Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3762: Interesting

Chapter 3762 is interesting

Chapter 3759

I heard that Ding Hao helped Jin Merchant obtain the three-cut rune, and saw Ding Hao just shot to wake the old turtle.

Jin Xinghan saw that Ding Hao was not an ordinary person, and should be the strongest one on Seven Sisters' side, so she wanted to use her beauty strategy, and she had better pull Ding Hao to her side and hit the gold merchant hard!

Therefore, Jin Xinghan immediately put on a charming posture and saluted Ding Hao, even with a direct look of expectation in his eyes.

It can be seen that she and Jin Merchant are different beauties.

Merchant Jin looks beautiful and gentle, just like the little girl next door, cute but unassuming; but Jin Xinghan is also very beautiful and charming. It can be said that, contrary to Merchant Jin, it is a kind of beauty from the outside to the inside. She takes the initiative When she gets up, she is charming and charming, and she is confident of herself too!

Even if Ding Hao won't turn back on the spot, even if she only needs to give her a little face, she will find a gap. In the future, when entering the competition venue, she can still find opportunities to hook Ding Hao and make Ding Hao betray her Seventh Sister!

But she made a complete mistake in her calculation, and Ding Hao was not the kind of person she thought.

Looking at Jin Xinghan, who was full of flattery, Ding Hao hugged his arms and smiled faintly, "This aunt, what does your name have to do with me? Sorry, a concubine from the Jin family is not worthy to exchange names with me!"

"You!" Jin Xinghan almost spat out blood with anger.

She lived this whole life, and what she cared about the most was that she was born only in the Jin family. She had trouble sleeping late at night and hated herself for being born in the Jin family. Although Ding Hao is not glorious to use his background to hit his opponent, but I have to say that this sentence is exactly where Jin Xinghan hurts!

"Boy, I remember you, you wait for me!" Jin Xinghan immediately put away her charming face, turned and left, his face turned blue with anger, and her beautiful face was distorted.

"Brother Ding Hao, thank you very much." Merchant Jin heaved a sigh of relief and bowed his head. "Although Xinghan is only a concubine, she has a very good relationship with her eldest brother and second sister! Big brother and second sister are not good at bullying me directly. She supported her behind her back, so she has always been quite arrogant! This time she wanted to push me even more, so that my Jin family's direct line was not as good as hers, so that my third brother and I would lose face in front of the elders, and ultimately reduce me and my third brother. Power control in the family..."

Everyone understood what she said, and the most important thing about helping Jin Merchant this time is to be more powerful than Jin Xinghan!

"Don't worry! Lao Jin, we will definitely do our best!" Chen Gang gritted his teeth.

Despite saying this, the friends Jin Xinghan invited are more powerful. Laogui said annoyedly, "Lao Jin, I'm really sorry! I almost made a fool of myself just now, but I can't help it! Our monsters are born with the dragon blood. Dread, this is beyond my control!"

He Feixian cursed, "You old fellow, I didn't say this a long time ago. If you enter the exploratory field and kneel down when you see the enemy, what use does it take you?"

Although Laogui was said to be blushing, he still said firmly, "When Ding Hao woke me up just now, I unexpectedly discovered that the three-quarter rune I realized seemed to help me defend against this bloodline suppression! But I still have to realize on the road ahead, I should be able to succeed!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "There is bloodline suppression, but he was a bloodline attack on you just now! Your defense level is the highest among us, I believe you will find a way to defend against bloodline suppression! Come on! "

While they were talking, another team came over. Each team was similar to them. They were a six-person team composed of a descendant of the Jin family and five of his friends.

Ding Hao also met Jin Merchant’s eldest brother, second sister and fifth brother. All three of them were arrogant. Not only did they look at Ding Hao and others unfairly, but they didn’t even take his seventh sister too seriously, but were very concerned about the middle-aged. Fat Jinwushu, it seems that Jinwushu is their enemy!

However, Ding Hao also noticed that the eldest brother and second sister of the Gold Merchant were not united with each other internally, and no one was convinced.

"It seems that this generation of the Jin family is really complicated!"

Only her third elder brother, the chubby Jin Wushu, was friendly with Merchant Jin.

Jin Wushu also took five friends. Three of these five friends were from the ancient Five Ditians. Although they belonged to allies with Ding Hao, it was obvious that the tone and gesture of greeting Ding Hao and others did not take it seriously. ; What made Ding Hao even more surprised was that these three people seemed to have a special dislike for Ding Hao!

"I have never seen these three people before. I don't know why they dislike me so much?" Ding Hao was puzzled.

The other two of the five friends that Jin Wushu had brought were the same descendants as Ding Hao and the others. The two were quite polite. After greeting, they stood directly beside Ding Hao.

One of them, a young man named Gao Chief, whispered, "Brother, you are regarded as a love rival by Yin Xun! I heard that you helped Jin Qimei obtain three-cut runes, so the kid Yin Xun looked around for three-cut runes. I want to press you down!"

Ding Hao suddenly realized it when he heard this. No wonder the three people were obviously allies, but they had a cold eyebrow. It turned out that the problem was here: the leader of the three people, Yin Xun, had been pursuing the Seventh Sister of the Jin Family. Gold merchant. But I found that the gold merchant was very close to him, so he was extremely disgusted with him!

"It's a bit interesting!" Ding Hao's mouth sneered.

This time he came to help the Gold Merchant, but he did not expect that he not only offended his opponent, but also offended his allies. He did not know what the final result would be? !

As they were talking, several elderly men with different appearances walked out on the high platform in front. Among them, there were those who were arrogant and kind. These people should all be in power of the old generation of the Jin family. Human, looks a little like the third brother of the gold merchant, it is likely that he is the old man of the gold merchant and Jin Wushu!

One of the thin old men walked out, "Dear descendants of the Jin family, for some reasons you know, our generation of strong Jin family will soon assign all the Jin family business and customers to you! This time, the competition, Not only is it a treasure hunting test, but also a strength test, and at the same time a vision test, and the last time you make friends in this world! Can you get more treasures and defeat more opponents? , Can we get better babies, and can we have more sincere friends to help... These are all our assessment content!"

Ding Hao listened and nodded secretly. The Jin family's assessment method is indeed very comprehensive. It is to compare the comprehensive strength of the descendants in various aspects and the ability in business. It seems that this competition is not a normal battle!

(End of this chapter)

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