Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3751: Lao Jin asks for help

Chapter 3751 Lao Jin asks for help

Chapter 3748 Old Jin Asks For Help

Ding Hao is in the water and cloud sky, the ruler here, Tian Chi, will certainly not open him the way to the world of fun. He must find another opportunity.

"Why don't you leave that day?"

"It's just that the space on the other side of the dormitory was stretched, and the passage was seriously damaged! Even if I found the passage that day, it would be difficult to repair it!"

"Which other world is there nearby that allows me to enter the world of fun?"

Just as Ding Hao was thinking about it, some handwriting appeared on the white petals of a six-veined lotus flower in his spiritual starry sky.

"Friends, is anyone there? I need your help!"

"Gold Merchant!" After Ding Hao sensed these handwritings, he immediately sent a message, "I am here, what do I need?"

Like Ding Hao, the other friends were almost the first time, replying to the message, everyone was there!

In fact, among my friends, the businessman Jin Merchant has always been arrogant and proud. Everyone has benefited from her! Therefore, as long as she speaks, she almost responds, everyone is willing to help the first time! In fact, it is also to pay back the favor debt!

Only the old turtle, the slowest, replied after a while, "I am here, what do I need? You can tell me directly, and my friends will go all out."

Merchant Jin said with a smile, "This incident is actually a very good thing. It not only helped me, but also allowed everyone to make a good profit! I was also very tempted yesterday!"

Chen Gang smiled, "Gold Merchant, I know that you are from the Jin family of Emperor Lintian! Your Jin family is a big merchant, but you are doing big business. I think even you are interested in the interests, absolutely extraordinary!"

Everyone present was a little moved. If they were outsiders, they would still be afraid that others would set up traps; the gold merchant, everyone knew well, so he was relieved.

Ding Hao directly replied, "Seriously! I'm really short of money now, where did I still want to make a fortune?! I didn't expect you to have a big business here, haha! I must participate!"

The merchant of gold paid close attention to Ding Hao. Hearing this, he immediately said, "Brother Ding Hao, why are you short of money? Don't forget the nine-character rune you got with me last time and the big iron pot! Those All are precious! Especially the big iron pot, you can sell it for a sky-high price with the next piece!"

"What's the big iron pot?" He Feixian laughed, "I don't think there is a secret between the two of you! You still play code names, can't you tell us?"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "There is nothing I can't tell you! That is, I worked with the gold merchants before, and I got a big iron pot made of good fortune iron! Although I am short of money recently, I don't want to take this thing out. ! This thing may be too big for me to create a weapon of good fortune in the future, and I want to give it to you in the future! But unfortunately, I still have no way to cut this thing apart!"

"I rub! Good luck **** iron!" Chen Gang blurted out, "This is a super good thing! It is said that after the ancient gods and demons disappeared into this world, after entering the three rulers, the good luck **** iron will never be born! This is the world If you use a piece of material that is already extinct, you can sell one piece less than the size of your finger! How much do you have?!"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "It's a huge iron pot, I'm afraid it weighs tens of thousands of catties!"

"I rub! I'm crazy!" He Feixian exclaimed excitedly, "This thing is super valuable, and I have heard of it too! I don't want too much, I just slap the big piece! Ding Hao, let me tell you, don't you Talk to me about money, I can't afford it!"

The **** of good fortune cannot be born in this world at all, and it will never be born. Each piece comes from the age of ancient gods and demons hundreds of millions of years ago, so it is extremely precious; no one will be extravagant to use this material to make weapons , At most, use this material to build key parts of the weapon, such as the position of the blade!

Therefore, He Feixian needs a big slap, and he will also build on the edge of his weapon in the future!

Ding Hao said, "This thing is too hard to cut! When I have a way to cut, I will give each of you the same size! No money! Free!"

"Wow!" Everyone became excited, but Lord Buddha said, "Everyone, it seems to be crooked! We were originally talking about the gold merchant's side, so why did we talk about the good fortune iron? Merchant, you really want us How can I help?"

Everyone was tickled by the **** of good fortune, and now they came back to their senses, "Yes! Gold merchant, what do you want us to do over there?"

Jin Merchant said, "It’s a bit complicated, let me just say it briefly! It’s our Jin family firm. Now we have to make a more important decision. I am one of the candidates! I need to find a few friends to help me! The ancient five emperor heavens were assigned to several different ancient primitive heavens. Therefore, I and several other candidates should form a team with my friends and go to the ancient primitive heavens to explore! The treasures explored can be taken away, but the ultimate exploration As a result, it matters who this important decision falls on!? I want to fight!"

"Go to the ancient primitive world to explore!" Everyone was excited again.

Before, Xuanyuanxue had revealed that there was some news about the restoration of the ancient primitive heavens in her hand. Many people were moved to know that some 3000 world long extinct materials would be born there! Even the **** of good fortune mentioned by Ding Hao just now can give birth to some small pieces there!

As for the Dao Fruits that Ding Hao has used, there are different types of Dao Fruits over there!

So everyone wants to go to the ancient primitive sky to explore treasures. Now that such a good opportunity is in sight, who else will refuse?

What's more, this time it can also help Gold Merchant obtain precious candidate opportunities!

"Lao Jin, don't say anything! I'm going!" Chen Gang took the lead.

Ding Hao also said, "This is a good thing, I think everyone will go! You have to prepare five bodies on your side so that we can come!"

Jin Merchant said, "The physical body is very convenient, I can arrange it at any time! All are genius physical bodies with excellent qualifications, so you can reach 80% of your own strength within half a day!"

"Genius physical body!" He Feixian said with emotion, "Lao Jin, you are so extravagant! The genius physical body came to us for use, your Jin family is indeed a big deal!"

You know, the genius body that has been descended upon will have its genius qualifications reduced; and this kind of treasure hunting operation, the genius body will die unclearly in the action! The physical body of the Jin family is expensive for people to come to, but the benefits are also clear at a glance!

If it is a garbage body, Ding Hao and the others will take a long time to adapt to the body in the past, and it is also difficult to use their abilities. The genius body can make the descendants reach the peak in the fastest time!

(End of this chapter)

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