Peerless Immortal

Chapter 823: Wooden sheep's poison

Chapter 823 The Muyang's Poisonous Scheme

Chapter 821 The Poisonous Tactics of Wooden Sheep

First of all, the numbers were wrong yesterday... Mantou's mathematics has always been taught by the physical education teacher, so don't worry about it.


"Um...what are you discussing about this?" Mo Weikun simply pretended to end.

You old thing, you know it very well! Emperor Ba cursed secretly, but on the surface he still wanted to say something, and said again, "This is the case now. I have a proposal, and it is now being voted. Half of the people agree, and half of them disagree. In the end, you are the only one voted. To make a decision."

"That's it..." Mo Weikun was about to cry, saying that I was pretending to be confused for a lifetime. This time is over. With so many people in front of me, I must offend half of it, and which half?

No, let's delay it for a while.

Mo Weikun said with sleepy eyes, "Oh, yes, what proposal is that?"

hateful! Although Emperor Ba was very irritable, he still had patience and said the proposal to kick the monk out of the infant transition stage.

"This is the situation." Mo Weikun vowed to carry through the pretense and nodded, "I want to say that this proposal is very good. Some people who don't deserve to stay in the presbytery should be removed resolutely! Otherwise, the name is not worthy of the truth. What's the use of being a decision maker?" After this sentence was finished loudly and forcefully, he changed his tone and said, "However, we have to distinguish whether these people are really useless. In fact, some babies It is still useful to become a monk. They will enter the stage of transformation sooner or later, so the key is to distinguish this issue..."

Listening to him, Lorry, the emperor finally got annoyed, his face straightened, "Elder Mo, everyone knows these things, don't delay everyone's time! Now I only need a word from you, agree to this proposal, or oppose it! "

For fear that this old idiot made a mistake, Huang Ba reminded again, "I agree to this proposal!"

At this time, Elder Yun of Baihe Tianmen was unwilling to show weakness and said with his arms, "Elder Mo, I oppose this proposal."

In this way, the good old man Mo Weikun could hardly die.

Neither side can offend, what can I do?

Huang Ba's face sank, he picked up the token on his waist and used the decider token to pass a sentence to Mo Weikun, "Elder Mo, isn't your sect elder Xiao Mo just entering the stage of transformation? Then I will Propose him to enter the Presbyterian Church!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he smiled and said, "Elder Mo, pay attention to your token."

"Ah..." Mo Weikun lowered his head and picked up the token to take a look, and his sleepy old eyes suddenly lit up.

Elder Xiao Mo is a descendant of his descendants, he is deeply loved by him, has just entered the stage of transformation, and is now seeking the identity of a decision maker!

Although he is a good old man, but with real interests before his eyes, he decided to obey the interests.

"Well, fellow daoists, if I have to vote..." Elder Mo Weikun made a decision, and his words became more powerful. He continued, "I think the proposal made by the elder Emperor is very reasonable, so I Decide..."

Just as he was about to raise his hand to agree, Elder Heart Lotus of Fallen Leaf City smiled and said, "Elder Mo Weikun, your token seems to be bright again."

The elders present were all fainted. Everyone knew what was going on, but they didn't even break it.

"The token is on again." Mo Weikun looked embarrassed, and he also knew that this was a message sent to him by Elder Heart Lotus.

Huang Ba's expression became even more gloomy. He had already communicated with Elder Xinlian, but he did not expect that Elder Xinlian would stand against him without hesitation today! And still so determined!

He snorted coldly, "Elder Mo, you decide for yourself, don't be influenced by others!"

Elder Xinlian said with a smile, "Elder Mo Weikun, you won't lose a bit if you look at it."

The old slipper decided to take a look, when he picked up the token to take another look.

There is a sentence above.

"Ding Hao is already the outer elder of the mad league, how to decide, you can figure it out!"

"What..." Mo Weikun was so scared that his face changed.

No one at the scene knew what the mad alliance was better than him. In his family's ancestor, there was once a strong man who got the outer token of the mad alliance! After that, he passed two assessments, but he fell down on the last assessment!

But according to the rules of the mad alliance, after passing the two assessments, the descendants can enjoy the blessing!

Therefore, even though his ancestor died in the third assessment, they have been taken care of by the mad alliance since then! It is precisely because of this that their sect can get up from the nameless, and then become one of the eight sects of the Second Heaven!

It can be said that if there is no crazy alliance, there will be no him now, no sect, and no one sitting here now!

He deeply knew that the dignity of the members of the mad alliance and the strength of the mad alliance, how dare he offend the mad alliance?

Even if Ding Hao is only a peripheral member now, even an assessment has not yet been conducted. But who knows how many tests Ding Hao can pass? Passing one assessment, the mad alliance will protect Ding Hao; passing two assessments, the mad alliance will protect its descendants; passing three assessments, Ding Hao will be an official member of the mad alliance!

