Peerless Immortal

Chapter 930: Happy beast

Chapter 930

Chapter 920

The night of the mountain of emotions and desires, once again.

The door of the quiet room was still closed. Only Jiu Nu and Peng Guan were inside. No one knew what Peng Guan was like now.

Peng Guan's friends, all gathered outside the door at this moment, waiting for the final result.

Peng Guan is a real person, with friends all over the world, all the friends are here, only Ding Hao is missing.

"Ding Hao, every time he disappears, something will happen! I don't know how he is practicing. If his cultivation level doesn't break through the third level, I must beat him when he leaves the barrier." Leng Xiaoyu was fierce. Tao.

In fact, this night, Ding Hao was not at all easy.

Time goes back to the night before.

When the formation of Qiqing Liuyushan was torn, what appeared in front of Ding Hao was a gap that appeared briefly.

This gap does not really exist, but lies in the power of such a huge formation. A gap was torn out in his formation.

Ding Hao entered the gap at that moment.

When he stepped in, the gap behind him disappeared instantly.

In front of him, there is a stone door facing away.

The stone gate is very heavy, with a knocker on each of the two stone gates.

Ding Hao watched from left to right, and there was an empty black area around his body. The only place where he could move forward was the stone gate.

"Regardless of him, come here, go in."

Ding Hao stood in front of Shimen and pushed.


Shimen made a dull sound, and the two stone doors opened at the same time.

"What's behind Shimen?" Ding Hao stood outside the door, looking inside, seeing nothing.

He raised his foot and walked into the stone gate. When he stepped into the threshold, the darkness in front of him suddenly fell.

"Your uncle's, there is nothing!"

Ding Hao discovered that the side of Shimen, like the other side of Shimen, was also dark and vast!

"There is a dark world on both sides of the door. What's the situation?"

Just when Ding Hao was a little surprised by the situation in front of him, a bang came from behind, and Shimen closed.

"It's interesting." Ding Hao didn't panic.

He began to observe the world in front of him. It was an extremely empty world. There was no world, nothing at all, and some were just pitch black and nothing.

"No, this place should be in the belly of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain. The reason why it is so empty should be a certain spatial formation!"

Ding Hao entered the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and he wanted to find the formation in the mountains.

And now, facing him is a dark nihility.

In the boundless darkness, Ding Hao released his mental power, unable to detect the boundary at all.

Suddenly, his eyes condensed.

"What?" He was shocked to find that not far in front of him, in the emptiness, black smoke was gathering.

"Where did it come from?"

The black fog accumulated more and more, and finally formed a black cloud with an area of ​​more than ten miles.

Ding Hao released the Shadow Pirate Shuttle and stood in the void, watching the formation of clouds.

When the black cloud took shape, the clouds could be seen surging and turbulent, and I didn't know what creatures were moving inside. At the same time, there were bursts of low roars from the dark clouds!

Suddenly, a monster of weird shape burst out of the black cloud.

This behemoth is very peculiar. Ding Hao has never seen such a beast before. It has a wolf-like body, sharp claws, and is twice as tall as a normal wolf, but it has a weird square face.

This square face is a bit similar to a human face, but this human face has a beaming expression.

"what's the situation?"

Ding Hao is a bit confusing, the scene here is completely different from his previous guess.

A dark world of nothingness, a group of huge black clouds, one of them burst out, no, it was a group of monsters with smiling faces!

Although these monsters have smiling faces, don't think they are welcoming you.

"Roar!" The monsters came out, they surrounded Ding Hao in groups and formed an attack formation. They roared irritably, waving their paws constantly, as if they were about to attack Ding Hao at any time.

But when these monsters surrounded Ding Hao, Ding Hao's mental power was suddenly infiltrated by a wave of power...

"I understand!"

Ding Hao guessed something almost instantly.

"These monsters can release phantom arrays, and the phantom array I accept is the illusion of joy among the seven emotions and six desires!"

"Could it be that on the stone steps of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, the illusions of happiness felt by the monks are all these monsters?"

If these are confirmed, it is definitely an important discovery in the Great World of Immortal Lian.

For millions of years, how many people have been guessing what is in the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain, and why every monk will receive the illusion of Seven Emotions and Six Desires at the moment of climbing?

Now it seems that these monsters turned out to be the mental power attacks!

"Then these beasts with happy faces should be the happy beasts that give out the illusion of happiness." Ding Hao didn't know how to call these monsters, so he named them the happy beasts.

Xi Beast was obviously not likable. In the next second, a Xi Beast suddenly jumped up and pounced on Ding Hao.

Its speed is faster than when it walked out just now, I don't know how many times it, but in a blink of an eye it came to Ding Hao and waved its paws, "Roar!"

Want to tear Ding Hao into pieces!

But Ding Hao has a Shadow Pirate Shuttle, "This kind of attack wants to kill me, you think too much."

