Peerless Immortal

Chapter 979: Confidence was blown

Chapter 979 Confidence is hit

Chapter 97—Confidence is Shocked

"You will pay for your arrogance!"

In Chai Gaoyang's mouth, anger like a lion roar, decades of resentment, and anger in his chest all exploded at this moment!


He immediately released his world tripod.

As a monk who has transformed into a period of time, it is a huge advantage to release the tripod of the world and let the opponent fight in his own world!

"Dinghua world, dragon and snake world!"

With a loud shout, with Chai Gaoyang's body as the center, all within a radius of five li became Chai Gaoyang's world.

In the world, dragons and snakes are flying!

Mountain dancing dragons and snakes, roaming all over the world!

This is the most basic power of Chai Gaoyang, and also the most basic capital of a cultivator of the Ding Dynasty!

"So strong!" Ding Hao did not hesitate to praise himself, he said, "As a Ding Zun adult who has just entered the stage of transformation, he can have five miles of the world. It is not easy! It is really not easy!"

"Haha!" Chai Gaoyang laughed wildly, "You finally agree with me, you are finally afraid! Ding Hao, if you dare not fight, you will give up at any time, and I will not kill you! I want you to watch me step by step At the peak, you will know that you are small!"

Chai Gaoyang thought Ding Hao was ashamed.

But who knows, after Ding Hao praised Chai Gaoyang, he even said, "Chai Gaoyang, your Dinghua world is very good, but compared with me, it is still far behind!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he patted the back of his head and released his world tripod.

After all, Ding Hao was in the stage of infant change. The World Tripod was not as majestic as Chai Gaoyang's World Tripod, and it did not look so glamorous.

But Ding Hao yelled violently, "Xiao Ding Hua Tiandi, open it for me!"


Amidst the melodious buzzing sound, an invisible force spread out!

Immediately, with Ding Hao as the center, a certain area became Ding Hao's world.

Some people say, you have said, it is an invisible power, so how do others see the space of Ding Hao's small trip?

In fact, this is very simple. When Ding Hao's Little Ding Hua Tiandi opened, all the dragons and snakes around him were pushed away! As long as there is no dragon and snake within the radius, we can know the size of Ding Hao's actual control area.

Seeing Ding Hao's release of Xiao Ding Hua Tian Di, many people said, "Ding Hao's Xiao Ding Hua Tian Di is two miles away! It's so strong!"

You know, the small Dinghua Tiandi released by the Ice and Snow Demon before has a radius of up to 500 meters; Chai Gaoyang's small Dinghua Tiandi released during the infant transition period has a radius of up to 800 meters!

And the small Dinghua Tiandi released by Ding Hao was two miles, or one thousand meters!

"That said, Ding Hao's aptitude is so strong!"

"It's not that he has strong qualifications, it's better to be the world leader he refined!"

"That also shows that his aptitude is strong!"

In the stands, many monks couldn't help whispering.

In fact, Chai Gaoyang was also very surprised. He stared and said, "Impossible! I used Xiaodinghua Tiandi when the baby became a great consummation, and the radius was at most 800 meters. It was impossible to stretch it anymore. Why can you reach it? One thousand meters? How did you do it?"

Ding Hao sneered, "Because my qualifications are better than you, the world of refining will surpass you! When I enter the stage of transformation, my world of Dinghua will definitely be more than five miles around! You think that a radius of five miles is very powerful. Huh? Look at me then!"

"Impossible, impossible, your aptitude is absolutely impossible to surpass mine, what kind of blindfold you should use!" Chai Gaoyang definitely does not admit that Ding Hao's aptitude is better than him.

Ding Hao responded to him with hard facts.

"Chai Gaoyang, you stole Liposha from my Kyushu Demon Sect. If I didn’t make a mistake in the investigation, it should be one and a half catty! You know how much I used, I used two catties!! You dare to say now, you Is your aptitude better than me?"


Chai Gaoyang was shocked when Ding Hao uttered the two-jin number, and Meng Ao, who was sitting in the stands, was also shocked.

In the ancient method of refining the cauldron, the amount of Liposha used is very important. The more you use, the better your qualifications, and the better the world cauldron you refine. Ding Hao used more Liposha, and his aptitude was even more excellent. Meng Ao used a catty two or two at the beginning, and he was already a good genius in the Five Elements Demon Sect.

"How is it possible? How could Ding Hao and he even use two kilograms of Lipo sand?" Meng Ao's face was pale in shock, and at this moment, he felt again that perhaps he should not underestimate the geniuses of the lower realm.

Beside him, a blonde Liu Zhenren smiled slightly, "Meng Ao, you are too nervous. This Ding Hao is in front of everyone, of course he has to brag!"

"That's it..." Although the master said so, Meng Ao still shook his head, "But he said, Gao Yang Shengzi also used a catty and a half! And the small Dinghua world they released is indeed larger than mine. Big!"