So Mo Weikun spoke without hesitation, "Everyone, my decision is..."

He glanced across the crowd and said two words, "No!"

"What?" The emperor was so aggressive that he almost rushed to kick this old thing to death.

"The meeting is over!" Huang Ba furiously, waving his big hand, and leaving the meeting place alone.

"Haha, idiot!" Ding Hao and Hong Yi smiled at each other. This time the emperor suffered a big loss. Not only did the proposal fail, but he fired one of the decision makers of his own sect!


"I'm so angry, Mo Weikun, an old thing, really doesn't know what benefit Ye Xinlian has given him?" Huang Ba angrily returned to the hall of Xuanwu Tianmen.

The subordinates of Squirrel Eyes followed up again, "Elder Emperor, Ye Xinlian has Fallen Leaf City in his hands, and various treasures and materials are much more than us. We should not fight with her for financial resources."

Huang Ba said angrily, "What kind of financial resources are you trying to do? It's too late to say anything." He got angry again, slapped the table suddenly, and said angrily, "The most damnable, and let my apprentice quit by himself, really stealing chicken No eclipse!"

While talking, another young man with blond hair walked in and knelt down and said, "Master."

It was Mu Yang, a disciple who voluntarily withdrew from the Presbyterian Church.

Muyang's eyes were full of hatred, and he dismissed the decision maker. It could be said that he made a great sacrifice. But in the end, he turned into a real idiot, and was laughed at by the people of the second heaven. He had already been laughed at by other disciples in the Xuanwu Tianmen just when he left the venue.

Huang Ba sighed, "This time I didn't think carefully. When you enter the stage of transformation, I will find a way to rejoin you as the decision maker."

Mu Yang was ridiculed outside just now. At this moment, he was extremely angry, with gloomy eyes, and said every word, "Master, there is a way for disciples!"

The emperor said strangely, "What can I do, talk about it?"

Mu Yang said, "Ding Hao is really hateful! As soon as I arrived at the Xuanwu Tianmen, it destroyed the sign of my sect and greatly damaged the dignity of my sect! Then he entangled a group of people against the master, and so on, I The influence of the Second Heaven of Xuanwu Tianmen will probably be greatly damaged! So the disciple's meaning is to kill him at all costs and warn all decision-makers!"

Hearing what he said, Huang Ba's face moved, but he hesitated, "But this is not feasible. After all, he has the identity of the decision maker. We can't make a move!"

The thief's subordinate said, "We might as well ask the predecessors of Sanzhongtian to do it."

Huang Ba whispered, "When he was in the early days of his infant transformation, I asked the predecessors of Sanzhongtian to take action. Wouldn't it be laughed at? And it is said that he has a backstage in Sanzhongtian's blood demon sect!"

"This is a bit troublesome."

Mu Yang continued, "Tui'er has a good place. If you kill him in that place, you will be unconscious, even if it is who came, there is no way to find out!"

"Where?" Huang Ba asked in surprise.

Mu Yang smiled, "Just in this sect, it depends on whether Master is willing to take a risk."


Emperor Ba suddenly understood the location.

He couldn't help but hesitate.

The reason why Xuanwu Tianmen is called Xuanwu Tianmen is because they have a great secret!

That's because there is a set of bones of a huge fairy beast "Xuanwu" in Tianmen! This bone forms a bone mountain, lying under the Xuanwu Tianmen sect! Xuanwu Tianmen can develop and grow because of the bone mountain below, this bone mountain, which can be called a treasure house of spiritual power! More powerful than the mineral veins of other people's sects!

And this skeleton has another function, which is suppression!

When someone approaches, the space around him will be suppressed by mysterious forces. This kind of power can cut the space around people piece by piece. You stand among the fragments of space and have no connection with the outside world.

Mu Yang said with a smile, "As long as Ding Hao is introduced into a space and killed, no one will know! There, his decider token will be invalidated, and all his communication items will be invalidated. No one would know if he died! Of course, others might suspect that we killed him, but there is no evidence!"

At this point, Huang Ba's face lit up a little bit.

So far, Muyang's method seems to be the only way!

However, the subordinate of the thief and mouse eye frowned, "But how can we lead him to it? That is the ancestral land, and there is no room for loss. The ancestors ordered no one to enter!"

"I don't care!" Huang Ba sneered, "We will invite all the decision makers to visit the ancestral land, and then Muyang, you are responsible for finding an opportunity to lead Ding Hao away and kill him!"

Mu Yang said with joy, "With my infant's seven-layer cultivation base, it is easy to kill him one by one!"

The frowning monk looked shocked, "No! Invite all the decision makers to visit the ancestral land. What if something big happens?"

Huangba waved his hand and said, "Needless to say, I have decided! Those other decision makers simply turn around and I will bring them out soon. The key is Muyang. Ding Hao must be led away alone!"

If you want a monthly pass, you need a monthly pass, and you can climb one on the Xianxia monthly ticket list with ten tickets, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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