Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3780: The door to go out

Chapter 3780 The Door to Out

Chapter 3777-The Door To Out

Ding Hao originally thought that he should belong to a branch of the Yin people, and the Yin people should also come from the bloodline of the ancient Yin Emperor, that is, the Yin family among the ancient gods and demons.

But now it seems that is not the case!

After the gold merchant knew that his ancestors came from the Sichuan tribe, he was also quite curious about Ding Hao’s bloodline, and asked, “The Yin tribe originated from the ancient Yin Emperor. This legend has long been recorded. It is said that the Yin Emperor was among the ancient gods and demons. You are still a powerful man with considerable status! Are you not a member of the Yin clan, whose blood is contained in your blood?"

"It's the Xi family among the ancient gods and demons, the descendants of Suihuang!" Ding Hao was quite puzzled. According to the scenes of the ancient gods and demons he saw, this ancient Suihuang had the appearance of a snake-tailed human body, but he did not expect to be in his body. 'S bloodline was left behind by such an ancient **** and demon.

"The Sui emperor of the Xi family?" Although the gold merchant has heard some ancient legends of gods and demons, he knows very little, especially the Xi family led by the Sui emperor. The allusions and memories left in history are even greater. She hasn't even heard of it.

Ding Hao had never heard of it. He frowned and said, "In my memory, there are many memory inheritance left by ancient gods and demons. When I have time, I will watch it again!"

When Ding Hao discovered these contents, some questions suddenly appeared in his mind.

The bloodline contains the bloodline of Emperor Sui, which means that his most distant ancestor of Ding Hao is the Emperor Sui. Then he wants to ask whether Fuxi and Ye Kong, who came out of the earth with him, are also descendants of Emperor Sui. ?

Then the little fishes who came out of the fairy world, including friends from the gods behind, where did the blood in the bodies of these people come from?

What made him even more puzzled was that the Xi people led by Sui Huang had gone through so many years, and it is likely that they should have been extinct long ago. Why did they exist?

If the guess is not wrong, the Yin people are the descendants of the Yin emperor of the Yin clan. Why does the Lord of God want to cultivate these descendants of the Sui emperor?

Although there are many questions in his mind, Ding Hao is not busy to solve this problem, because the ancient gods and demons have too many memories to be able to figure it out in a day or two, so he temporarily puts these problems aside and uses his own gods and demons first. Seeing to find the way home.

"The eyes of gods and demons can see the most original essence of heaven and earth! Show me!"

The eyes of the gods and demons in Ding Hao's eyebrows opened and he immediately looked in all directions. All the scenes that his naked eyes could not see before appeared in front of him.

The route he and the gold merchant had traveled before can be seen clearly with the eyes of the gods and demons, and it can be clearly seen that when they walk through the area, the law is slowly born, and the heaven and earth road has begun to sprout!

"That's it!" Ding Hao nodded, "Lao Jin, in fact, we were wrong. We don't have to worry too much! We don't need to look for it at all. We just need to stay anywhere and wait quietly! Because we are a spoiler. After we walked in, we stirred up this peaceful world, and the rules of heaven and earth radiated from our bodies, slowly condensing, and finally became the rules of this world!"

The bodies of Ding Hao and Jin Merchant came from a world with rules. Regardless of whether they could be seen by the naked eye, their physical bodies, including their spiritual power, were produced under the rules of heaven and earth.

So after they came to this world, the rules of heaven and earth in their bodies, including the concepts of time and space, also radiated outward, slowly taking shape.

"That is to say, after we come to this world, we can stand still. As long as we wait for hundreds of millions of years, the laws of time and space in this world will naturally form, and then we will find a way out more easily!"

The businessman Jin almost vomited a mouthful of blood when he heard this sentence, "For hundreds of millions of years, if you let me stay here for hundreds of millions of years, then I might as well commit suicide now!"

Ding Hao laughed, "I mean, you can go out by standing here without moving for hundreds of millions of years! But if you take the initiative to look for it, you may be able to go out in just a few years!"

"Really?" A surprised smile finally appeared on the face of Jin Merchant. They have been in this world without space and time for too long. If calculated by their own time, they have already been in it. For thousands of years.

And now it only takes a few years to find it, which is really great.

"On the other side!" After Ding Hao had the eyes of Gods and Demons, he could immediately see the difference in this world.

He could feel that the newly born Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth was slowly drifting in one direction, which should be the exit they were looking for so hard!

"follow me!"

Right now Ding Hao and Jin Merchant rushed to the side of the space. Above the desert, they left their silhouettes and pairs of footprints. It didn't take a few years at all. They just moved forward for a few months. Ding Hao pressed his eyebrows again. , Letting out the eyes of gods and demons, he raised his eyes to see, there was a surprise in his eyes.

"It's the front!"

Soon after, they stood in the middle of a plain. In fact, the world is completely a plain. Their current location is no different from the surroundings, but Ding Hao knew, "This is the place we are looking for! I don't know where it is. Is it an exit, but I know it is different. If we want to find an exit, there is only this way!"

The gold merchant also stood still, watched from side to side, smiled bitterly, "Even if I come here, I don't see anything special here!"

"Really?" Ding Hao smiled faintly, and raised his hand for a formation flag.

He is still unable to take out items from the storage ring here, but there are many treasures in his world of creation, which is a higher-level world, and he can take out anything here!

After taking out the formation flag, he lay down a few array flags at will, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and some colorful haze appeared!

"Really!" There was ecstasy in the gold merchant's eyes.

When they strayed into this world, they were attracted by these seven-colored primitive barriers, but now Ding Hao’s array flag can easily attract the seven-colored haze, "Is this the door to go out?" "

Merchant Jin couldn't wait to walk into the colorful light in front of her, but Ding Hao grabbed her, "No! This is not the door we entered, I can feel it's wrong!"

The door that Ding Hao and the others entered was different from the door that they were going out. Ding Hao didn't dare to break in.

But just as he thought about it, he suddenly felt that the world of good fortune he was wearing on his finger reacted again, "I can feel that there is something we are looking for in this colorful mist!"

"What are we looking for?" The gold merchant has forgotten his original intention after walking for thousands of years.

Ding Hao remembered clearly, "Of course it is innate Chaos Qi!"

(End of this chapter)

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