Liu Zhenren sneered, "That's because everyone has different methods of making tripods. They use the most primitive ancient method of making tripods, and you use the modern Nineth Heaven's senior master modified the method of making tripods. Dharma! They are all called ancient methods of making tripods, and there are still some gaps. Don’t you think your little Dinghua heaven and earth are more solid than them? Their small Dinghua heaven and earth are larger in scope, and yours is more solid. There are advantages, no need to compare."

"Okay." Meng Ao breathed a sigh of relief.

He is a taller nine-layered child, and the Lipesha that he actually uses is not as good as Ding Hao and Chai Gaoyang, which is something he is worried about.

Looking at the competition field again, Chai Gaoyang's confidence was hit again.

"I really used a catty and a half of Lipesha. Did you really use two catties? It's impossible, you lied!" Chai Gaoyang screamed, "Ding Hao, you want to use this method to hit me. Confidence, you can’t do it! Don’t think that I don’t know that the news that you don’t need the Tower of Purgatory for the Five Days is from you! Now you are using the amount of Liposha to blow my confidence! Again, repeatedly attacking my confidence in this way, I tell you, you are simply wishful thinking! I, Chai Gaoyang, is no longer the third person who bullied me! You want to blow my confidence, no way! "

When Chai Gaoyang said this, Ding Hao had to look at him with admiration.

He had guessed it!

Ding Hao's method was to beat Chai Gaoyang's confidence, because Chai Gaoyang was originally a very fragile person, and he would doubt himself after suffering a setback.

But Chai Gaoyang really grew up, he could see Ding Hao's tricks at a glance.

"Ding Hao, would you only use these despicable little tricks?" Chai Gaoyang's eyes were full of triumph.

Ding Hao’s strategy was seen through, and he didn’t bother too much. He said coldly, “I just want to hit your confidence, yes! But I also have my own strength to hit your confidence, just say that this is a great world. , My control area has not been fully released yet!"

"What? The scope of Ding Hao's Little Dinghua Heaven and Earth can be bigger!" All the spectators outside were shocked and stuck out their tongues.

In their shocked eyes, they could see the thousands of dragons and snakes surrounding Ding Hao being pushed away again!

"One thousand and one hundred meters!"

"One thousand two hundred meters!"

"One thousand three hundred meters!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone was shocked. At this time, not only Chai Gaoyang and Meng Ao's confidence were greatly frustrated, even the various monks present were almost astonished to fall off the mat.

"Ding Hao's small Dinghua Tiandi can reach 1,300 meters, nearly three miles in radius! Then after he is promoted to Huading, wouldn't his Dinghua Tiandi be at least ten miles in one go!"

"My goodness, Chai Gaoyang Huading is only five miles around on the first floor, only half of Ding Hao's!"

"In this way, Ding Hao's aptitude is really double that of Gao Yang Shengzi, he is a true genius!"

Amidst the exclamation outside, Ding Hao's friends couldn't understand either.

The black egg of the infant transformation stage smiled bitterly, "I am also the infant transformation stage. I have never heard of Xiaodinghua Tiandi before. Ding Hao, they are all true geniuses. They can use Xiaodinghua during the infant transformation period. Tiandi! What's even more outrageous is that his Xiaodinghua Tiandi is still so big! If I want to kill him, even if a hundred of me enter his Xiaodinghua Tiandi, there will be no return! Far away, even though he and I are both infantile stages, our strength is simply the difference between heaven and earth!"

Single-eyelid annoyed, "So we still have to work hard to cultivate, alas, I am in the early stage of the infant transformation, ah, ah, I can't keep up gradually, I will be eliminated!"

The black egg said, "Everyone must cheer."

At this moment, no one was more shocked than Chai Gaoyang.

Although he knew that Ding Hao was hitting his confidence, he was still hit by Ding Hao's performance.

Ding Hao is no longer a conspiracy, this is a conspiracy, this is crushing with strength.

I am stronger than you, better than your qualifications, better than your world leader, I just want to hit your fragile heart!

Once, Chai Gaoyang thought he was using the ancient method of making a tripod, and he used a pound and a half of Lipesha. He thought he was very strong. But people are more popular than others, Ding Hao is much better than him!

But at this moment, there was a voice in his mind.

"Child, I am awake."

"Ding Hao is deliberately attacking your self-confidence. He is very mean and cunning. He can see your weakness at a glance!"

"Haha, how far a monk can go, qualification is not the most important thing! When a monk embarks on the path of cultivation, qualification is very important at the beginning, but the more you develop, the importance of qualification gradually weakens !"

"It’s not that important to spend a few kilos of Liposha, nor does it matter how large a range of Dinghua Tiandi is. The most important thing is Dao Xin, strength, and living longer! I have seen too many talented people. , But I am the only one who has lived until now!"

Hearing the comfort of Big Brother, Chai Gaoyang's heart opened up a lot, and he nodded and said, "Big Brother, I was wrong again. Thanks to you waking up, otherwise I will be fooled by him again."

The big brother smiled and said, "It's good if you know that you are wrong. Now don't care about the size of Dinghua Heaven and Earth, shoot and defeat him!"


(End of this chapter)

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