Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3991: Big shock

Chapter 3991 Great Concussion

Chapter 3988 Great Concussion Technique

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up! Speed ​​up!"

"It's too late, the third brother can't hold it!"

At this moment, Ye Kong was very anxious. He could not help if he stood there with a little help. Although he saw that the runes written by his eldest brother Fuxi were stronger than the other, he still wanted to be comparable to the attacks released by the golden worm generation ancestor. A grade.

But watching the battle in the distance of the starry sky, it was clear that the situation was already very critical. Ding Hao was now too seriously injured and could not even stand up in the void. He could only passively take heavy blows one after another!

"No! The third brother will die like this!" Ye Kong finally couldn't help it, he stood up abruptly, "I know I don't have the armor of the ancient gods and devil, but I don't believe it, I can't even hold it. Live! I'm going to help the third brother, even if I help him resist twice!"

Ye Kong knew that he could hardly resist such an attack, but he couldn't have watched his beloved brother with his own eyes, and was beaten to death in front of him!

He must make a move!

At this moment, even though Fuxi's face was expressionless, his heart was extremely anxious. His thoughts had captured something, so being able to write these runes in front of him was already beyond his previous research.

But he also knows clearly that to study any theoretical thing, it takes a period of time to accumulate, and it cannot be done overnight.

It can be said that the runes he has written now are quite close to perfection, but the time he has mastered these runes is too short to be compared with the understanding of the power of this world by the ancestors.

Now the third brother is between life and death, and the second brother will rush to die, he is extremely anxious.


Just when Ye Kong wanted to fly out of this planet, Fuxi couldn't help but call out, "Hold on!"

"Big brother, don't want to stop me! I can't watch my third brother go to death like this, I know my defense is very weak, maybe only can withstand three attacks, or even two attacks! But I still have to go!"

Ye Kong said these words because he was afraid that his eldest brother Fuxi would stop him, but this time, Fuxi did not stop him, and raised his hand to hit him a dozen times in a row. Accompanied by Fuxi's movements, each hit hit Ye Kong's body. .

After each shot, there will be an extra circle of runes on Ye Kong's body, and dozens of times are dozens of protection runes on Ye Kong's body.

These runes were all dark gold, wrapping Ye Kong's body, whirling around.

You don't need to look at it to know that this is Fu Xi using the defensive rune he researched to bless Ye Kong with a dozen layers of protective covers.

"Thank you elder brother!" Ye Kong was more confident now, rushing forward quickly.

In the void of thousands of miles away, Ye Kong almost took one step. He rushed forward so desperately, not because there were any benefits waiting for him in the front, but because his worshiping brother was suffering in the front, and he wanted to use his own body, Go and block some attacks for Ding Hao!

"Things looking for death!" In the huge eyes of the golden worm generation ancestor, a very humane gleaming cold color.

It has lived for quite a long time in this world. It can be said to have been tricky. Seeing Ye Kong flying over, it deliberately stopped for a while, and when Ye Kong came nearby, a hideous color appeared on its face.

"Here is another one to die. You are rebellious when the Heavenly Emperor Sect is rebellious, and you die! Die to me!"

After he shouted violently, only a loud boom was heard, and the terrifying force struck again.

What Ye Kong was looking forward to, wanting to use his body to resist for the third brother for a while was obviously a luxury.

The attack released by the golden worm generation ancestor is an indiscriminate attack method. As long as it reaches the vicinity of its body, it will receive the same terrible attack!

So when Ye Kong seemed to be hit by an invisible giant hammer, Ding Hao's attack did not decrease at all, and was also hit by the giant hammer.


Seeing that the dozen or so protective covers outside his body were broken in half by this hammer, Ye Kong now knew why his eldest brother Fuxi would not let himself come.

That's because it's useless for him to come here, he can't block the attack for the third brother, just an extra ghost to accompany him!

"Is there no effect when I came here? I really came to die and be beaten with my third brother?" Ye Kong was quite unwilling at the moment.

But suddenly he had a new idea.

The attacks released by a generation of ancestors can attack all the lives on the upper, lower, left, and right at the same time, but how big is this range? How far is it? In different directions and distances, how much difference is the attack power withstand?

Ye Kong couldn't let himself come back in vain. He knew that these data might be very useful to his elder brother Fuxi, so he began to constantly adjust the distance and position, even if he died, he would have to die with some value!

He was really right. As he kept changing positions and was under attack from different powers, Fuxi's eyes flickered, "Second brother, you did a good job, I seem to have made some discoveries again!"

Seeing such a scene, Xuanyuan Wuji also followed up and said, "Brother Fuxi, if you still need someone, count me!"

Xing Zilong and other Tiandizong practitioners also stepped forward, willing to risk their deaths to resist such an attack, to obtain data for Fuxi.

"You are all good!" Fuxi's eyes flickered. He knew that his shoulders were heavy. The more people came out, the greater the responsibility he had to bear.

"it is good!"

Fuxi didn't say much, but kept raising his hands to play runes, and soon all of them rushed into the void, knowing that the result of doing so might be shot dead on the spot, but now that no one has flinched. .


"Die to me!"

The ancestors of the golden worm generation continued to burst out loud shouts, and their power shook wildly in 4 sides and 8 directions, and their figures flew in different directions.

This is a very shocking and spectacular scene. If it succeeds for the first time, the chances of winning the Heavenly Emperor Sect will greatly increase, but if it fails, the Heavenly Emperor Sect will be forever!

Facing such a shocking scene, a flash of lightning flashed in Fuxi's heart, and the scene of countless figures being beaten backwards in front of him, as if frozen in an instant, a large rune finally appeared in his mind, "I know It turns out that this kind of attack is not a new content that we do not control, but the power of the world we control. A new combination has been made and a resonance is produced. This is the resonance of the power of the world! It is a special kind of The Holy Dharma can be called a great shock formula unique to the world of good fortune!"

At this moment, Ding Hao, who has endured the most attacks, is dying and is about to die. The armor of the gods and demons outside his body has been a little broken, and his body has been completely shattered. If not wearing the armor of the gods and demons, his body It should be broken and scattered in the void!

(End of this chapter)

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