Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3995: Puzzled

Chapter 3995 is puzzled


"What kind of handwriting will appear on the third light beam?" Ding Hao was quite expecting it.

When he put his gaze into the spiritual starry sky, he just looked at the third of these nine sky-reaching giant pillars.

I saw a huge pillar that was quite magnificent.

On this golden pillar, there is already a huge character at this moment.

"How come!?" Ding Hao was taken aback.

He had been guessing what writing would be left on this huge pillar, but the word that appeared now was definitely beyond his expectation.

"It turned out to be a **** word!"

Ding Hao was taken aback by himself. Among the 9 pillars, the first one was written with a Buddha, the second was written with a demon, and the third was written with a god!

"Why is it a god?" Ding Hao couldn't figure it out. If the handwriting was for good fortune, or for magic, or for chess in the chessboard world, these were all his guesses.

But what I didn't expect was that it turned out to be a **** word.

"What does this have to do with gods?" Ding Hao already knew that there were not only demons, but also various ancient gods.

"Could this world still have any connection with the ancient gods?" Ding Hao couldn't figure it out for a while.

However, after his three huge pillars are lit, they all have their own functions.

The first giant pillar of Buddha character allows him to have a strong Buddha light defense; the second giant column of magic character allows him to have the power of madness, and at the most dangerous moment, he can gain tens of times the power; then this What kind of power will the third giant pillar of **** character have?

At the moment, Ding Hao immediately urged the third giant pillar, and the golden light was suddenly released, and the sacred breath came to his face.

"This is a kind of power that I have never felt before!" Ding Hao vaguely felt that this sacred aura could not only protect himself, but could also issue a certain kind of attack. "Is this a sacred attack?"

After Ding Hao thought of this, his heart suddenly moved. His current bloodline concentration of the ancient gods and demons has reached 8 per thousand, and the inheritance of ancient memories is already quite rich. He saw from the inheritance of Suihuang that the ancient gods have An attack method that other gods and demons do not possess is the divine attack.

"That's it!" Ding Hao now understands that the peculiar attack performed by the golden worm generation ancestor is not a physical attack, nor a spell attack, but a sacred attack performed by an ancient god!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao's heart moved again, "Does this golden long worm have anything to do with the ancient gods?"

After understanding this, Ding Hao was even more puzzled. "In ancient memories, the ancient gods not only possess terrible power, but they also differ from other gods and demons in that they pay much attention to etiquette and Quality of life! So the ancient gods are all mighty and domineering, and they look much handsomer than other gods and demons. How can they become golden bugs? Living in a cave?"

Although Ding Hao couldn't figure it out at all, he believed that he was right, and the giant pillar in his spiritual starry sky was even more right.

"This is definitely a sacred attack. The attack released by the golden long worm is a sacred attack. It is not a true ancient god, but it inherits some of the power of the ancient god!" After understanding this, Ding Hao felt even more shocked. .

He immediately retracted his attention, opened his eyes, and said to Fuxi and Ye Kong who came by, "Big brother and second brother, I suddenly discovered that the strange attacks performed by the ancestors should come from the ancient gods! Big brother, research After such a long rune, have you noticed this?"

Fuxi said, "In fact, if you don’t say this, I’m not sure! After I came to the chessboard world, I began to study the characteristics of certain powers in this world. At that time, I felt that many powers possessed a certain divinity and were unable to Explain with our previous theories! And when you baptized me with the unique inheritance flame of this world, the uncrowned fire, I was even more sure of the existence of this divinity! But I have never dared to say, because the master of this world is Magda, gods and demons are innately opposed, how can Magda borrow divine power?"

"So you felt it too." Ye Kong said in the same way, "There is no doubt that we have all experienced the sacred world, there are too many gods there, and even we finally become the gods of light! So, for some The divinity in power is still quite sensitive! So it is difficult for others to discover, but it cannot be hidden from the three of us! Although these divinities are hidden, they can still be discovered through careful experience."

"That said, I'm sure." Ding Hao heard that his two elder brothers had the same feeling. He was completely sure that the golden worm generation ancestor had a certain powerful divinity. The attack it just performed was absolutely It is a divine attack.

Fuxi said, "The sacred power that appears in this chessboard world is definitely not the power of the sacred world we have seen. The sacred power is also divided into high and low. The sacred power we encounter now should come from the gods of the ancients! What I can't figure out is how could there exist ancient gods in the world of creation created by the magical world?"

This is also something Ding Hao could not think of. “The gods and demons are simply incompatible with fire and water! In ancient times, the gods and demons fought with each other cruelly, and there was hardly a day to live together peacefully! So tell me that the magic is in his own creation The rest of the world, I absolutely don’t believe it!"

Ye Kong suddenly said, "Perhaps we have been deceived from the beginning, just like the other cultivators in the 3000 world! Maybe the master of this world is not Magic!"

His speculation was quite shocking. Everyone who heard it was dumbfounded. It has long been rumored that the world of play was created by Magic, and the chessboard world of the world of play was inseparable from Magic; but now Ye Kong doubts it. The master of this world is not Magic, which is simply subverting everyone's cognition.

However, Ding Hao nodded and said, "Second brother is reasonable. Before the master of this world really emerges, everyone is possible! After all, it is said that the magical world is the master of the world of fun, but no one has seen it personally. Individuals are spreading falsehoods, this kind of thing, the world master does not come forward, who knows the true or false? It is likely that the falsehood has been passed 10,000 times, and in the end everyone regarded the falsehood as the truth!"

Hearing them talking, Xuanyuan Wuji walked up and said, "The three eldest brothers are reasonable, but if it weren't for Motuo, who else has such a great ability to create this world of fun? And, everyone in this world is not. So no brainer, if there is a little abnormal sign, someone will doubt it! But why for so many years, no one doubts that the magical world is the master of the world of fun?"

"There are many people who have the ability to do this." Fuxi said, "At least the Emperor and Buddha can do it."

"Buddha is impossible." Xuanyuan Wuji shook his head and said, "Tudor is even more impossible! I heard that the Play World also opened a secret channel to the outer sky, the purpose is to subvert the rule of Tudor there! If Play World Tudor opened it himself, why would he do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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