Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3732: Jade of Destiny

Chapter 3732 The Jade of Destiny

Chapter 3729 Destiny Jade

Although Tian Yu was very reasonable, Ding Hao still had a trace of worry.

If Tianyu has a bad heart and all this is lie, then if he cooperates with this person, he will fall into a crisis!

Seeing that Ding Hao was still dubious and unwilling to express his opinion, Tian Yu smiled bitterly, "Daoist Ding Hao, opportunities wait for no one! Juliu will have a period of weakness every once in a while! If you are willing to join forces with me, we will be with her. Take action during the period of weakness! Otherwise, don't think about it! What's more, my father has been waiting for me for so many years! If I still can't complete this assessment, he might have new arrangements!"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "Don't blame me Moji, after all, I have only met you for a day! To do such a risky thing with you, I must evaluate the risks and benefits!"

"I understand this." Tian Yu said, raising his hand to take out a thin round jade piece and put it on the table, "No matter whether this world succeeds or not, I will bet this thing on you! Can you believe it?"

Ding Hao raised his hand and took this thin piece of jade in his hand, only to see that it was crystal clear, shiny and slippery. It looked like the highest quality piece of jade, and when Ding Hao used his mental power to explore it, he could actually Instantly feel all the corners of the entire Juliu Tian, ​​all the lives, all everything!

"This is the jade of destiny!" Ding Hao's expression changed suddenly.

There are 3,000 realms under Tudor, and every realm has such a destiny jade; anyone who gets this thing and stamps his own spiritual knowledge is the master of this world! This is a huge feature of Tudor's world. If any of his sons loses this thing, Tudor will look at this son with cold eyes and enter the cold palace!

Tian Yu even gave this thing to Ding Hao, you know, even God Bless, did not show this thing to Ding Hao!

"Okay! I believe you." Ding Hao said after accepting the Destiny Jade, "But after the cooperation is over, I will return this thing to you! I have my own business, I don't want to be the world here. Master!"

"Don't do it for you to be a giant willow god?" Tian Yu was also a little surprised, and smiled bitterly, "It seems that you still have great ambitions, but I don't ask about those things. Let's finish the cooperation at hand. Here is a jade card, which is a very complicated and detailed formation map! Do you know? Thanks to you fighting the giant willow here, she will suffer a loss and escape! If you enter the control of her main root, even if you have The fighting methods of ancient gods and demons are sure to die!"

"is it?"

Ding Hao didn't quite believe it, but when he picked up this jade card and carefully watched the formation in it, he was stunned!

The main root of the giant willow emperor in this world has formed a very huge and magnificent formation in the process of growth. This formation is extremely complex and powerful! Ding Hao walked up from the world below, and after numerous worlds, he had seen so many formations!

But the formation in front of him far exceeded all the formations he had seen before, so that he was a little dazzled when he first saw this formation!

"This formation is too complicated! To crack this formation, I am afraid it will take ten or eight years to complete!" Ding Hao felt shocked, and it would take three years before he wanted to figure out this formation.

Tian Yu took out this formation, of course he was prepared, Ding Hao continued to watch.

I saw the pages behind this jade card, and they were all the cracked content of the formation, and all of this content was Tian Yu's figure emerging in it, explaining Ding Hao; from this, it seems that Tian Yu's attack on the giant willow is obviously It's not a day or two, it is indeed a preparation!

"With the cracking method you left, trust me, within three days, you can remember these contents clearly."

Ding Hao nodded and accepted the Yucca.

Tian Yu said again, "Three days are enough! The next time Juliu is weak, it will be the night of the full moon in Juliutian! That is, after seven days, I will accompany her at that time! And you are responsible for entering this formation. ..."

When Tian Yu said this, he said, "Your task is quite arduous. The World Origin Fragment may be hidden in any part of the entire formation! You need to find the World Origin Fragment within 12 hours! Then she will definitely You will find out, and then you and I will work together to suppress it and win the treasure! If you can't find it in 12 hours, don't expose it. Let's wait for her to become weak again after three years!"

Even so, Tian Yu said, "Three years... now the situation is chaotic. I don't know if the father can give me three years? So it's best to solve it this time, and hope to succeed in one go!"

"It's hard."

Ding Hao had to shook his head and sighed, with such a huge formation, it is really too difficult and too difficult for him to find an item in it!

Moreover, Tian Yu also said that any part of the formation can be stored!

"Isn't there a key point or part of the hint?" Ding Hao asked again, "Otherwise it is such a large area, and it is in the underground formation, several floors above and below! I really can't find it in 12 hours! Going through all these places, I'm afraid it will be more than 12 hours!"

Tian Yu said, "I will give you a compass at that time. If the world origin fragment is within the range of the compass sensing, there will be a hint! With this thing, you have a greater chance to find..."

Having said that, Tian Yu thought of something and said, "What is the relationship between Xuanyuanxue and you? If she is willing to make a move..."

Ding Hao shook his hand and interrupted, "Impossible! She will leave in these two days. She can't help us, don't think about it."

Ding Hao would not tell anyone about Xuanyuanxue's injury, nor would he let Xuanyuanxue venture into the formation, otherwise, if something went wrong, he couldn't save Xuanyuanxue at all, and he couldn't let Xuanyuanxue take risks anymore!

"That's really a pity." Tian Yu sighed, not too entangled, and said, "Seven days later, let's meet in Tianmen City."

Ding Hao had seen the huge formation map given by Tian Yu, and knew that Tianmen City was at the outermost edge of the formation map, and it was also an entrance to the huge formation. Meeting there was just outside the position of the giant willow induction. !

"Then see you then." Ding Hao stood up to see off the guests.

Tian Yu also clasped his fist and said, "Brother Ding Hao, if you can help me this time, then everyone is a true friend! If I become the second-generation Tudor one day in the future, I will never forget your grace today!"

"The second generation Tudor!" Ding Hao was surprised in his heart.

Tudor has ruled this world for hundreds of millions of years, and now his sons have jumped out one by one. Even this son who has always pretended to like rhythm and dislikes fighting has also shown his ambition. God you and the others have made no secret of it. , Is there really something happening in Tudor?

(End of this chapter)

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