Peerless Immortal

Chapter 882: Five people climbing

Chapter 882 Five climbers

Chapter VIII Five Mountaineering

"All genius disciples, the Star Wars of the Demon Dao, begin today!"

"As the organizer of this war, on behalf of the Seven Love Demon Sect, I welcome everyone!"

Tuolei Dingzun was full of spirits, standing above the square, the Seven Love Demon Sect had a beautiful turn over. He exhaled, and his voice was like Hong Zhong.

"The venue for this battle is located on the top of Mount Qiqing Liuyu! As everyone knows, Mountain Qiqing Liuyu is the holy place of the Demon Dao of the Lower Realm. I don't know how many seniors, in order to protect the honor of my Demon Dao, I sprinkled the whole mountain road with blood! But everyone should know, The Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain is not that easy to climb, especially for the first time climbing, so this is a test for everyone!"

Finally the war has begun, and it is time to climb the true mountain of emotions and desires.

"Have you ever boarded?"


"I heard that it's embarrassing not to be able to board, and it's really embarrassing to roll down many times."

"Haha, I'm okay. I have climbed before. The second time I climbed, it was much better."

The 203 monks all stood at the foot of the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires. By their side, there were also many disciples from other sects who came to watch the battle, as well as disciples from the demon ways of all sides who came to pilgrimage.

Ding Hao and others also stood at the bottom of the mountain, looking up at this stone mountain without grass, a straight mountain road leading to the top of the mountain.

"You haven't climbed the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain, right?" Peng Guan laughed. As the master here, he can take advantage of the time and place.

"What is the name of this mountain of seven emotions and six desires?" Zhang Shasha couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

Peng Guan smiled and said, "You will know then, as someone who has climbed the mountain several times, I will go up first."

Peng Guan was a little frustrated, so he took the first step alone. This mountain road is neither narrow nor wide, and there are five or six people walking together at the same time. There are four others who can take a step with Peng Guan.

When the five of them set foot on it together, Peng Guan's face was startled and he was taken aback for a moment, and then he stepped back.

"Haha, it's funny, it's a shame to go up just one step away."

The other four people didn't react much, and smiled and took the second step.

Ding Hao and others saw Peng Guan retreating, and said strangely, "Brother Peng, haven't you climbed several times? Why don't you dare to climb?"

Peng Guan sneered and said, "Obviously, the control of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain is stronger this time. Don't rush to get on, just wait and see."

While they were chatting, quite a few people had already climbed the stone steps, and hundreds of geniuses and pilgrims were all crowding up the steps. The more upward, the stronger the control of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain, and the slower and slower these climbers go.

After reaching one third, some climbers stopped and stood motionless.

The people behind avoided these stoppers and continued climbing.

But these people continued to walk a few steps, and some of them stopped and stood motionless.

The more you go up, the more people stop.

The number of people going upwards is still increasing, and you can see that the mountain road is very crowded.

At this moment, Peng Guan smiled suddenly, "Here."

Ding Hao and the others looked up and saw a male monk standing on the highest point. Suddenly he stumbled and rolled down the stone steps. On his next level, there are several monks who are motionless. When he was hit, these people also rolled off.

Only in a blink of an eye, the densely packed monks on the steps turned into a trampling accident.

One by one monks thumped and rolled down. Some monks were stuck in the mountain path, and were in a dilemma. They couldn't escape even if they wanted to hide, and they also fell down.

Of course, there are some monks who stand in a better position and are awake, and they have escaped the disaster.

Bang bang bang! In a blink of an eye, a bunch of monks with blue noses and swollen noses appeared on the ground, and all the four people who stepped on with Peng Guan fell off, and the situation was the worst. Only then did they know that Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires is not that easy to climb!

"Big Brother Peng, what is going on?" Leng Xiaoyu came here for the first time, very puzzled.

Peng Guan smiled, "The so-called Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires is a very good place to cultivate the heart. From this mountain, there is a magical power that can make the monks who walk up to the seven emotions and six desires become very strong!"

"Is it a fantasy formation?" Ding Hao asked.

"Just treat it as a phantom array." Peng Guan said again, "Anyway, after you get caught in it, you have to find a way to get out! When you are trapped, another unstable force is suppressing you, accidentally , You can be pushed down the stone steps. Moreover, even if you control yourself, you cannot control others. When you are trapped, you are likely to be tired by others, knocked down, and roll down. The higher you get, the heavier you fall, and many people can't get up after falling a dozen times!"

Zhang Shasha said, "It's interesting, I'll go up and have a look, and strive for a one-time success."

He had a good time to go up, there were few people on the mountain road, and he basically fell back.

Seeing him go up, many people were eager to try, and soon hundreds of people climbed the mountain.

