it over! Otherwise I will kill you, The treasure still has to fall into my hands!"

Although this giant willow demon girl looks good, she is an unreasonable monster. When she comes to her world, she must surrender the treasure; what's more, the ruler of this world, Tianyu, has already bowed down in her green dress. Down, completely let it go, so let this banshee behave in Ju Liutian!

But she provokes Ding Hao this time, but Ding Hao is not too scared!

He has recently realized from the world of good fortune that he is even better in terms of the theory of law, not to mention that he still has the powerful God Emperor's Wrath Sword in his hand. He wants to have a real battle with the Emperor-level powerhouse!

"Senior Ju Liu, since you talk like this, then everyone has nothing to talk about! I am a human and you are a demon, I am reasonable, and you are unreasonable, then everyone will speak with the sword in their hands, who will win the other party, Whoever makes sense!"

"Just to my liking!"

The emperor Julius said his unceremonious body collapsed, and the image of a delicate woman instantly fell to the ground with the green skirt, and her figure disappeared without a trace, replaced by an astonishing number of sturdy willows. There is a long sword at the top of each wicker among these.

The top of each wicker is very dexterous, the cultivator's hand grasps the long sword and dances back and forth!

She didn't agree with her and started the fight. The inn where Ding Hao lived was bad luck. After a loud bang, it blossomed on all sides, and the wicker wielded a long sword to cut back and forth. The interior of the inn was chaotic, except for those living in the cave The strong, the guests living in each guest room are scared to flee for their lives!

The inn’s owner and his fellow escaped in tears. The Julius Emperor fought here, and there would be no compensation for any losses. The inn’s owner knew nothing but bankruptcy.

Ding Hao didn't rush to do it, but he walked out of the inn first, and said, "Senior Juliu, as an emperor-level powerhouse, don't you choose a suitable place for the battle? Put someone else's inn for no reason. Damaged, do you feel okay?"

The Emperor Ju Liu snorted coldly, "Don't reason with me, I'm a monster, I don't understand so much!"

With that said, the giant willow emperor chased and killed her. She has completely transformed into a giant willow monster, with more than 300 long swords in her hands swinging back and forth, swords and swords, covering the entire space, she thinks Ding Hao I want to escape, so I can’t wait to lock up the space!

But obviously her guess was wrong and Ding Hao did not escape. After she came out, she was shocked, and the Emperor's Fury Sword was released!

"I haven't fought an emperor-level powerhouse for many years, Julius Emperor, let me see your strength!"

The last time Ding Hao fought an emperor-level powerhouse, he faced the Wujue Emperor. At that time, he and Mofei attacked with all their strength and defeated the Wujue Emperor. Improved, combat effectiveness is not what it used to be.

So he also wanted to verify that if he fights with an emperor-level powerhouse again, what chance will he have?

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises continued. Although the number of the emperor's long swords was large, the sword light was also terrifying. From a distance, one piece was green; but in this piece of green, there was a red glow jumping back and forth. Wherever the light flickered, the turquoise fluorescent light kept retreating!

"Boy, you really have some ways! The flame on your sword turned out to be a flame beyond ninth level!"

After the Julius Emperor has lived for countless years, she recognized Ding Hao’s sky-burning fire for the first time, a flame that surpassed the ninth level. Her eyes instantly became greedy, and she said, "Could it be you Where did the old guy get it, this is the flame beyond level 9! If you dedicate this flame to me, I will forgive you!"

"Don't dream!"

Ding Hao gave a cold snort, the direction of the long sword in his hand changed, and it suddenly slashed on a willow branch. There was a bang. The wicker was directly lit, and the flames raged, and the flames beyond 9th level were completely suppressed. The monster giant willow emperor with wood attributes!


Under the light of the sword, the Emperor of the Willow slashed his arm with a single sword. After the wicker fell to the ground, it was quickly burned. Even the long sword carried on the wicker was also destroyed. The fire of the burning sky was transformed!

"This is the flame beyond ninth level!" Julius Emperor's face became difficult to look.

The long sword in Ding Hao's hand is an emperor-level weapon. The Julius Emperor doesn't care about it, but the flames on it are too scary. Whether it's her body or the weapon she is holding, under the flames, Not an opponent at all!

"Boy, don't force me to get angry!" The Emperor Giant Willow raged into the sky. Her 300-odd wicker arms suddenly hovered crazily and became a very thick huge old vine. After the old vines were put together, On the turquoise surface, an astonishing amount of dark brown bark suddenly grew!

When Ding Hao’s Sword of God’s Wrath slashed on the bark, it didn’t leave any traces at all. Even if the bark was ignited by the burning sky, the bark would immediately peel off automatically, and her body would grow again. New dark brown bark!

In this way, Ding Hao’s burning sky and the God Emperor’s Wrath Sword did not even want to hurt the Julius Emperor. At the moment, she once again beheaded more than 300 long swords to Ding Hao from all directions, "Boy, I see you Dead or not!"

Have a day off tomorrow, ask for a vacation.

(End of this chapter)

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