Ding Hao dodges the blow, his body shakes suddenly, and releases the ninety-nine eighty-one sword formations!



The nine-nine sword formation was so powerful that he killed the happy beast with a shot.

When the happy beast was killed, a cloud of smoke dissipated, and in the void, a blue water drop was floating in the air.

"What is it?" Ding Hao stretched out his hand and took a picture. The blue water droplet floated in front of him. Ding Hao clearly felt that there was a strong mental energy fluctuation in the water droplet.

"It should be a good thing." Ding Hao took out a small porcelain bottle and put the water droplets into the bottle.


The water droplets fall into the bottle. The water droplets are not liquid, but solid.

These happy beasts are not stupid. When their companions were beheaded, they began to be cautious.

At this moment, among the dark clouds behind, a low roar suddenly came, "Roar!"

With this roar, hundreds of happy animals began to move along a certain trajectory.

Ding Hao didn't care at first, because this kind of movement is not a formation. But soon, Ding Hao felt that something was wrong, and bursts of powerful mental power attacks began to strike continuously!

"Phantom arrays, all are phantom arrays, what a strong phantom array!"

Ding Hao has experienced countless phantom formations on the stone steps of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, but he has never encountered such a strong, large-scale phantom formed in front of his eyes. The violent fluctuations in the sea of ​​consciousness are beyond his control. .

And more importantly, under the seduce of this kind of illusion, there was a huge undercurrent in the depths of his knowledge of the sea!

"It's a demon!"

Ding Hao was horrified, and these hundreds of happy beasts released mental power attacks at the same time, which could have caused him to create a demon out of thin air! He wants to resist all this, but he can't do anything!


Suddenly those happy beasts all swarmed!

At this moment, Ding Hao's figure disappeared.

Ding Hao hid in the star-absorbing stone.

"A strong mental attack!" Ding Hao sat cross-legged and took the medicine. After a long while, Shihai settled down. If Ding Hao didn't hide in the star-absorbing stone just now, I'm afraid Ding Hao would be controlled by the inner demon!

"The most terrifying thing is that I know I have a demon and I know I will be controlled, but I can't do anything at all!" Ding Hao thought of this, fearing for a while.

"This mental attack is too strong."

Ding Hao rested for a while, then looked out again.

Those happy beasts did not disperse.

They are still surrounding here.

Although the star-absorbing stone has become very small, the mental power of these happy beasts is amazing, and the existence of this foreign body can still be felt.


From the dark clouds, another loud roar came.

Under this roar, the happy beasts who surrounded the star-absorbing stone began to turn again.

They gather together and release a stronger mental power attack, wanting to break through the star-absorbing stone and put the mental power attack into the star-absorbing stone. Unfortunately, the Star Absorbing Stones are Demon Sovereign Relics, their level is too high, even their mental powers can't enter at all.

"Master, let me go out." Lao Ya said.

It has devoured the soul of the real dragon, and it feels good recently, and is about to practice its hands.

But Ding Hao shook his head and said, "No, this is a mental power attack. It's very strong. I am afraid that you will become their puppet right after your mental power is out."

"So strong!" Lao Ya was dumbfounded.

"Very strong." Ding Hao nodded.

"Then what do we do now?"

Ding Hao's gaze shifted to the black cloud behind the hundreds of happy beasts, "The leader of these happy beasts should be in the black cloud. Let's go in and see what the **** is it!"

Powerful mental attack, crazy attack towards the star-absorbing stone.

Without the protection of the Star Absorbing Stone, Ding Hao would be controlled by the heart demon instantly and become a puppet. But with the star-absorbing stone, he was not afraid of these, and directly flew to the black cloud with the star-absorbing stone.

On the way, many happy beasts also tried to stop them.

Boom boom boom!

The star-absorbing stone smashed the happy beasts.

When they are smashed, they will leave behind a small blue particle of varying sizes, like water droplets. Ding Hao accepted all orders, he felt it was a good thing, and put it all in small porcelain bottles.


The roar in the black cloud became crazy, like thunder, obviously, it roared angrily because it couldn't attack Ding Hao.

However, Ding Hao had a star-attracting stone, so he didn't care about it at all and rushed into the black cloud.

Ding Hao was shocked when he entered the dark clouds.

I saw thousands of happy beasts in the dark cloud, and the hundreds that came out to attack him just now were just the tip of the iceberg!

Roar! Shocking roar.

Thousands of happy beasts simultaneously released mental power attacks. These mental powers were too strong and had formed ripples that could be seen by the naked eye, violently attacking the star suction stone.

Ding Hao looked outside and said in shock, "Thanks to the star-attracting stone, otherwise the nine slaves will come, and they will instantly become their puppets. This mental attack is too strong!"

Although strong, but the star-absorbing stone is not afraid.

Ding Hao controlled the star-absorbing stone and slammed into the direction where the roar came from!

(End of this chapter)

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