Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3869: Life and Death Game

Chapter 3869 The Game of Life and Death

Chapter 3866 Life And Death Game

Ding Hao's expression became serious after hearing Fuxi's words.

In his previous opinion, a strong man like the Three Masters must have already had a good fortune world, and would not covet the treasures in his hands.

But now it seems that even if the Three Lords own the world of good fortune, they still want more world of good fortune, so you still have to be cautious and cautious, and you must be careful about things about the world of good fortune.

Fuxi took a sip of wine and said, "But you don’t have to worry too much. When your world of good fortune is fully formed, the imprints you leave will never be removed! You and this world of good fortune will never be removed! This world is just tasteless to them! On that day, even if you announce that you have a world of good fortune, there won’t be many people who are interested in it!"

"That's true." Ding Hao nodded and smiled again, "If I can really achieve that step, even if my strength is not as good as the three masters, I am afraid I can reach the level of sky-reaching! Who would dare to attack me at that time?"

Fuxi also laughed along with it. Although it is easy to say, there is still a long way to go for the world of good fortune to take shape!

Even if the fragments of the world law that Ding Hao put in this time were completely successfully refined, and to make this world successful, it can only be said that most of his good fortune world is formed, and the distance is fully formed, and a lot of things are needed!

"Brother, when my world of good fortune is completed, I will let you enter the rune of perception! But then, I will have a rune of the ancient demon clan to make you feel!" Ding Hao is going to talk about Jiudongtian this time.

While talking with his hands, he carefully wrote down the ancient demon text on the rune paper in front of him!

Each of these ancient characters contained powerful power. Although Ding Hao's writing was not bad, he was not an ancient monster at all, so writing it was completely invalid, and there would not be any concentration of power.

Fuxi was very interested in runes. He nodded when he saw this ancient monster text, "This thing has some truth! Although I don't know the ancient monster text, but it gives me a very strange feeling, an ancient monster text is actually not too big. Malicious! I can't tell the details, so let's study it again!"

"There is not much malice." Ding Hao nodded the ancient demon text, "If this is just a gatekeeper text, then there is really not much malice."

"No!" Fuxi still shook his head, "I can't stop the gatekeeper text as simple! This thing must be thoroughly studied before the refining can be cracked. You must not blindly refining or force attacks, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible!"

"Probably not." Ding Hao said, "I said okay with Tian Qi, let him wait for me for 8 years! After 8 years, I will crack this rune with you. I believe he will always have 8 years of patience. !"

"That's fine."

Ding Hao raised his brow and continued after speaking about this, "In fact, these are secondary, the most important thing is the blood we have!"

As he spoke, the bright pillar of light with huge magic characters in his spiritual starry sky suddenly lit up, and then his eyes became the eyes of gods and demons. After looking at Fuxi in front of him, he nodded and said, "My guess is correct, you Like me, they are all descendants of the Sui Emperor! On the way here, I also used the eyes of gods and demons to watch many cultivators of the immortal clan, all of whom are descendants of the Xi ethnic group, but they don’t have the blood of Suihuang! The blood vein concentration is much worse than ours!"


Fuxi frowned and analyzed, "According to your statement, Suihuang is the most noble member of the Xi family! The Gaishixian family comes from the ancient Xi family, so the people on earth are from the most noble Suhuang among the Xi family One! Then the three of us were able to get out of the earth because the blood density of the Suihuang of the Xi clan is higher! In this way, the problem arises, why did God bless us out?"

According to their previous reasoning and judgment, they were able to go through countless worlds, from the lowest earth to the present, because God blessed them and even regarded God bless as a teacher!

But now comes the problem. God and most of the human cultivators in the entire 3000 world, including Tudor, all come from the ancient Yin clan! God bless why not cultivate the descendants of their Yin people, but spend effort to cultivate the descendants of the Sui Emperor of the Xi people!

"The so-called non-self race, their hearts must be different! God should know these words, why does he want to cultivate the alien race among the three ancient gods and demons?"

Ding Hao and Fuxi were both lost in thought, but no matter how much they thought, they couldn't think of the reason.

Fuxi pondered for a while, and finally said, "Everything has to go back to the root to make it clear! All three of us are in the same situation, we all traveled from the earth spirit to the small world of another world, and then walked step by step. Go to the top! Although we all returned to the earth later, and even changed the geographical position and development of the earth, there is one thing we did not do..."

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Yes! After the three of us got stronger, we returned to Earth. Although we did a lot of things, we forgot to restore the situation when we passed through! If we restore the situation before and after the three of us, say Maybe you can find the clue!"

Fuxi said, "When the kid Ye Kong returns from the world of fun, we will go to the earth again! To restore all the circumstances of our spiritual journey that year! Including all the cultivators who have encountered the same as us, also restore them all! We may be able to find the reason!"

Just when they thought of Ye Kong, from outside this valley, a figure in white flew in behind him, who was the second oldest among the three brothers, Ye Kong.

But Ye Kong was very anxious when he came back this time. After walking into the valley, he didn't have time to talk to Ding Hao and the others, so he hurriedly said, "Big brother and third brother, it happens that you are all here! I quickly came out of the world of fun, this time the fourth brother is in trouble. Up!"

"Fourth brother Mofei!" Ding Hao raised his brow.

Although Mofei is not the same as them, it is not from the earth, and the feelings are not as deep as the three brothers, but everyone is a brother of worship, and Mofei is very concerned about them, so now I heard that Mofei is in trouble. Everyone also became nervous.

"What's the situation?" Fuxi asked.

Ye Kong said, "I received the news in the world of play that he played a game of life and death with others. If it is the loser, he will probably be in the game completely! And the opponent in the game he wants to deal with is ranked among the nine emperors. The first God Emperor Tianxuan! Many people say that Mofei will undoubtedly lose this time, and will definitely die in the chess game!"

"How could it be like this?" Ding Hao gave a stunned look, remembering that Mo Fei should have been following Xuanyuanxue all the time. How could he play a game of life and death with others?

(End of this chapter)

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