Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3820: Yueru Jiaxin

Chapter 3820

Chapter 3817

"Unexpectedly, this incident passed safely, and I became the biggest beneficiary of this family assessment!"

Jin Yueru's face was emotional, her beautiful eyes looked at the blossoming garden in the distance.

Since the Jin family had promised not to make a move, Ding Hao and others sent Jin Yueru home.

At this moment, his friends' souls have already left, leaving Ding Hao to say a few words to Jin Yueru.

"Then congratulations!" Ding Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head thinking of what happened before. He didn't expect that the final test would be an assessment.

"Nothing to congratulate." Jin Yueru's face was not pretty.

Ding Hao knew what she was thinking, and persuaded, "Actually, if you don’t count as number one, your third brother wouldn’t be the first. I think your third brother will understand this, because you didn’t take it from him. First of all, he won’t blame you!"

Obviously, Ding Hao's idea was not what Jin Yueru had in mind.

Jin Yueru said, "My third brother is not a problem, he will definitely support me! It's just that my Jin family can let me be a girl in power, and it is very likely that I will be at the helm of the entire Jin family in the future. This is unimaginable!"

Ding Hao said, "Don't worry about this, I think you have this ability! Although you look weak on the outside, you are very strong on the inside, soft on the outside and strong on the inside. It is suitable for a merchant family like yours!"

"But I'm a girl." Jin Yueru looked back at Ding Hao and said, "Although my father won in the gambling game, Uncle and Jin Shou both agreed to let me control the largest business territory, but they also made a request, that is I can't get married!"

Hearing this, Ding Hao suddenly realized that Jin Yueru was worried about this.

The two of them have gone through the wasteland of time together, and have been in it for so many years, and they have formed a deep relationship. Even Ding Hao has publicly said that he will come to the emperor to marry Jin Yueru! But now, Jin Yueru has become an important figure in the Jin family, and will become the biggest power in the Jin family in the future!

In this way, the Jin family will absolutely not allow the fat water to flow into the field of outsiders, and will not let Jin Yueru marry him!

Logically speaking, Ding Hao can understand the Jin family. After all, who doesn't want to control such a large family business? The Jin family was also afraid of his countless years of inheritance, and eventually became the Ding family!

"What do you think?" Ding Hao didn't say any comforting words. He first asked Jin Yueru to respect Jin Yueru's ideas.

If Jin Yueru wants to go with herself, then Ding Hao will take Jin Yueru away whether he offends the Ding family or the entire ancient Five Emperors; but if Jin Yueru is reluctant to live with her home, even if Ding Hao has this heart, he will not take Jin Yueru away.

"I want to be like this." Jin Yueru said, "We are incapable of being together now. You can't take me away. Even if I want to, we can't be desperate! What's more, for so many years, my family and elders have treated me very well. Give me another important task! I have to stay for my father and third brother, so I will be the lord of the Jin family!"

Having said this, Jin Yueru, who had always been like the little girl next door, had her eyes brightened and she exuded an invisible aura.

Ding Hao nodded. Jin Yueru is not as weak as she is on the surface. Everyone has known each other for so long. This is a very independent and thoughtful girl. Among all the heirs of the Jin family, Jin Yueru is actually the most suitable!

"I know." Ding Hao nodded solemnly, "Actually, the elders of your Jin family are still very visionary! Let you be the future leader of the Jin family, I believe you can make a good decision. The decision they made is very There is courage and right! But the only one who is wronged is you!"

It’s actually very easy to be an unqualified householder. It’s easy to eat, drink, play, control power, and enjoy unlimited views; but it’s also very difficult to be a qualified householder. It’s difficult to make decisions in the face of many people’s criticism, especially A girl like Jin Yueru has to give up her marriage before she becomes the head of the family!

"Actually, I am not wronged." Jin Yueru's face showed a bright smile, "Brother Ding Hao, don't look so ugly, in fact, you can wait if you like!"

Hearing these words, Ding Hao's face moved again.

After hearing Jin Yueru's decision just now, although Ding Hao solemnly expressed his support, he was also a little sad in his heart. This meant that he and Jin Yueru would never get together. It is impossible not to be sad.

But now, it is clear that Jin Yueru is indeed a very assertive girl, and she still has her own ideas.

"What the Jin family is most worried about now is the great chaos in the ancient Five Emperors. Then how will the Jin family, a merchant family, deal with it? The five emperors have been deposited for so many years. Many families are actually eager to try. The three masters have also paid attention to this place for a long time. There are many gods and demons born, this time the appearance of the **** and demons refuge is not accidental!" Jin Yueru looked up at Ding Hao and said, "The family has entrusted me with an important responsibility, and even selfish people like the uncle are willing to give me the greatest rights, that is, Because I’m a little more stable, other people are more suitable to take the Jin family through the storm... But after the Jin family has overcome the difficulties, I believe that you and I have enough capital and the right to speak. Then no one can stop us from being together, Jin Parents are not good either!"

Ding Hao sighed that Jin Yueru really came from a big family like the Jin family. He was indeed very assertive. In the shortest time, he had already figured out all these complicated matters, and even made his own decision. It's really amazing!

In fact, Ding Hao didn't have his own decision, but he didn't know Jin Yueru's thoughts, so he was waiting for Jin Yueru to make a decision.

Now that Jin Yueru has said what he thinks, Ding Hao nodded without hesitation, "I can wait, and I am willing to wait! When you are in control of the Jin family, I can still help you. If you need anything, I will first I will come to Di Lintian to help you at a time! When you have fully arranged it, no matter how many years it is, if you want a word, then I will come and take you away!"

After saying this, the two of them stared at each other affectionately.

Several old men in the distance watched the two people get closer and closer, the uncle Jin snorted coldly, "Yueru, this child is fine in all aspects, but I am afraid that she will be taken away by feelings, otherwise it would be better to let my boss... …"

"If the Jin family is handed over to your boss, I'm afraid it will soon become a robber who kills and robs the house!" Jin Shengcai snorted and shouted from a distance, "Yue Ru, talk to your friends Are you done? After talking, tell us what is the situation of the ancient **** and demon trapped in the ancient primitive sky? We have solved the ancient **** and devil and are ready to retreat!"

Jin Yueru was addicted to it just now, and almost touched Ding Hao's lips. Now listening to her father's call, her face flushed suddenly and said, "Big Brother Ding Hao, let's not pass this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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