Gradually, Zhang Shasha's pace became slower and slower and began to stop. There were many people behind him. Suddenly, from above him, a cultivator stepped into the air without warning and rolled off.

"I'll kill it!" Fortunately, Zhang Shasha was sober in time and quickly turned around to dodge.

But he just avoided this, and the other person in front of him also rolled down without warning. Now he didn't hide, and shouted, "I will kill your family!" Then he saw a guy with a big sword, like a big windmill, rolling down the mountain road.

He was carrying a long sword, which caused more damage, the monk on the mountain road. Some have avoided this long sword for the first time, and they were all swept down by his long sword, and a piece of land fell on the ground.

Zhang Shasha fell all the way to the foot of the mountain, smashed at the feet of Ding Hao and others, sitting on the ground and cursing, "I will kill, kill your family! Who knocked me off!"

The cultivator who fell over there cursed, "You, sword-backed, you are ashamed to say that I was killed by you."

Seeing Zhang Shasha embarrassed, Ding Hao and others laughed.

This kind of sight appeared twice in a row, all the monks at the foot of the mountain were frightened, and none of them dared to go up. The originally bustling stone steps calmed down.

Even the monks of the Seven Emotions Demon Sect and the Six Dao Demon Sects did not dare to go.

Because the control of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain has become stronger, the other, the large number of monks, has also increased the difficulty invisibly! Be careful yourself and avoid others. If you are trapped in a crowd, it is even harder to hide.

"Why, no one dared to go on, geniuses?" Tuo Lei Dingzun didn't know when he appeared on the platform, his smile was sinister and sinister. Seeing all the geniuses hesitating, he said, "Mengao, set an example for everyone."

He knew that many people were still dissatisfied with this replacement, so he asked Mengao to show off his strength.

"Yes." The handsome and handsome Meng Ao walked out, stretched out a leg without hesitation, and stepped on the first stone steps, "I am also the first time to climb this mountain, but I believe that I will succeed. , A one-time success!"

After he said this, both legs stood on the stone steps.

When he just stood still, one figure flashed, and the other figure stood up.

"It's Li Shaotian!" Many people moved their eyes, "Li Shaotian is indeed the leader among my geniuses in the lower realm, and he has followed suit! He is going for Mengao!"

After Li Shaotian stood still, he looked at Meng Aodao, "I also believe that I can succeed all at once."

In the next second, a young man wearing a bright silver gown with golden dragon horns on his head also walked up, "You are all OK, why can't I be Chai Gaoyang? Count me."

Following that, Tu Bafang, who was pale and gloomy, also walked up.

In a blink of an eye, four people stood on the first stone steps.

These four people are all the big hits who won this championship, all of them are famous geniuses, representing the top of the pyramid of the magic star contest!

"These four people deserve their names, and they deserve to be together!"

"I really want to see them. Who can do it all at once? Who will be the first to reach the peak? And who will be the first to roll down?"

But at this moment, everyone saw that the highly anticipated Meng Ao suddenly turned his head.

"Meng Ao turned his head, look, who is he looking at?"

"Mengao is already very strong, is there anyone else who makes him take it seriously?"

Everyone looked at Mengao in shock, because they felt that these four people already represented the strongest level this time, but Mengao was still looking for it!

Finally, Meng Ao's eyes fell on Ding Hao's face.

"My God, he is watching Ding Hao!"

"Yes, Ding Hao is also a popular figure in the Star of the Demon Dao! Why forgot him?"

"Actually, I think Ding Hao is no longer good enough. Mengao may not be looking at him, but the Black Wind Witch next to him."

Everyone had their own discussions, but Ding Hao knew very well that Meng Ao was watching him.

Meng Ao didn't say anything, his eyes were very provocative, Ding Hao didn't say anything, his heart said that you want to compare, I will compare!

Afterwards, Ding Hao also took a few steps forward and also stood on the first floor.

Five people, five powerhouses, represent the highest level of this magical star, and it is very likely that the final winner will be among them! Their cultivation base is:

Mengao, the infant becomes complete and may enter Huading at any time;

The son of Gao Yang, the baby becomes perfect;

Li Shaotian, the infant becomes nine layers;

Tu Bafang, the infant becomes seven layers, pressing the cultivation base;

Ding Hao, the early stage of the seventh layer of infant change.

Meng Ao looked around, a scornful smile appeared on his face. He did not conceal his contempt for the four people around him.

Li Shaotian said coldly, "Everyone has nothing to say, so let's start."

But at this time, Tu Bafang spoke, arrogantly said, "I have climbed this mountain before, so I will wait for you to walk halfway!" Tu Bafang can say this, it shows that he is also an arrogant person, otherwise he can follow. Walk together.

However, Meng Ao's mood remained unaffected, and he sneered, "A group of monks in the lower realm, I don't know the so-called, you will never be able to keep up with me."

After speaking, he walked up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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